As you probably all know, the xboxone has more cpu power available than the ps4. 18- 25 % in total to be exact. 9.375 base overclock + a 7 th core unlock for gaming (both systems designated 6 cores for gaming). That 7th core is only 50-80 percent available (that 30 percent is for kinect voice commands), If devs are able to harness that extra 30 percent on that 7th core isn't sure, but the xboxone has 18 percent more cpu power at least and it shows.
It shows again in the witcher 3 , the xboxone has clearly a performance advantage which was already seen before the patch, and even more after.
From on the latest patch
In terms of direct platform-to-platform comparisons on patch 1.03, PS4 and Xbox One are both capped to 30fps now, but Microsoft's console does hold a steadier line on balance. In almost every segment of gameplay tested, the performance overhead on Xbox One prior to the patch now translates to a confident 30fps cap - and with far fewer stutters below. It's possible further optimisation on the Sony release could bring it up to speed, but for now Xbox One enjoys a noticeable advantage in terms of overall consistency.
It's an advantage also seen in The Witcher 3's in-engine cut-scenes. As before, PS4 automatically locks to the 20fps line at any sign of dropping below 30fps. By comparison Xbox One lurks at the 25fps mid-point, freely updating with frames as and when they become available. The net result is that PS4 typically runs at a slower, more sluggish rate in every scene tested
On balance, it's an improvement on both sides but Xbox One owners have a bigger reason to celebrate this update. Though it struggles to match the clarity of PS4's native 1920x1080 output, the 30fps cap is better adjusted for Microsoft's platform in practice, with fewer stutters during play giving it a tangible performance advantage.
As for project cars, project cars has weak ai and most of the physics are done on the gpu, making this game not very cpu intensive, hence the ps4 has the edge in this game. Good for car game lovers but the stage has been set, project cars is going to be the execption that confirms the rule, games will become more cpu intensive, like the last 8 months have clearly showed us and with dx12 the x1 is simply going to wipe the floor with the ps4, since it's going to be able to match the resolution with better performance.
Most ps4 owners didn't see this coming and for that I must warn my fellow gamers...

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