Woah, Sonic 06 is THAT horrible?

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#151 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

Those reviews made me laugh so hard... lol.

any way. sonic games now have a reputation for being glitchy, unpolished, poorly designed and bewilderingly difficult. It's a reputation they earned themselves through YEARS of self mutilation.

I don't mind difficult games. but, the factis that 3dsonic games rely more on luck and patience more than anything else. ie, no actual skill involved in how you play at speed.

With the originals, you ENJOYED playing and if you died, it was 8/10 because YOU failed. not a failure of design. true, they still had their bottomless pits and the Labyrinth zones. but I remember those games were always fun and often get replayed now by millions of sonic fans awaiting a true return to glory.

but the sad truth is, with no Yuji Naka, and Sonic Team (in name only... if you ask me the real sonic team, the ones that created Sonic, NiGHTS, Burning Rangers and PSO are all working elsewhere.) content to continue dishing out franchise sequals with the regularity of bowel movements, things aren't gonna change. It's a crying shame that the best game Sonic has appeared in on a home console was on wii in Smash bros. brawl.

You cansay I'm on a sonic bashing bandwagonif you like... I don't care.But,I grew up withSonic, those games are among my all time favorites.I would love it if there was a new game on a home console that DIDN'T turn into a blindingbug fest. that entertained as sonic should, that played like sonic should.

Sonicwas a 2dinventionthat just clearly doesn't work in true 3d.

I only hope that this Sonic 2010 is gonna be the return of the speed king in 2D thattrue Sonic fanshave cravedfor years.

So the games are hard yet require no skill? -_-
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#152 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

I did not play this game, nor did I finish watching this review. But damn! This is the worst reviewer I've ever listened to. srsly.

It's funny how he's sitting there complaining about how annoying the voice acting is when he much much worse.

I know right. If the TC linked me to FTCR or HFC, I would see his/her point much more cleary. The so called "review" the TC posted makes me think he/she hasn't even played let alone know how it plays.

Why should I waste my precious money on garbage? Seriously, I'm trying to ignore you, but you're really annoying

If I annoy you so much, why'd you even post here knowing damn well I'd probably see it and...."discuss" the content of your OP. Seriously though, the fact that you still refuse to at least try the game wither it be renting, borrowing, etc. makes your so called "points" void. I can understand you not wanting to buy what you consider garbage. You don't like 06 and I can respect that. What I won't stand for is to sit here and have you attack me just because I like the game and you don't. That's disrespectful and I should not have to tolerate such behavior from someone who hasn't even played the game.
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#153 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts


When you compare the quality of Sonic titles now, and compare then to the original Sonic titles on the Genesis and the DS Sonic games, it's easy to see how terrible the recent games are. I have tried Sonic 06, I tried Sonic Unleashed, I tried Secret Rings and Black Night. I wanted to like those games because I have loved Sonic from the very beginning. I couldn't. Either the framerate was terrible, or the gameplay was repetitive, or broken.

Now, I can already hear your argument: I didn't give it enough chance, I'm predisposed to hate Sonic because I'm following the masses in my opinions, blah, blah. I played the games and made my own decisions. You have your own opinion, and that's well and good, but when you blindly argue without offering substantive information. Good luck with that.

I do give you substantive information that happens to be about how the actually plays, not how someone thinks it does. What kills me is that 2D Sonic games share a lot of so called "bad level design" and never get called out. Sonic 3 and Sonic Rush both suck by these ridiculous standards you people set. Sonic 3 has the barrel incident and Sonic Rush requires you to predict the future if you expect not to fall and die. Since trial and error is considered so taboo, these games should be considered bad. Not to say I agree with that but the "quality" Sonic games share the same problems as the 3D ones.

The barrel incident is one mistake in an overall great game. True that Sonic Rush has those blind areas that require a bit of trial and error but that again is one flaw, rather than a host of flaws.

The information I have is also about how that games play, so I'd appreciate not having my opinions dismissed out of hand because they are not the same as yours.

