[QUOTE="SPYDER0416"][QUOTE="JohnnyCageMK"] Gears 3, Forza 4, Halo Anniversary (a real remake with added content), and Dance Central 2 all came out last year. All high quality exclusives that sold well. If you don't like them thats fine but 4 big exclusives in a year is good for any console. No thats not 3 more than MS. I already mentioned Trials Evolution but you dismissed that for some odd reason and then use a PSN game in your defense. Your inner cow is mooing. 360 also got Fez and even though its on PC Minecraft is a huge release for MS. It sold like hotcakes and the 360 version also has multiplayer. JohnnyCageMK
Look, if you can't take off your fanboy goggles to smell your own desperation in trying to refute the various people proving you wrong, its as pointless as arguing with a brick wall. If you have to list the remake of a 10 year old game and a moderately well recieved Kinect dancing title, you are trying too hard. If you have to count Trials, then immediately say downloadables don't count when someone brings up Journey, you are trying too hard. If you also ignore that you mentioned games from specifically this year, then you list games from last year to beat the 3 I listed, then you are trying too hard and probably need to understand that what you are saying is illogical and stupid.
If I wanted to list last year's PS3 titles I could go ahead and bring up Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, Killzone 3, inFamous 2, Ico collection, LittleBigPlanet 2, Motorstorm Apocalypse, Ratchet and Clank: All for one, Pixeljunk Shooter 2 and SOCOM 4.
But of course, in some sad attempt to refute me I'll hear some excuse on why these varying high scoring exclusive titles apparently do not beat the 4 games you listed. The sad truth is, I'm not even a cow and I do love Halo and Gears of War, I just am not stupid enough to pretend Microsoft isn't pushing Kinect and multimedia more then exclusives, nor am I a 12 year old that only owns an Xbox 360 and has to insult other systems with varying degrees of stupid logic just to make myself feel better. The same apparently cannot be said of you, and its sad to think people are actually this way without a hint of self awareness.
Atleast I'm not the one pretending not to be a fanboy. Everyone can see you're a cow cause you are trying so hard to defend PS3 its pathetic. You dismiss Halo Anniversary which is a real remake with added content and a new engine and then bring up a PS3 hd collection. You hate on DC2 cause I guess you can't dance and then you mention Socom 4, Motorstorm, Resistance 3 and Pixeljunk(? never heard of it). Nobody cares about that crap. And I didn't start dismissing DD games you did. I guess cause Trials and Minecraft ain't on PS3 and took a big crap on anything PS3 got this year.Wow, its like you can't even read what you said. You can't refute the validity of my rebuttal, so you call me a cow and make up some standard that invalidates these games (that by the way, have scored high and still outnumber the amount of exclusives you've given me). You say nobody cares, and yet people cared enough to give them good scores, to take a risk on them, and if you can't see the irony of saying nobody cares about these games, then touting Dance Central 2 as some prime offering for the hardcore Xbox audience (all while saying I apparently can't dance), then you really are a sad individual.
If I'm a fanboy just because I'm not stupid and devoted to a single console over reason, or basic math then I guess everyone is a fanboy but you. But hey, if you want to argue your already disproven stupid points against every member of SW refuting them, and call every one of us cows, then I guess you are free to do so. I don't see the point, its like everyone here teaching you the earth is round with scientific proof and you refuting it in the face of logic for some made up fanboy reason.
By the way, if you want to go ahead and remove HD collections and downloadables, that still doesn't prove me wrong in numbers and scores of the games I've presented against yours:cool:
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