@Zero_epyon: You can default to him as much as you want, I am calling you out on your comment. I didn't mention him in a single comment. Try a different angle 😂
Dude really?
@Zero_epyon: You can default to him as much as you want, I am calling you out on your comment. I didn't mention him in a single comment. Try a different angle 😂
Dude really?
@ghostofgolden: What did you do lol.
You and Zero were posting the most FUD in this thread.
Tweets, links to any and every article. And even now you guys are still going. Take the L and move on its embarrassing.
What exactly was debunked today?
@ghostofgolden: What did you do lol.
You and Zero were posting the most FUD in this thread.
Tweets, links to any and every article. And even now you guys are still going. Take the L and move on its embarrassing.
I was posting TimDog tweets and asking for wellness checks. The dude had a nervous breakdown
The damage control is Glorious..anything to ease the cow pain that has just been inflicted
Absolutely terrible week for cows:
No first party games for over a year
No Hellblade or Indiana Jones like some c(l)ow(n)s on here were claiming
No need to spin it. Not "Major" titles, but Sony has other IPs, non major ones, like Knack, Gravity Rush, Astro, Sackboy etc...
Nothing happened today.
Xbox just announced being officially multiplatform in the most spineless way possible with more to come and nOtHIng HappEneD. Bro, you can still buy Xbox consoles if it makes you feel better, you don't have to damage control so hard
Tom Warren: Microsoft was previously weighing bringing Gears, Flight Sim, and the next Doom to rival platforms. Final decision has not made yet
Spencer on ruling out Starfield/Indiana Jones exclusivity: “I don't think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform”
4 Xbox-exclusive games are coming to PS5 & Switch (Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, Sea of Thieves, & Grounded) [Up: Verge reporting on potential others]
Also :
for those asking, Microsoft has confirmed that the 34 million Xbox Game Pass subscribers includes Xbox Game Pass Core (formerly Xbox Live Gold) https://t.co/ojqizcO7PA
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) February 15, 2024
Yep. There were 11.7m Gold subscribers in April 2022 who will have (mostly) converted to core or ultimate)
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) February 15, 2024
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig OOOOOOOOF
Looks like GP sub numbers were DECLINED heavily. LOL Closer to 20 mil. actually
@R4gn4r0k: When I say retro, I'm talking about owning the actual hardware, I have an original SNES that plays all its games, buying a mini console is halfarsing it.
The only og console I don't have atm is a NES. I will look into buying one maybe next year.
But yeah gaming is getting worse every year. Micros, season passes, dlc, shit never ends. And the worst of all is most games these days have over 5hrs of cutscenes where you feel like you're playing just to get to the next cutscene to advance the story.
Holy crap! Those Game Pass details are nuts. They had a DROP in subs, but rebranding Gold into Game Pass Core gave them a slight bump. Very clever.
@ghostofgolden: How is the end of day one coming along?
We have no details about the ABK games. Just that Diablo 4 launches in March. Maybe we will get a confirmation one way or the other in June at the next showcase
@Zero_epyon: Again how does 70% from PS sales not benefit Xbox?
It absolutely would but the man said in court that being multiplatform on Sony is killing the Xbox brand. Now he's saying they need Playstation to strengthen Xbox. Make it make sense man. The man is an absolute tool.
Jim Ryan also said that if Microsoft released a degraded Call of Duty on PlayStation, their "business would never recover".. apparently, all those "banger" AAA singleplayer exclusives are meaningless by comparion..
now, do you actually beleive that or are you willing to admit that both sides made exaggerated statements during those FTC/CMA hearings?..
@Zero_epyon: Again how does 70% from PS sales not benefit Xbox?
It absolutely would but the man said in court that being multiplatform on Sony is killing the Xbox brand. Now he's saying they need Playstation to strengthen Xbox. Make it make sense man. The man is an absolute tool.
Jim Ryan also said that if Microsoft released a degraded Call of Duty on PlayStation, their "business would never recover".. apparently, all those "banger" AAA singleplayer exclusives are meaningless by comparion..
now, do you actually beleive that or are you willing to admit that both sides made exaggerated statements during those FTC/CMA hearings?..
Gotta love the whataboutisms. The issue isn't whether I believe Ryan or not. It's the fact that Spencer has been documented making conflicting statements. "Playstation is killing Xbox every time we release on there." vs "Xbox will grow by releasing on PS5"
For once, stop being a fanboy and see the issue here.
@Zero_epyon: Again how does 70% from PS sales not benefit Xbox?
It absolutely would but the man said in court that being multiplatform on Sony is killing the Xbox brand. Now he's saying they need Playstation to strengthen Xbox. Make it make sense man. The man is an absolute tool.