1. 3D sonic in general doesn't suffer from a host of flaws. That mainly applies to 06 and imo SR though I do respect that you admitted to the 2d games having flaws. My main point was that those games had flaws as well and if you were to view them as harsh as the 3d games, they aren't really good games. I don't believe that but I got more frustrated at the level design in Rush than I ever did in 06. SR probably had some of the worst design of the 3d games. Most people just say 3d Sonic sucks and start overhyping the old games like they're the best thing since sliced bread. 2. Well now you know how I feel. Seeing the TC dodge everyone of my points, spamming the so called make that 06 is garbage, and disvalueing my opnion along with insulting my taste in games is someone I can't stand. Then to have other users here join in the blind ignorance and disrespect; that's intolerable. I just thought that, considering how you ended your other post, that you wouldn't mind being treated the same way you do others.
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#154 SpinoRaptor24
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Yes. It had a horrible camera and controls.


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#155 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts

I agree on this one. Sonic 06 was probably the biggest emarassment for Sonic. Probably the worst game he has been in.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were good, Heroes was decent. Shadow the hedgehog, with a few tweaks, COULD have been good, but unfortunately, it was rushed and resulted in being crap.

However, Unleashed is in the right direction. But seriosuly, how the hell can GS give the game a 3.5, and give Sonic 06 a higher score? What's even more stupid is that they gave the Wii version a 7.0?

Maybe the Wii version IS better, all other sites gave the Wii version a higher score as well

U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.
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#156 chocolate1325
Member since 2006 • 33007 Posts

Sonic games in 2D are very good games because they are fun and have hardly any flaws. I will admit Sonic 1,2 and 3 as well as Sonic CD do have small flaws but not anywhere near the problems that disaster of a game Sonic 2006 has.

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#157 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

I agree on this one. Sonic 06 was probably the biggest emarassment for Sonic. Probably the worst game he has been in.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were good, Heroes was decent. Shadow the hedgehog, with a few tweaks, COULD have been good, but unfortunately, it was rushed and resulted in being crap.

However, Unleashed is in the right direction. But seriosuly, how the hell can GS give the game a 3.5, and give Sonic 06 a higher score? What's even more stupid is that they gave the Wii version a 7.0?

Maybe the Wii version IS better, all other sites gave the Wii version a higher score as well

U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.

Thank god, someone with sense. Quoted for truth. Bison approved, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ALwKeSEYs
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#158 deactivated-5b78379493e12
Member since 2005 • 15625 Posts


I agree on this one. Sonic 06 was probably the biggest emarassment for Sonic. Probably the worst game he has been in.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were good, Heroes was decent. Shadow the hedgehog, with a few tweaks, COULD have been good, but unfortunately, it was rushed and resulted in being crap.

However, Unleashed is in the right direction. But seriosuly, how the hell can GS give the game a 3.5, and give Sonic 06 a higher score? What's even more stupid is that they gave the Wii version a 7.0?


Maybe the Wii version IS better, all other sites gave the Wii version a higher score as well

U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.

Please respect the fact that one could not have played Sonic, but still have a well informed opinion about other games. Don't assume. Yes we all have our own opinions, but some support theirs better than others.

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#159 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

[QUOTE="blazingneo32089"][QUOTE="Pices"] Maybe the Wii version IS better, all other sites gave the Wii version a higher score as welljimkabrhel

U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.

Please respect the fact that one could not have played Sonic, but still have a well informed opinion about other games. Don't assume. Yes we all have our own opinions, but some support theirs better than others.

I see your point but since this is about Sonic, it would help to have a well informed opnion about those games. Besides, BN isn't assuming anything. You can tell by Pices post that he/she is joking or is a review follower. It's not hard to figure out.
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#160 deactivated-5b78379493e12
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[QUOTE="blazingneo32089"] U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.sonicthemegaman

Please respect the fact that one could not have played Sonic, but still have a well informed opinion about other games. Don't assume. Yes we all have our own opinions, but some support theirs better than others.

I see your point but since this is about Sonic, it would help to have a well informed opnion about those games. Besides, BN isn't assuming anything. You can tell by Pices post that he/she is joking or is a review follower. It's not hard to figure out.

If you look at his reviews, it's pretty clear he's played Metroid.

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#161 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts


Please respect the fact that one could not have played Sonic, but still have a well informed opinion about other games. Don't assume. Yes we all have our own opinions, but some support theirs better than others.

I see your point but since this is about Sonic, it would help to have a well informed opnion about those games. Besides, BN isn't assuming anything. You can tell by Pices post that he/she is joking or is a review follower. It's not hard to figure out.

If you look at his reviews, it's pretty clear he's played Metroid.

