Wrath of the Lich King is right around the corner, and WoW is at 11 MILLION ACTIVE subscribers, that is truly impressive for a game with a subscription fee. I quit about 4 months ago but I'm downloading the latest patches(1.6gig worth) and I'm heading back into the land of Azeroth.
My question to System Wars is this, who do so many of you consolites hate on WoW, it's a blizzard RPG, everyone loves Blizzard games, it's online(My server has over 17 THOUSAND players), you consolites flip if a game doesn't have online, it has more replay value then every console exclusive this gen put together, the gameplay is great, the lore is great, the polish is unbelievable, it has the Blizzard touch of Gold, GREAT humour, constant content updates, you'll never find a cheater, bugs are fixed extremely fast.
The only problem I have with WoW is it's so addicitive you end up not playing anything else, but in the end this is because WoW kicks ***.
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