Jim Ryan also said that if Microsoft released a degraded Call of Duty on PlayStation, their "business would never recover".. apparently, all those "banger" AAA singleplayer exclusives are meaningless by comparion..
now, do you actually beleive that or are you willing to admit that both sides made exaggerated statements during those FTC/CMA hearings?..
Gotta love the whataboutisms. The issue isn't whether I believe Ryan or not. It's the fact that Spencer has been documented making conflicting statements. "Playstation is killing Xbox every time we release on there." vs "Xbox will grow by releasing on PS5"
For once, stop being a fanboy and see the issue here.
it's not a whataboutism.. it's simply acknowledging the context of the quote you're hanging your hat on..
For once, stop being a fanboy and use some critical thinking..
Am I to understand that this business meeting yielded nothing from all the talking heads, influences and rumor mills? My goodness the misfire is just astounding.
Despite the astounding misfire, some are stilling shooting blanks.😂
Funny.... Meanwhile sonys own MLB the show is about to launch day 1 on Microsoft Gamepass. Lol. Again....
This business announcement went over like a fart in church for the Sony Defense Force... 🤪
Seems like waiting a year and then sending it elsewhere is a pretty reasonable way to do business.... I'm cool with that. Sony should do that too... Likely will, because they're drowning in bloated budgets and failed naughty dog projects.
I'd love to give them money for their great games though!
@Zero_epyon: Again how does 70% from PS sales not benefit Xbox?
It absolutely would but the man said in court that being multiplatform on Sony is killing the Xbox brand. Now he's saying they need Playstation to strengthen Xbox. Make it make sense man. The man is an absolute tool.
Jim Ryan also said that if Microsoft released a degraded Call of Duty on PlayStation, their "business would never recover".. apparently, all those "banger" AAA singleplayer exclusives are meaningless by comparion..
now, do you actually beleive that or are you willing to admit that both sides made exaggerated statements during those FTC/CMA hearings?..
Gotta love the whataboutisms. The issue isn't whether I believe Ryan or not. It's the fact that Spencer has been documented making conflicting statements. "Playstation is killing Xbox every time we release on there." vs "Xbox will grow by releasing on PS5"
For once, stop being a fanboy and see the issue here.
it's not a whataboutism.. it's simply acknowledging the context of the quote you're hanging your hat on..
For once, stop being a fanboy and use some critical thinking..
So before I answer your Jim Ryan question, is Phil being hypocritical?
@ghostofgolden: How is the end of day one coming along?
We have no details about the ABK games. Just that Diablo 4 launches in March. Maybe we will get a confirmation one way or the other in June at the next showcase
Cool but what is the status on the end of day one on Gamepass? I would hate to see you on your forth account.🙃
@ghostofgolden: when can we expect to see that change in Game Pass policy that eliminates Day One titles?..
want to bet your 3rd account on it?.. 🤡
But it would only be my second bet… 🤔
No, no, no my battered little friend. LOL at YOU for going on record as saying these games suck. That’s what your getting…a huge greasy nothingburger.
My past comments say I loved SOT, Pentiment - and Grounded, HiFi weren’t my thing.
@Zero_epyon: C'mon man own your 💩
You posted a LOT of stuff from tweets to full blown articles about going third party to big first party games going to PS and EVERYTHING in between.
And even now you're still trying to keep the FUD factory open.
Like I said you have a massive amount of posts in this thread, you should take your L and move on.
it's not a whataboutism.. it's simply acknowledging the context of the quote you're hanging your hat on..
For once, stop being a fanboy and use some critical thinking..
So before I answer your Jim Ryan question, is Phil being hypocritical?
upon initial impressions, i would be inclined to say "yes".. but, as i said, context matters..
Microsoft has juggernaut 3rd party games like Minecraft (and now Call of Duty) on PlayStation.. those games indeed generate a ton of money for Sony that they can (and will) use to secure deals and content that won't be available on Xbox..
in that podcast, Phil was saying that the extra revenue from sales of small games like HiFi Rush can be beneficial to those specific studios.. that extra 70% from additional sales to those massive install bases of gamers on PlayStation and Nintendo could help fund a HiFi Rush 2..
these two things are not the same..
juggernauts like Call of Duty literally fund entire PlayStation projects (as cited by Jim Ryan).. HiFi Rush and Pentament are niche AA titles that aren't going to move the needle for PlayStation BUT will be extra revenue for those specific studios..
like i said, "critical thinking".. and as such, my answer is "no".. i'll concede Phil was exaggerating his concern because Minecraft and Call of Duty are still making a ton of money for Xbox as well..
what are your thoughts on Jim Ryan?..
upon initial impressions, i would be inclined to say "yes".. but, as i said, context matters..