Yeah but he didn't play Sonic and he disrespects people who don't like Metroid like he does. He's blindly argueing about a game he knows nothing about and bashing people with different opnions. What he says shouldn't even be taken seriously because of this.
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#162 Pices
Member since 2005 • 3910 Posts

I agree on this one. Sonic 06 was probably the biggest emarassment for Sonic. Probably the worst game he has been in.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were good, Heroes was decent. Shadow the hedgehog, with a few tweaks, COULD have been good, but unfortunately, it was rushed and resulted in being crap.

However, Unleashed is in the right direction. But seriosuly, how the hell can GS give the game a 3.5, and give Sonic 06 a higher score? What's even more stupid is that they gave the Wii version a 7.0?

Maybe the Wii version IS better, all other sites gave the Wii version a higher score as well

U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.

* I have the Wii version of Unleashed, Metroid Prime Trilogy and I did not play Sonic 06. The problem is that I can't rent this game, my country doesn't have this policy. I can pay from some auction site but IT IS NOT WORTH IT
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#163 Pices
Member since 2005 • 3910 Posts

I see your point but since this is about Sonic, it would help to have a well informed opnion about those games. Besides, BN isn't assuming anything. You can tell by Pices post that he/she is joking or is a review follower. It's not hard to figure out.sonicthemegaman

If you look at his reviews, it's pretty clear he's played Metroid.

Yeah but he didn't play Sonic and he disrespects people who don't like Metroid like he does. He's blindly argueing about a game he knows nothing about and bashing people with different opnions. What he says shouldn't even be taken seriously because of this.

tHATS IT, you seriously expecting me to buy the game and make a video review of me playing it just because some random online "annoyer" like you kept on telling me that I can't judge it. Fine
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#164 San_09
Member since 2009 • 1206 Posts


I agree on this one. Sonic 06 was probably the biggest emarassment for Sonic. Probably the worst game he has been in.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were good, Heroes was decent. Shadow the hedgehog, with a few tweaks, COULD have been good, but unfortunately, it was rushed and resulted in being crap.

However, Unleashed is in the right direction. But seriosuly, how the hell can GS give the game a 3.5, and give Sonic 06 a higher score? What's even more stupid is that they gave the Wii version a 7.0?


Maybe the Wii version IS better, all other sites gave the Wii version a higher score as well

U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.

Umm, are you talking to me, or Pices? If you are talking to me, then I have played Unleased a bit of Sonic 06 and definitely Metroid Prime. Unleashed was better than Sonic 06, no argument.

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#165 Odnomiar
Member since 2004 • 1070 Posts


Those reviews made me laugh so hard... lol.

any way. sonic games now have a reputation for being glitchy, unpolished, poorly designed and bewilderingly difficult. It's a reputation they earned themselves through YEARS of self mutilation.

I don't mind difficult games. but, the factis that 3d sonic games rely more on luck and patience more than anything else. ie, no actual skill involved in how you play at speed.

With the originals, you ENJOYED playing and if you died, it was 8/10 because YOU failed. not a failure of design. true, they still had their bottomless pits and the Labyrinth zones. but I remember those games were always fun and often get replayed now by millions of sonic fans awaiting a true return to glory.

but the sad truth is, with no Yuji Naka, and Sonic Team (in name only... if you ask me the real sonic team, the ones that created Sonic, NiGHTS, Burning Rangers and PSO are all working elsewhere.) content to continue dishing out franchise sequals with the regularity of bowel movements, things aren't gonna change. It's a crying shame that the best game Sonic has appeared in on a home console was on wii in Smash bros. brawl.

You cansay I'm on a sonic bashing bandwagonif you like... I don't care.But,I grew up withSonic, those games are among my all time favorites. I would love it if there was a new game on a home console that DIDN'T turn into a blinding bug fest. that entertained as sonic should, that played like sonic should.

Sonicwas a 2dinvention that just clearly doesn't work in true 3d.

I only hope that this Sonic 2010 is gonna be the return of the speed king in 2D that true Sonic fanshave craved for years.


So the games are hard yet require no skill? -_-

I'm basically saying, as clearly you didin't understand my point, that playing Sonic games of late is difficult not bydesign, but by poor design. You can't deny it. how often have you died in... ummm... let's say... Sonic Heroes, due to a camera that won't behave, or falling through scenery or backgrounds. I don't mind losing lives in games, so long as I feel that it's my fault. the fact is, ALLSonic games after the DC play exactly like this.

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#166 Darth_DuMas
Member since 2006 • 2687 Posts

I lol'd especially at the second part.

