Man, I played some REALLY shitty games back in the day.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Atari. ET. Countless garbage NES games. Multiple versions of the bullshit known as Bubsy. Yo Noid. Pit Fighter. Crap like Gone Home....
@freedomfreak said:
Nanobreaker. That shit was wrong.
Forgot all about that game haha. It wasn't the worst shit ever, but extremely disappointing considering how cool I thought it would be. At least you could change the color of the blood, right? That made it ok, right? Yeah it sucked.
But for some reason when I read the topic title, one series popped into my mind. God damned Mario Party. It's not just that I can't stand playing the games. It's that I find myself in these socially awkward situations where I have to play the shit or I'll come off looking like some snobby gamer dick face.
I'll be over at a friends house. Dudes wife will chime in with "Hey want to play some video games guys!!!!"... well sure why not? "Oh that's great because I've been dying to play some MARIO PARTY!!!11!!11!!"
It's unbelievable how often scenarios like this go down.
My mind immediately starts racing, trying to find a way to excuse myself. Anything to get out of that shit. "Oh, sorry brehs, my mom just died."... what?
**** that game.
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