Lol! Now context matters. When I say it, it’s “moving the goalposts.” 🙄
No issues with the context though.
Am I to understand that this business meeting yielded nothing from all the talking heads, influences and rumor mills? My goodness the misfire is just astounding.
It's a minor expansion of their PC-Xbox-Cloud strategy. It's essentially a test run for what may happen in the gaming industry in the future. Besides that everything else is staying the same.
@Zero_epyon: I've been against Phil for a long time (even as ip) he is a quitter, a guy that has no drive, or a competitive bone in his body.
He quit on Xbox back in the XB1 days, I've wanted him gone since almost the start of last gen.
The most disappointing thing for me to come out of this is that he wasn't fired or at the very least resigned.
@Zero_epyon: C'mon man own your 💩
You posted a LOT of stuff from tweets to full blown articles about going third party to big first party games going to PS and EVERYTHING in between.
And even now you're still trying to keep the FUD factory open.
Like I said you have a massive amount of posts in this thread, you should take your L and move on.
I'll own what I got wrong when you tell me what I got wrong. I'm not owning someone else's misses.
@Zero_epyon: I've been against Phil for a long time (even as ip) he is a quitter, a guy that has no drive, or a competitive bone in his body.
He quit on Xbox back in the XB1 days, I've wanted him gone since almost the start of last gen.
The most disappointing thing for me to come out of this is that he wasn't fired or at the very least resigned.
You and I both. While my post about him announcing his retirement was mostly sarcasm, I'll admit I wish it were true lol.
@ghostofgolden: Oh of course you were, I mean you never posted any tweets or articles about the rumours right?
Who are you trying to fool here?
If I did, what were my remarks to the tweets? Was I buying into the rumors, or just posting tweets/articles as they came available?
Folks who sold their Xbox Series X to GameStop for $150 trying to get it back like pic.twitter.com/8zEybY6hwH
— NeoGameSpark (@NeoGameSpark) February 15, 2024
@Zero_epyon: It should be a time of self reflection for you.
I mean, this is the most I've seen you post in any given thread ever. You were salivating over all the rumours. And yet you want me to show you where you were wrong, lol.
Like I said, time for some self reflection.
it's not a whataboutism.. it's simply acknowledging the context of the quote you're hanging your hat on..
For once, stop being a fanboy and use some critical thinking..
So before I answer your Jim Ryan question, is Phil being hypocritical?
upon initial impressions, i would be inclined to say "yes".. but, as i said, context matters..
Microsoft has juggernaut 3rd party games like Minecraft (and now Call of Duty) on PlayStation.. those games indeed generate a ton of money for Sony that they can (and will) use to secure deals and content that won't be available on Xbox..
in that podcast, Phil was saying that the extra revenue from sales of small games like HiFi Rush can be beneficial to those specific studios.. that extra 70% from additional sales on those massive install bases of gamers on PlayStation and Nintendo could help fund a HiFi Rush 2..
these two things are not the same..
juggernauts like Call of Duty literally fund entire PlayStation projects (as cited by Jim Ryan).. HiFi Rush and Pentament are niche AA titles that aren't going to move the needle for PlayStation BUT will be extra revenue for those specific studios..
like i said, "critical thinking".. and as such, my answer is "no".. i'll concede Phil was exaggerating his concern because Minecraft and Call of Duty are still making a ton of money for Xbox as well..
what are your thoughts on Jim Ryan?..
That's got to the most dizzying spin I've ever seen. I'm not even going to entertain all that. But a deal's a deal.
Yes I believe Ryan, but only if his hypothetical were to come true. Call of Duty is the most played game on PS and it makes them truckloads of money and that's never been a secret. If MS made Call of Duty $80 on PS but $60 on Xbox, those COD only PS owners would most likely leave for Xbox and take their friends. If Xbox decided to allocate fewer servers for PS players, then most consumers will blame PSN and leave the platform when multiplayer games don't work. Do I think Xbox would stoop to those lows? No.
But the funny part of involving Jim is that later Jim seemed to not care about Microsoft owning Call of Duty at all and they were quick to sign that deal once the approvals came in. So that also makes Ryan a filthy hypocrite. And that's something you struggle with saying about Phil.
upon initial impressions, i would be inclined to say "yes".. but, as i said, context matters..
Lol! Now context matters. When I say it, it’s “moving the goalposts.” 🙄
No issues with the context though.
dude, stop.. "context matters" was my entire argument against your Revenue Wars nonsense.. but you weren't having it..
so, no, you can't backpedal and try to use "context" and "nuance" now.. that ship has sailed.. according to your logic, Nintendo is last place with a losing strategy.. 🤷♂️ #revenuewars
@Zero_epyon: It should be a time of self reflection for you.