It's true though, I think Sonic 2 was the last good Sonic game that I played. Although I hear the PSP and DS ones are still good.

EDIT: Watching some of this guys videos, he's funny :lol:.

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#167 blazingneo32089
Member since 2009 • 630 Posts
[QUOTE="blazingneo32089"][QUOTE="Pices"] Maybe the Wii version IS better, all other sites gave the Wii version a higher score as wellPices
U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.

* I have the Wii version of Unleashed, Metroid Prime Trilogy and I did not play Sonic 06. The problem is that I can't rent this game, my country doesn't have this policy. I can pay from some auction site but IT IS NOT WORTH IT

My point was to respect other peoples opinions like sonicthemegaman. I respect that u enjoy the Wii version of Unleashed. Please respect that sonicthemegaman doesn't like Metroid Prime. I don't know about u but me and sonicthemegaman decide to try games ourselves. Not based on critic ratings.
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#168 chocolate1325
Member since 2006 • 33007 Posts

[QUOTE="Pices"][QUOTE="blazingneo32089"] U obviously didn't play Unleashed nor '06. Not even Metroid Prime. U r agreeing with critics about a game u never played. Please respect other people's opinions. Beleive me, in my opinion, I got bored with Metroid Prime and I got Sonic '06 for 10 bucks and I had some fun. Its not great but I find it fun. Please respect THAT. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critic's reviews are opinions as well as player's reviews. U can agree or disagree but please know that they are not 100% facts. They are opinions. No one has to like a game because critics gave it a perfect score nor vice versa. Play the game urself and see what u think.blazingneo32089
* I have the Wii version of Unleashed, Metroid Prime Trilogy and I did not play Sonic 06. The problem is that I can't rent this game, my country doesn't have this policy. I can pay from some auction site but IT IS NOT WORTH IT

My point was to respect other peoples opinions like sonicthemegaman. I respect that u enjoy the Wii version of Unleashed. Please respect that sonicthemegaman doesn't like Metroid Prime. I don't know about u but me and sonicthemegaman decide to try games ourselves. Not based on critic ratings.

I do respect peoples opinions but not to say I agree with them but they need to back up their arguement by doing so. I mean I felt Unleashed had its good parts but its bad parts too. I have Metroid Prime and its simply awesome in my opinion but not everyone likes it and if some people like Sonic 2006 fair play to them but thats why we have forums like this.

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#169 madsnakehhh
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He simply repeats that it's his opinion. For actual facts as to why you and me should like the game, he comes empty-handed.


If your talking about the same guy i'm thinking, then, he also said that SMG gameplay is broken (or something like that)

I never used the word "broken" in the same sentence as SMG. More proof you guys need to read more.

No, it only proves that i don't remember everything that is written in SW :P, in fact, that's what i said,then again, i remember that you were saying thatwhat you think about Sonic games was only your opinion, then you criticed SMGgameplay or controller (like i said i don't remember) with "facts".

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#170 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts


If you look at his reviews, it's pretty clear he's played Metroid.


Yeah but he didn't play Sonic and he disrespects people who don't like Metroid like he does. He's blindly argueing about a game he knows nothing about and bashing people with different opnions. What he says shouldn't even be taken seriously because of this.

tHATS IT, you seriously expecting me to buy the game and make a video review of me playing it just because some random online "annoyer" like you kept on telling me that I can't judge it. Fine

Well you better because you can't judge a game you've never played.

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#171 deactivated-5b78379493e12
Member since 2005 • 15625 Posts

[QUOTE="Pices"][QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"] Yeah but he didn't play Sonic and he disrespects people who don't like Metroid like he does. He's blindly argueing about a game he knows nothing about and bashing people with different opnions. What he says shouldn't even be taken seriously because of this.sonicthemegaman

tHATS IT, you seriously expecting me to buy the game and make a video review of me playing it just because some random online "annoyer" like you kept on telling me that I can't judge it. Fine

Well you better because you can't judge a game you've never played.

Why not, people do it here all the time... :P

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#172 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts


tHATS IT, you seriously expecting me to buy the game and make a video review of me playing it just because some random online "annoyer" like you kept on telling me that I can't judge it. FinePices
Well you better because you can't judge a game you've never played.

