[QUOTE="bizzy420"]not sure if its true or not a_simple_gamer
Everything in there is a lie, Milo is still beeing made,Kinect can map 6 gamers at once and recognize voice, so it is down to software to make out different voices and have up to 6 players at once (4 more likely due to space needed)
Same for object scanning, when a game needs it, it is there, the software will be in the game though, not in Kinect for christ
So, they are talking about things they have no idea about, very immature and unproffessional article from obvious fanboys
The article rings true, sorry.Molyneux lied last year at E3 when he misled people to think that he had cracked natural language processing and created an AI in Milo. With the limitations Kinect has shown now in 2010, Milo, as shown at E3 '09 in that prerecorded video that Molyneux said was possible "now" back in 2009 is not possible.
And you're lying now when you say Kinect can map six active players, when it can only create a 20 point wireframe for two active players. You've been repeatedly told this and continue to misinform.
The article doesn't lie about the fact that Kinect, as at now, can't distinguish between different peoples voices for even the simple trigger words to control playback.
The type of "object scanning" Kinect is capable of isn't any more sophisticated than the EyeToy.
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