I mean, this is the most I've seen you post in any given thread ever. You were salivating over all the rumours. And yet you want me to show you where you were wrong, lol.
Like I said, time for some self reflection.
That's not true. And most of my posts on this thread are actually unrelated to the rumors lol.
This forum has been dead for years so I had some fun with it. You should loosen up a bit and have some fun too. None of this is real and many people here aren't the way they are here IRL.
...Gosh I would hope so...
what are your thoughts on Jim Ryan?..
Yes I believe Ryan, but only if his hypothetical were to come true. Call of Duty is the most played game on PS and it makes them truckloads of money and that's never been a secret. If MS made Call of Duty $80 on PS but $60 on Xbox, those COD only PS owners would most likely leave for Xbox and take their friends.
So what happens when Call of Duty is available for "free" on Xbox via Game Pass and is $70 on PlayStation?..
PlayStation doomed?.. the brand will never recover?..
@ghostofgolden: So you've gone from pretending to be care about some Xbox shill (I've never heard of him) to now asking me if you bought into the rumours and such you posted.
I dunno mate, maybe you should revisit your posts in this thread and judge yourself for yourself and see what you come up with.
@Zero_epyon: It should be a time of self reflection for you.
I mean, this is the most I've seen you post in any given thread ever. You were salivating over all the rumours. And yet you want me to show you where you were wrong, lol.
Like I said, time for some self reflection.
That's not true. And most of my posts on this thread are actually unrelated to the rumors lol.
This forum has been dead for years so I had some fun with it. You should loosen up a bit and have some fun too. None of this is real and many people here aren't the way they are here IRL.
...Gosh I would hope so...
ah the 4D "i was just clearly joking" chess arrives again.. 😏
dude, the receipts are littered all through this thread and you even made an entire separate thread about Xbox leaving hardware..
you proudly declared to me during a back-and-forth that Xbox was already 3rd party..
like @last_lap said, carry the L and move on..
Lol! Now context matters. When I say it, it’s “moving the goalposts.” 🙄
No issues with the context though.
dude, stop.. "context matters" was my entire argument against your Revenue Wars nonsense.. but you weren't having it..
so no, you can't backpedal and try to use "context" and "nuance" now.. that ship has sailed.. according to your logic, Nintendo is last place with a losing strategy.. 🤷♂️ #revenuewars
@Zero_epyon: It should be a time of self reflection for you.
I mean, this is the most I've seen you post in any given thread ever. You were salivating over all the rumours. And yet you want me to show you where you were wrong, lol.
Like I said, time for some self reflection.
That's not true. And most of my posts on this thread are actually unrelated to the rumors lol.
This forum has been dead for years so I had some fun with it. You should loosen up a bit and have some fun too. None of this is real and many people here aren't the way they are here IRL.
...Gosh I would hope so...
ah the 4D "i was just clearly joking" chess arrives again.. 😏
dude, the receipts are littered all through this thread and you even made an entire separate thread about Xbox leaving hardware..
you proudly declared to me during a back-and-forth that Xbox was already 3rd party..
like @last_lap said, carry the L and move on..
Lol yeah because CEOs announce their retirements on a podcast lol. I literally started that post with "Let's make some crazy predictions" Maybe you're just that gullible lol
Love how they said our 1st party games will always be day one on GamePass over and over again.
I wonder if some will finally understand that……..oh who am I kidding.
Remember when they said Kinect will always be bundled with Xbox One and it's core to the product? Nah neither do I...
@Zero_epyon: It should be a time of self reflection for you.
I mean, this is the most I've seen you post in any given thread ever. You were salivating over all the rumours. And yet you want me to show you where you were wrong, lol.
Like I said, time for some self reflection.
That's not true. And most of my posts on this thread are actually unrelated to the rumors lol.
This forum has been dead for years so I had some fun with it. You should loosen up a bit and have some fun too. None of this is real and many people here aren't the way they are here IRL.
...Gosh I would hope so...
ah the 4D "i was just clearly joking" chess arrives again.. 😏
dude, the receipts are littered all through this thread and you even made an entire separate thread about Xbox leaving hardware..
you proudly declared to me during a back-and-forth that Xbox was already 3rd party..
like @last_lap said, carry the L and move on..
Lol yeah because CEOs announce their retirements on a podcast lol. I literally started that post with "Let's make some crazy predictions" Maybe you're just that gullible lol
so you never said that Xbox was going 3rd party?.. you never said Xbox was leaving hardware?..
Love how they said our 1st party games will always be day one on GamePass over and over again.
I wonder if some will finally understand that……..oh who am I kidding.
You were right. Exhibit A
Remember when they said Kinect will always be bundled with Xbox One and it's core to the product? Nah neither do I...
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