@BassMan said:
You can't deny that Xbox does have the better lineup this year. Thankfully, Tomb Raider is coming to PC as 30fps is brutal. Halo 5 and Forza 6 are both 60fps, so they are good exclusives.
That's only 2 8's and a 9 FOR THE YEAR! lemmings are idiots "better lineup" da fuk? Add in Ori and the blind forest to make bones list 2 AA's and 2 AAAs and it still fails.
I am pretty sure PS4 has that beat multiple times over this year so this post of your is beyond stupid and anyone who agrees with it has to be a complete idiot (lostrib).
You should just be happy xbone FINALLY has a few games before the year is out...PS4 has been getting good games all year long which is something lems can't seem to understand.
The fact that you list a multiplat that is confirmed to be coming to PS4 illustrates how desperate you are to fluff up the xbone list. For fucks sake at least list a multiplat that PS4 isn't going to get lol but alas that is all the xbone has to offer. If you are going to resort to using multiplats then PS4 viciously tramples on that bonebox line up.
Just to be clear what makes your post (specifically the bold nonsense) a joke are a few games from lineup PS4 this year:
Journey (AAAA)
Rocket leagure (AAA)
The Talos Principle (AAA)
Everybody Gone to Rapture (AAA)
Bloodborne (AAA)
SOMA (AAA)....oh my that is more high quality games than that entire hyped bone lineup INCLUDING me adding Ori.
All on PS4 THIS YEAR lol I think I can stop right there...dude when the only AAA you list for xbone is a game that is confirmed to come out on PS4 you know you've lost any real argument. I am not even going to go into PS4's AAs.
just be happy the bone finally has some games this year but stop the nonsense of saying it's library is better or even equal to PS4s lineup this year....FACTS are not on your side.
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