@Nike_Air said:
PS4 took the holidays it seems! Upset.
- Disgaea 5 - 8.0 - exclusive
- Dragon Quest Heroes - 8.0 - exclusive
- Tearaway Unfolded - 8.0 - .5 exclusive
Tomb Raider is coming to the gen 8 leading PS4 and PC. We can wait for the multiplatform game.
PS4 won the holidays with two games I would have never heard of without a Google search and a PSP port?.. that's versus arguably the best racing game and the best overall first-person shooter released so far this gen in Forza 6 and Halo 5?.. Plus for HOLIDAY 2015, Tomb Raider is a AAAE for the Xbox One in terms of next-gen consoles..
so again, please tell me how the PS4 won this holiday in terms of big name exclusives? heck, even YOU probably don't care about those PS4 games you cited beyond the benefits of "list wars"..
Now, if we're discussing "personal preference", that's an entirely different conversation.. but speaking in general, the very best entries in flag-ship, tent-pole franchises trump random list wars game #1 and 2.. especially when coupled with a AAA title in Tomb Raider that, when discussing THIS holiday, is only available on one next-gen console.. The Xbox One..
You typically didn't see lemmings putting Ori and the Blind Forest up against Bloodborne did you?.. Cows need to do the same and stop trying to stack Tearaway Unfolded against Halo 5.. Just take your beating this holiday, keep talking about how you can totally tell the difference between 1080p upscaled and 1080p native, and hope that Uncharted 4 doesn't get a GS score less than Rise of the Tomb Raider..
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