[QUOTE="navyguy21"] Can you be completely objective for a second? Do you honestly think cows havent been the most overzealous faction in SW since PS2? Lets just pretend that SW doesnt exist. When the industry as a whole starts responding in videos to the wrath of cows, you know it is a problem. Sessler, IGN, Gamespot, and destructoid have all responded to cows being petty and childish. Honestly, im not sure what makes them that way............whether the rumor is true that Sony pays people to post that way........but i know it is annoying as hell. Tormentos and Davekeeh arent exceptions. Sure, there are hardened 360 and PS3 supporters, but that doesnt mean ignore all logic and bash with stupidity. Take SolidTy for example. He has said he prefers Sony and PS3, but you dont see him trolling and invading forums and internet polls. That is the difference in the mods named as 360 supporters and Davekeeh. He is a blind troll like Tormentos. They dont care about facts, common sense, or objectivity.navyguy21
What makes Tormentos a "blind troll"?I actually am objective...and it's not for a second, it's always. I prefer Sony as a company becaue of actions not emotions or fanboyism. My preference for PS could change at anytime because the standards which I judge a game company/ systems/ and games were established before I eveer touched a Playstation or xbox console. Fanboys change their standards based on what their favorite company does.
You seem to think anyone who defends/prefers Playstaion and or sony is a "COW" (blind fanboy) that fact in and of itself shows that you have a biased state of mind, but that just goes to show that you are the one who needs to be objective.
I do not think there is anything I can say to make you not think that DA COWZ ARE DA WORZT FANBOYZ so why even ask "me" to be objective? If I give you objective reasoning why what you said is wrong you will most likely just come up with excuses why what you want to believe is right.
The fact that you name Tormentos as a blind troll lets me know something is wrong with you. There are some sony fans which you might could lable as a blind troll but Tormentos isn't one...he simply destroys xbox fanboys in argument using facts. lol so a sony fan arguing against xbox fans in debates = blind sony troll?
I tell you what, if you can objectively tell me how Tormentos is a "blind troll" I will honor your request and give a deep thought out reply, but you need to validate this one point to see if you are even objective enough to receive it.
Well i will try to keep this short so we dont have these long posts.
I do recognize that there is a difference in Cows vs PS fans. As i mentioned before, SolidTy is a sony fan, not a fanboy. IMO, it crosses the line when a poster makes it his or her mission to seek out and bash a system. THAT is why i labeled Tormentos along with Davekeeh. You have been here long enough to know his posting history. I dont have an issue with debating facts.......but when your posts are filled with emoticons to intentionally annoy and make fun of other users or a company, then i feel that is trolling. I havent seen you do that, and i know you prefer Sony, so thats why i didnt come at you like i tend to do with Tormentos. He labels me a lemming because i dont post like him or Davekeeh. Ive ALWAYS said that Sony was better with games, 1st parties, consumers, and hardware. Those things get ignored by tormentos.............even my entire posting history gets ignored............because i dont run blindly with the Sony support like he does.
Take this very argument. He seems so happy to post what he sees as negative news for XB1, and if i were to offer 1 counter argument.........and point out his many mistakes..............it would validate his opinion that i am a lemming.
How do you combat that?
So, since our few debates have ended with him calling me a lemming, i just dont bother debating him anymore. He wont listen even when it makes sense.
For further proof, just go through his posting history.
Feel free to check mine as well, i dont hide from it. You will see that i dont just throw out the fanboy card at everyone. I only use it when i feel it is warranted, and im sure the majority of SW posters............cows included........would agree with me.
best post I have seen from you in a while, Ok I will share my point of view.Tormentos IS a troll...he posts to annoy and get under the skin of xbox fans and he is pro sony/playstation. Where I think you stepped out of line is when you threw in the word "blind". He is not blind in the slightest, he knows exactly what he is saying and does a good job of explaining that with little to no name calling or personal bashing to the individuals he is debating with.
Rememer this is system wars, so what is wrong with a PS fan being a troll and using his arguments to get under the skin of other users and getting a laugh? Maybe your view of sony fans in general make you take that stance even if it is not reflecting the way things actually are. As long as someone posts based on facts followed by a sound argument it doen't matter if they are tolling or not, this is system wars!
You mention posters making it a mission to seek out and bash a system...well how come you didn't menton Preach, RRDD360 or Miketheman83. Have you seen THEIR threads? Tormentos level of fanboyism is childs play compared to these guys because Tormentos post based on facts that is backed up by credible sources or publications. In comparison those other guys just "invent" reasons to bash on Sony or playstation games.
Being well justified Sony fans could run around claiming xbox fans to be the worst based on a select few who are outspoken horrible fanboy posters on SW...but they don't. And do you know why I think that is? IT IS STUPID! This is system wars where fanboys go and people who don't like what you like and vice versa will be. I took a LONG break from SW and do you know why? Because I couldn't stand xbox360 fanboys making stupid arguments and posting with canned one linners in debates on arguments they made up or couldn't defend. Why am I telling you that point, because you seem to have a misunderstanding about fanboy groups because you don''t put the same standards on the fans of the console/compnay you prefer over another.
I have seen you say you think PS fans are hypocritical but point for point I am sure I could beat you out on the amount of flip flopping hypocritcal reverses xbox fans have made; but even if I did that it wouldn't be to say HAHA look xbox fanbotz IZ DA WORZT, it would be to show you that the view point about sony fans which you hold so dearly is short sighted and flawed.
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