Basicly it come down to theses points. (edited as no one reads many post)
- Disk space DVD9-,,,
- Closed system for Direct X -,
- Closed system for Live-,,
- Microsoft milking its costumers and others. Live, HDD... Its not a problem now as people continue to pay extra, buy you can only milk some people for so long before they get fed up. LIVE INCREASE IN COST $$
- Lost of People who launched the Xbox =, Shane Kim, and ... other high ranking members that
- Lost of Game exclusive= most of the first games that came out with Xbox 360,Developer Bungie now MP, Epic no longer making GOW after 3...
- Multiplatform games no longer look better on Xbox 360., Now, Xbox 360still got s little more focus in 2008 and 2009thus the SLIGHT advantage, NEXT year things change, with the launch of bigger games. There still may be some small developers that will use Xbox for their focus.
to a lesser extent MS problems with Xbox RROD, attention to MicrosoftRESPONCE... they do not deny it)
First though DVD9 seemed like a good choice in the begining it is now affecting games.... Sure they CAN use more disks but for OPEN world games this option would not work like with LA Noires. If they use more compression the power to decompress and visuals would be affected. AND with not all Xbox 360 with HDD it makes it more difficult. Again Next year bigger games will come out and the years after that. They will have to decide on what to do.... DLC cut out features, Multi Disk.... This problem is not on PS3.
And as Jhon carmac said Xbox 360 games will look worse on Xbox 360 (first link) Next year will be the begining of problems with DVD9 games from the top developers. John Carmack ... While spanning the game over multiple discs could solve the issue, id Software revealed that the associated royalties to Microsoft for more than two discs would become economically unfavourable. "We're pretty much resigned to the fact that we're going to make it fit onto two DVDs on the 360. Plus there would be a lot of disc switching if we went to three DVDs, and since the game is split between two different wasteland environments, two DVDs should work well," he explained. "
In the begining DirectX was GREAT it was easy to use, and developers knew how to push want the Xbox 360 could do, NOW it is a limit as new tricks can be used to lessen the power needed in some areas and adding more graphics, AI.... to the game.THIS is just one of Many to come in the coming years IF YOU THINK that Xbox 360 will not be important
In the end I see Microsoft lanching a new console by 2012 at the latest. YEA, I know that Kinect is out but Microsoft seems to be focusing on Causal gamers withKinect this gen. The question is what will happen in 2012 and on with PS 3 games continuly getting better and MS 3 console out. IF MS waits longer than 2012 will it be okay with PS3 becoming the console with better overall games, exclusives...
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