Those reviews made me laugh so hard... lol.
any way. sonic games now have a reputation for being glitchy, unpolished, poorly designed and bewilderingly difficult. It's a reputation they earned themselves through YEARS of self mutilation.
I don't mind difficult games. but, the factis that 3dsonic games rely more on luck and patience more than anything else. ie, no actual skill involved in how you play at speed.
With the originals, you ENJOYED playing and if you died, it was 8/10 because YOU failed. not a failure of design. true, they still had their bottomless pits and the Labyrinth zones. but I remember those games were always fun and often get replayed now by millions of sonic fans awaiting a true return to glory.
but the sad truth is, with no Yuji Naka, and Sonic Team (in name only... if you ask me the real sonic team, the ones that created Sonic, NiGHTS, Burning Rangers and PSO are all working elsewhere.) content to continue dishing out franchise sequals with the regularity of bowel movements, things aren't gonna change. It's a crying shame that the best game Sonic has appeared in on a home console was on wii in Smash bros. brawl.
You cansay I'm on a sonic bashing bandwagonif you like... I don't care.But,I grew up withSonic, those games are among my all time favorites.I would love it if there was a new game on a home console that DIDN'T turn into a blindingbug fest. that entertained as sonic should, that played like sonic should.
Sonicwas a 2dinventionthat just clearly doesn't work in true 3d.
I only hope that this Sonic 2010 is gonna be the return of the speed king in 2D thattrue Sonic fanshave cravedfor years.
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