[QUOTE="Cole-Protocal"][QUOTE="Lalucar"][QUOTE="Cole-Protocal"] Library - 360 simply has more games available, more then 200 if you include XBLA. 200 ppl........
Quality - More A, AA, and AAA games then PS3. Thats quality right there.
Online - XBox Live has more features then PSN period.
Variety - With more then 200 games available, 360 naturally has more casual offerings and more games per genre to choose from in comparison to PS3s library.
Sales - The true measure to determine ones success in the marketplace. Also so developers continue to show support for the console. Here the 360 currently has a 8 million and climbing lead on PS3 globally.
Cost - Xbox 360 is at a more mass market price point and easier to buy then PS3.
Hardware - PS3 simply includes more out of the box.
Reliability - PS3 wins here too, but RROD failure rates have dropped dramatically since 2005.
Just figured I lay it all out there....im seeing a lot of cows that act like they are in 2nd place...........you arent.
You must love bashing the PS3, your harbouring on obsession.
1) Of course the Library is bigger, its been out a year longer than the PS3.
2) Quality, and Variety, PS3 will come up with better titles, but it's a year behind. Sony had a bad release.
3) As for Online, you get what you paid for. My online is still fun, and free.
4) Your pulling number of sales when the PS3 was released A YEAR LATER! Of course its sales are lower.
5) Hardware and reliability I think both are equal, Xbox has the annoying RROD but its almost fixed.
Your making the usual argument and its not using unbiased opinion. Everything you just said is mostly due to the PS3's late release, I think you'd be singing a different tune had both consoles released simultaneously..
1. Thats an excuse. WHat matters is where they stand today, regardless of how they got there.
2. Again, right now, 360 has an edge and ur making excuses.
3. It may be free but again, not the #1 service.
4. wah wah wah. Deal with it. PS2 was a year sooner!
5. Agreed
Excuses have nothing to do with it. If I you train all year for being a fast runner, and then challenge me to a race obviously your edge will help you win. I think One year make a huge difference. Yes the online isn't as good, but I never use all the extra stuff on my friends Xbox 360. And I wasn't complaining about MS' better release, merely complimenting it. It was a genius idea to move on to the next gen early. Besides I don't go by critics scores. I disagree with most sites ratings for games. Anytime you bring up the exclusives argument all fact goes out the window. Personally I like Warhawk more than Gears of War, but I like Fable II more than MGS4. Opinion fuels these arguments. I think Xbox is almost the skinnier brother to the PS3.
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