Why not, people do it here all the time... :P

That's what's so wrong about SW :P
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#173 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts

[QUOTE="sonicthemegaman"][QUOTE="Odnomiar"] [QUOTE="Odnomiar"]


Those reviews made me laugh so hard... lol.

any way. sonic games now have a reputation for being glitchy, unpolished, poorly designed and bewilderingly difficult. It's a reputation they earned themselves through YEARS of self mutilation.

I don't mind difficult games. but, the factis that 3d sonic games rely more on luck and patience more than anything else. ie, no actual skill involved in how you play at speed.

With the originals, you ENJOYED playing and if you died, it was 8/10 because YOU failed. not a failure of design. true, they still had their bottomless pits and the Labyrinth zones. but I remember those games were always fun and often get replayed now by millions of sonic fans awaiting a true return to glory.

but the sad truth is, with no Yuji Naka, and Sonic Team (in name only... if you ask me the real sonic team, the ones that created Sonic, NiGHTS, Burning Rangers and PSO are all working elsewhere.) content to continue dishing out franchise sequals with the regularity of bowel movements, things aren't gonna change. It's a crying shame that the best game Sonic has appeared in on a home console was on wii in Smash bros. brawl.

You cansay I'm on a sonic bashing bandwagonif you like... I don't care.But,I grew up withSonic, those games are among my all time favorites. I would love it if there was a new game on a home console that DIDN'T turn into a blinding bug fest. that entertained as sonic should, that played like sonic should.

Sonicwas a 2dinvention that just clearly doesn't work in true 3d.

I only hope that this Sonic 2010 is gonna be the return of the speed king in 2D that true Sonic fanshave craved for years.


So the games are hard yet require no skill? -_-

I'm basically saying, as clearly you didin't understand my point, that playing Sonic games of late is difficult not bydesign, but by poor design. You can't deny it. how often have you died in... ummm... let's say... Sonic Heroes, due to a camera that won't behave, or falling through scenery or backgrounds. I don't mind losing lives in games, so long as I feel that it's my fault. the fact is, ALLSonic games after the DC play exactly like this.

I can kinda see your point but Shadow and 06 were the olny games that felt that way to me. Sonic Heroes was easily one of the best Sonic games imo. I can get through the levels with no deaths pretty easily. The controls/camera/etc. are far from perfect but it still takes some skill to play. It's not any average joe could A rank every level. You need to be good at to at least some extent.

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#174 sonicthemegaman
Member since 2008 • 3783 Posts


If your talking about the same guy i'm thinking, then, he also said that SMG gameplay is broken (or something like that)

I never used the word "broken" in the same sentence as SMG. More proof you guys need to read more.

No, it only proves that i don't remember everything that is written in SW :P, in fact, that's what i said,then again, i remember that you were saying thatwhat you think about Sonic games was only your opinion, then you criticed SMGgameplay or controller (like i said i don't remember) with "facts".

I was simply trying to explain why I personally wasn't interested in SMG, not saying the game was bad. Since opnions are not allowed here apparently, I was attacked for this. Then of course people started drilling me about Sonic due to his current reputation. I try to explain this and all I got back was more hate from people trying despritely to shove SMG as far up my ass as possible because apparently, no one can have a negative opnion on SMG or any Big N first party game. Incidents like that are one of the main reasons I lost a lot of respect for mainstreamers a while back. They seem to attack anyone who likes a game that scored poorly, especially Sonic. Recently, the Nintendo fanboys have been the worst but all fanboys are bad so that matters very little. It's like the time I said I didn't like FF7 cause I felt it didn't meet the hype and got all sorts of personal attacks and as always, I got dogged out for still liking Sonic. It's happening again in this thread and this stuff just makes my dislike of the games being overhyped even more intense. These people have no idea what respect is.
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#176 MobilechicaneX
Member since 2009 • 2863 Posts

Yes Sonic 06 is absolutly horrible Sonic Unleashed's day stages are comparable and sometimes better than say SMG and unleashed still got worse than the shocking 06. (This is why ive already lost all faith in review sites.

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#177 Pices
Member since 2005 • 3910 Posts

Yes Sonic 06 is absolutly horrible Sonic Unleashed's day stages are comparable and sometimes better than say SMG and unleashed still got worse than the shocking 06. (This is why ive already lost all faith in review sites.

Don't let review scores fool you, follow the content. I think the reason Unleashed got a really lower review is because there were too many Werehog Stages and too little Day Stages. And the reviews mentioned that the jump button in the Day stages is sometimes unresponsive along with that the other buttons are TOO sensitive