From my Inside Source, Philosoma.
"Whats up Keywii!
Yeah I live and teach in Japan, but right now I'm on Haruyasumi (spring break but kind of bigger like Xmas break in the USA) and I'm back in Cleveland for a while! And actually, the PS3 is slightly cheaper in Japan and they have lots of deals where you can turn in your old PS2 and gear for up to $200 off. PS3 is pretty huge in Japan, but Sony's target audience are guys around like 16-30 in age and to purchase a PS3 you must have a credit or bank debit card. It's labeled as the "adult's game system" here. 360 is sadly a joke, not because it's an American product or anything, it's because the Japanese just don't like games like FPS too much and more often than not the games are only sold per order - you can't just walk into Tsutaya and just buy 360 games because they are in such low demand.
I'll be back in Japan soon and if you want some pictures or some news about something just lemme know, maybe I can dig up something cool ^^
I thought I'd share this with you all since it's a unique perspective. Thanks to Philosoma for the reporting.
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