The thing is Windows 10 doesn't offer that much more than Windows 7 did in terms of OS features. In fact they are now playing catch up with Linux desktops for a lot of things such as DPI scaling and multi desktop support and file manager features and things just working out of the box.
And they still haven't implemented a proper software repository system where you can add links to other services to a unified software updater, it's fucking stupid that each individual piece of software has to have it's own updater unless you want to make a crappy UWP app and serve it on Microsoft's servers.
One of the main reasons when building a computer for anyone who knows nothing about computers, I don't touch Windows with a stick, being able to press update and have the entire system updated in one click is so much easier, you can even SSH in and do it for them.
Microsoft really needs to start doing worthwhile stuff with Windows, replacing NTFS with a better filesystem might be a start especially in their server OS, EXT3/4 kicks it's ass so bad it's not even funny.
They have already lost mobile through stupidity.
Windows 10 is not a bad OS, it's not a good one either, when you have to fiddle with it to stop it phoning home all the time and spending hours trying to solve problems that should not exist it's ending up being where Linux was 5 years ago.
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