[QUOTE="Lethalhazard"] You want me to prove I have a WoW account? How? I don't even play anymore, you want an armory link? All the characters are mentioned on the armory, but you can't inspect my items because it'll say I've been inactive too long. And by easy, I mean they made the dungeons less linear. There are fewer bosses. Wailing Caverns for example, has had its size reduced massively so you just run through a corridor to the bosses. It's nothing dynamic like it used to be, with different directions and such...because n00bs complained. I think the pinnacle of dynamic dungeon design was with stratholme, which had tons of bosses and routes to go about. They haven't done that since TBC, because everything has been watered down and given a touch of linearity to it. Which I don't think works in an MMO very well...and it's less exciting having one hall to run down. Lethalhazard
Give me an armory link and the Youtube videos you made of you downing H10 LK with no hellscream's warsong buff.
So linear! :cry:
And making up challenge isn't fun. Excuses, excuses. Being leet isn't all fun and games. It's about pwning noobs and rubbing the dirt in their face! To even get these items you should be forcibily challened so that fewer players have the best items. Keyboard turners are getting HM loot apparently when I was quitting, so that's all nice and cuddly.
:cry::cry: I should be the only one wearing purple stuff!
It's a prestige issue? What a joke. If it's a prestige issue, show everyone your leet Youtube docs of your guild getting world first Halion kills and H10 LK kills with no hellscream's warsong buff.
Wait really? You link Naxxramas, a vanilla WoW instance they barely changed up, when I was talking about 5-mans being linear??? CMON. And yes prestige is an issue for me in PvP. It's annoying when so many n00000bs are getting the best gear from PvE because it's easier, and all PvP items aren't the best for PvP. You don't see PvErs becoming better with certain PvP items................and PvE still proliferates in PvP as the best items. I'm talking neckpieces, a couple rings, and some trinkets.The last character I played was earlier this year, Deadlyqt. His armory isn't showing up anymore...thought it might. I only subbed for a couple of months during WoTLK until I decided to quit because of how bad it was. And my raiding buddy says things haven't been any better :(. Not that I care for raiding too much.
Naxxramas, arguably the hardest raid they ever created (That raid was ball-breakingly hard) and barely anyone saw. It's perfectly fine they recycled it, though it isn't nearly as difficult as it once was. This isn't Vanilla, you don't get the best gear from PvE. You get PvP gear or you die. If you can't kill a PvE geared person, well then you're just bad at PvP. The only items I see in PvP that are obtained through PvE are trinkets, simply because the procs are better. The only time PvP was hard was in Vanilla. You didn't get the best gear by rolling FOTM ****s, you got that through dedication and lots of lost sleep, no matter what **** you were. Now you just roll a damn druid and mage/lock/warrior/rogue and rip people to shreds while the healer runs away and HoTs.
I find PvP more imbalanced than ever. Vanilla was a mess but I still argue that was the best time ever for PvP. Arena is a joke and only caters to FOTM combos. Raiding is not easier nor harder than it was in Vanilla and TBC. It's only changed. The only bad thing that happened was that all trash turned into AoE packs every, damn, pull.
5 mans aren't something that's meant to be focused on. It's a stepping stone/helper to get gears for raids. No one wants to spend hours in just one dungeon (Heroic Shattered Halls SUCKED.) Turn 80, get heroic gear and emblems/points, go raid or PvP. 5 mans in Cataclysm are better designed than Wrath ones by far from videos I've watched.
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