[QUOTE="Slyprince"] You see this is why people will never be satisfied
People say halo is a rehash, but when they try to change the armor people say they should have kept it the same
Sigh :roll:Your doing alot for yourself arent you. :roll:
MCs armour was pretty generic to begin with. I never denied that.
I do think the game changed a bit for the worse though, as the original concept of the game - huge open battelfield across the ring planet, sounded extremelly promising.
Halo distinguishes itself on all fronts. First, the game is not mission based. The player is free to wage guerilla war on their own initiative and according to information and events generated on the fly. The attempt is to situate the player inside a larger conflict and give him or her, based on individual initiative and preference, the opportunity to make a difference in the conflagration. The game should flow differently for each gamer, each time through with nary a break throughout the experience (unless you pause to eat, drink or pee).
Bungie is also working on a universal physics model, which allows each item in the game world, be it human, jeep, aircraft or projectile to follow accurate physics and respond realistically. The E3 movie shows space marines bucking with the recoil of their rifles, swaying even with their own breathing. It shows a fallen marine slide realistically over a cliff and vehicles move with amazing realism, jeeps demonstrating solid and responsive suspension. Those demonstrating the game engine emphasized that moving a marine, driving a jeep or flying an aircraft (the player can hop into any in-game vehicle and take it for a spin) is all accomplished with the same controls, yet also demonstrated some advanced maneuvers with the vehicles that someone specializing in their use might master.
Halo is being designed to support online cooperative multiplay, where gamers are encouraged to specialize. A skillful driver partnered with a good machine gunner and a quick marine riding shotgun will be a formidable force in online play and all specialists will garner points for skillfully executing their chosen tasks. Multiplay will also support more antagonistic play where some will play Covenant soldiers and some Human marines.
Geez can you even comprehend the facts in my words?
halo pwns end of story
and so what if his armor is generic, hes the most popular motherF****** in a space suit next to a stormtrooper.
and why the hell you keep bringing up samus, they are totally different universes.... u think the military is going to make a supersoldier that morphs into a ball and craps out mines... Master Chief may not be a original concept but he is pretty kickass.
and halo is what it is now, thats like saying starcraft was originally going to be a MMO but they made it into one of the most popular RTS's ever.... whats the point in looking back at what it was... halo is one of the best FPS out. if not the best! IMO it is :)
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