Well, after 5 million pirated copies you did not expect this to sell huge, did you ?
That would happen only if it was xbox 360 exclusive
Fable 2 that is exlusive sold 4 million !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is 4 times what Witcher 2 sold on PC, because piracy on xbox is minimal and people buy games and dont pirate them only
Also you compare a month sales to the sales after 1.5 year on PC ?
To put it in perspective, Witcher 2 has already done 30% of PC sales in a few DAYS on xbox 360, so will probably surpass PC sales by millions eventually
I love how you destroy your argument in your own post, W2 had a good start on PC but the sales afterwards were ABYSMAL, while on consoles will keep selling huge, especially in holidays and there are not 100.000.000 pirates waiting to get it free like on PC
And usually Vgchartz is way off, Witcher 2 was top in the NPD list, so the numbers would be much higher, even for the few days it is on the market
BTW, the only sure way to sell 5-6 million copies, is to make Witcher 3 an xbox 360 exclusive like Fable, which i guess they will do
Why support the 5 million pirates that stole their game on PC ? What is the point ?
5 million? It wasn't even pirated more than 3 million, and we don't know if it even reached 1 or 2 million at that.
Haven't had a good exclusive in so long you forgot how poorly they sell if they're not Gears/Halo. So sad.
Piracy is pretty bad on 360 as well. It's even worse than Wii's numbers and that's even easier to pirate with, and has a larger install base. Fable 2 is also older so...yeah. Also sales isn't an indication of quality. It was also included with 360s at the time no? That's why it even has 4 million sales. Probably wouldn't even have broken 1 million without it.
Witcher 2 was better received critically and more than likely brought in a bigger profit for the developers because console games cost so much to make and rarely see profit if at all.
PC games have legs, as in they sell over time. They aren't like console games where they sell at launch, but everyone forgets it the week later.
The Witcher 2 360 only reached 6th. The sales will go nowhere but south from here.
Because having Alan Wake 360 exclusive and only selling 200k copies was such a good idea right? CDP isn't stupid. They know the future is with PC. You can't get sales on consoles if it isn't an FPS, and even then you can't get profits.
Why support the 10 people who bought it for 360? What's the point in that? Hell, even the PC pirates were calling on each other to support CDPR because of how great of a PC developer they are, because THEY GET IT.
I think your a little off on judging all consoles by saying you can only get sales with an FPS. Arkham city sold very well and sold far better on consoles, Dark souls also sould over 1.2 million copies. Although alot of trash sells on consoles the pc is no better.
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