Since this topic is totally off rails, I might as well list what I would like from the next zelda.
- let me do the dungeons in any order. It's ok if the first dungeon is always the first (as an intro) and the last is always the last (like ganon's castle or something), but all the rest in between should be done in any order. What's missing from zelda these days is that sense of exploration that was in the orginals. Let me discover the dungeons myself.
- Make rupees worth something. SS sorta fixed this, but finding ruppes is about as useful as finding rat turds.
- Do NOT go back to traditional controls. If I have to press buttons to attack, I'm not playing.
- Full voice acting for everyone but link...and I don't mean sometimes their voices, and sometimes there's text like Ni no Kuni.
- I would prefer cartoon visuals over realistic ones really. Zelda from day one has had a cartoon look. Even the concept and promotional art for OoT and MM was cartoony. Infact the only zelda game that had nothing cartoony about it was TP and I'd argue that was the least original and most soulless of the zeldas.
- The biggest issue though that needs fixing is the dungeon formula. It's just gotten so stale and predictable. Enter dungeon, find map, find item x, use item x to solve puzzles, use item x to defeat boss and hit him 3 times, collect one of three "things" to progress the story, and never use item x in any meaningful way again.
IMO, the best way to fix this is to choose 3-4 items vital to the game and make them available almost immediatly. The rest of the items are hidded and totally optional. You should be able to finisg the game with only the vital items, but by doing so you miss a lot of content (sort of like how you can beat mario with only 60 stars). Finding hidden items would give the game a greater sense of discovery and a greater reward for exploring other than more useless rupees. Hidden items could be used to get to places you can't usually go, find shortcuts, or defeat monsters/bosses easier.
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