I love this game, I really do, 50 hours in, so don't come at me with "only gameplay matters". I know it, but I just can't overlook how awful UI is.
It's no secret that Witcher 3 was made with consoles in mind. The lack of key shortcuts for M/K in this game is just outstanding.
So let's start.
1. WHY DO I NEED TO OPEN INVENTORY FOR EVERYTHING. I need to open it to apply potion, oil, chose a grenade, read a book or a letter, that is, FOR EVERYTHING.
There are only 2 slots for potions. The same slots are shared with using food, too. You need to heal ? Open inventory, chose a food, drag food to a potion slot, replace potion with food, close the inventory, use the button to consume food, open inventory, drag the potion back to the slot. ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME. Who designed this shit ?
You need to heal, you have many food but only in quantity of one item per each type. Bad luck, sir, you will open and close your inventory by 2 pieces of food at a time. Amazing, right ?
Potions itself share the inventory space with book and letters. So good luck finding them quick enough. You need to hover you mouse over every potion to see what it does, because their only visible difference is by color. Unless you have photographic memory you will have a bad time.
Even Skyrim vanilla had a quick access menu. Some sort of quick navigational menu would do the trick.
To open an inventory takes 5sec of your time with a controller. You need to invoke a menu with start and navigate to the inventory tab. And you will be opening inventory a LOT, to say it mildly.
2. You can not read the books and letters when you pick them like in other games. Again, you need to open inventory. At least, unread letters are highlighted with a star, but not books. So good luck finding a book you have just picked up among those you have already read.
3. No bloody compass for a minimap. I mean, putting SNWE would suffice, but no, you need to open a map constantly which takes 2 seconds to load even on PC to check where you are now. Besides on a controller is a double action of pressing start plus choosing world map in the menu. Really f*cked up honestly.
4. In the world map, no option to trace the path for a custom marker. So using a horse to travel to the assigned custom marker on a map is completely impractical.
5. Only assigning the quest as a main one is traceable. No f*cking hints where to go. You only see puzzle marks on the map. The thing making a quest traceable makes it too easy and kinda removes the excitement of discovery I want to use my own senses to orient myself in the world. I want NPC telling me where to go exactly like "you go north, then west etc.". I do not want to use markers to track my quests, but they are unavoidable, as NPCs usually don't give any clues how to get to the place in question. Either you discover it by yourself with random wandering arround or use a mission marker which basically highlights everything for you like in GTA.
6. Using the controller in playing gwent is quite glitchy on PC. Sometimes it just stops navigating between cards horizontally, not allowing you to chose the card you need. Only unpluging and plugging the controller or switching to the keyboard helps.
7. I don't need to know that I used a K/M control scheme every time I use a quick save key on my keyboard while playing with a controller. And the same size f*cking huge notification pops up again when you return to using the controller. WTF.
8. Oh yeh, picking items too. No way to highlight the container you need to open. In order to get to the right one, you will have to open them all and fill your inventory with trash items.
In short, UI sucks with M/K and sucks with a controller, only thing that makes it slightly better is using both, but by using both I can't get too far from my pc in order to play W3 from my couch. My ass is already hurting me for playing it with M/K and a controller at once.
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