So, I hear people want the old polices back on, I just have a couple questions to ask the Xbox players that both want and dont want the old policies that MS gave you.
1) when the X1 was officially revealed and MS told the world of its policies, how did you all feel and react towards the old policies with its restrictions
2) Did you pay the full price or pre-order the X1 when it has the old policies?
3) For those who did pre-order/Payed for the X1 with the old policies, how did you react when MS did the 180 for it knowing youve now lost the 24hour clocking and family sharing?
4) The X1 did the 180, and for those who didnt want the X1 with the old policy, did you decide to pay/pre-order the X1 with the new policy knowing you can play your game offline without any worry about clocking in and so on?
5) Are there still Xbox fans who refuse to get the X1 even though it did the 180?
6) What if MS decided to put the old policies back on thus giving you the 24hour clocking and so on. For those who did pre-ordered/payed for the X1 with its current policy that everyone fought for, how would you feel and react if MS did put if back on knowing that the console you just payed for is going to do the very thing you where fighting against.
7) Do you trust MS with what its done since it revealed the X1 back in May
I honest dont know if you can actually pay the full price for the X1 or PS4 at the moment, I havent pre-ordered my PS4, Im going to wait awhile, but since I saw the pentition to give back the old policies, I thought id ask Xbox players about it. I hope my questions where understandable, it took a little while trying to figure out away to not confuse anyone lol >.>
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