I believe Microsoft is the sneakiest of all the major gaming companies. That's because it seems to employ marketing illusions on gamers.
Illusion 1: The first console to have a larger install base and a better libary of games will continue to do so throughout this generation.Seems good so far. Microsoft launched first and currently has a larger install base and a better libray of games. Will this advantage holds? I don't think so.
Reality: The PS3 is catching up with the 360 in install base, outselling the 360 in all major territorees in 2008. Major multiplats and exclusives (according to reviews) are better on the PS3 in 2008. Developers are now more comfortable with developing on the PS3. Most analysts expect the 360 to lose the console war. Sony invested much more heavily on first and 2nd parties than Microsoft.
Illusion 2: Charging less at the store will make Xbox 360 cheaper.So the 360 costs less than the PS3 at the store. But after a few years of ownership?
Reality: LIVE fees costs $50 per year. Add-ons are generally more expensive than the PS3's. After 5 years, expect to pay an extra $250, more if you buy add-ons like Wirless and hard-drives.
Illusion 3: Console power is based on multiplats and games that came out in 2006 or earlier.Fanboys and Microsoft people alike, has been trying to say the 360 is equally powerful as the PS3. Liars, I say.
Reality: The PS3 has the biggest and most advanced games. The latest major games, multiplats and exclusives, now look or play better on the PS3. More reviews tout PS3 games as the ones that cannot be made on other consoles. PS3 games continue to hold the edge in size and scale.
Illusion 4: Reliabilty should not be an issue because Microsoft offers a 3 year warranty.Really?
Reality: It is a very big issue. There is the inconvenience of filling out forms and waiting for a fixed console to arrive. Plus, the warranty only lasts 3 yrs. By this holiday alone, that warranty will be over for more than a million gamers.
Illusion 5: Make a few kiddy games, offer LIVE Silver, sell a feature-deprived, cheap console and casuals will come.I don't think so.
Reality: Kiddy games don't sell well on the 360. LIVE Silver doesn't let you play online games for free. Casuals don't play games enough to justify paying for $60 games AND $50 yearly fees just to play online.
Illusion 6: Microsoft gives gamers the option to watch next-gen DVD movies by selling the HD-DVD add-on.
Reality: Without Blu-ray support, Microsoft actually doesn't give their gamers the option to watch next-gen DVD movies at all now that Blu-ray is the only next-gen DVD movie format. They screwed their fans by telling them that HD-DVD was better than Blu-ray. Hundreds and thousands of Xbox 360 owners now have an obsolete add-on.
Illusion 7: Gamers buy consoles only to play games. Really?
Reality: PS3 owners get to play HD games AND watch Blu-ray movies. As such, they get the most out of their HD-TVs.
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