Here is the fact of the matter and how it all really breaks down, 1080p is a 44% higher resolution than 900p, coincidentally 44% is roughly the GPU disparity between the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
If both consoles had the same 1.6Ghz CPU frequency and 6 cores running with the Xbox One version of a game at 900p and the PlayStation 4 version of the game running at 1080p, they should essentially run with identical performance with the same internal rendering/graphical settings. However the Xbox One runs its CPU at 1.75Ghz, it can also make use of its 7th CPU core, that of which the PlayStation 4 is incapable...
So what does that mean? Just going by technical specifications alone, if the Xbox One is running a game at 900p and the same game is 1080p on the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One version will theoretically always outperform the PlayStation 4 version in raw performance if the game is properly optimized for each platform.
The Witcher 3 is a spot on example of this happening, also a game running at 1080p on the PlayStation 4 and 720p on the Xbox One should not be a thing that ever happens as 1920x1080 is a 125% higher resolution than 1280x720. Is the PlayStation 4 125% more powerful than the Xbox One? Absolutely fucking not... It's a clear sign that the developer did not care to optimize their game on the Xbox One and hold a development bias for the PlayStation 4, *cough* Konami *cough* Ground Zeros *cough* PES 2015...
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