Owning all of the 3 main consoles makes my opinion better then most.
Why is the 360 better?
Most quality games: No I don't do that ignornant fanboy only counting exclusives. A great game is a great game regardless if it's multiplatform or not. Owning a 360 assures you play most AAA games of this generation. By far more AAA and AA games then the ps3 and wii.
Best Online Network: xbox live is by far the best gaming network. PSn is slow and lacking features compared to Live and Wii's online is a joke.
Best controller: The Dpad being the one weak spot, the 360 controller is the most comfortable and desgined controller amoung all 3. Options of AA, battery pack, or other options is a plus. The rehashed dual shock is solid but I don't like the analog so close and it's small. The wii's is used mostly as a waggle fest.
Least Expensive: You can buy a wii now for less then the price of a wii. In many cases it comes with games to play.
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