@R4gn4r0k: When I say retro, I'm talking about owning the actual hardware, I have an original SNES that plays all its games, buying a mini console is halfarsing it.
The only og console I don't have atm is a NES. I will look into buying one maybe next year.
But yeah gaming is getting worse every year. Micros, season passes, dlc, shit never ends. And the worst of all is most games these days have over 5hrs of cutscenes where you feel like you're playing just to get to the next cutscene to advance the story.
There is no bad choice, if you want to hook up original consoles to CRT TVs, that is excellent too.
I'm just speaking on my own behalf here but the reason why I go for these newer system is this:
- SNES mini and PS mini both come with HDMI ports, making them super easy to hook up to a modern TV.
- Prices for cartridges can be quite exuberant.
- Playing some games like Killzone they feel right at home on my handheld. The games are lower res and gameplay wise they fit for short bursts.
I love retro gaming, I love modern gaming, and I love everything in between. But personally, I just don't see myself hooking up CRT tvs anymore, that is why I invested in component cables too.
Wasn't trying to crap on your way of doing retro mate, just stating how I experience it. I have a ton of games in my shed. I have like 10 tubs of games in my shed, each with over a 100 games in each, yes old games are expensive, but if you collect them over the years (and in my job I come across games, consoles etc) you can build quite a collection.
I need another CRT tv as mine has crapped itself, I only need it to play my shooting games that use a light phaser, Virtua Cop 1 & 2, House of the Dead 1 & 2 etc. I play the rest of my retro stuff on a small (48cm) LED tv and they look good, not as good as CRT but still good enough.
So I do understand those who buy mini's as its a relatively cheap way to experience retro.
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