@Pedro said:
@SolidTy I stated the PS4K will be BC with the PS4. You responded "It won't be". How wouldn't be and what does the PS3 have to do with the PS4k and the PS4 BC? I feel you went on a rant for no particular reason.
Oh, I see. I misunderstood when you said, "BC". Apologies for the confusion, but when I saw you state "BC" (Backwards Compatibility), in context BC has always referred to a previous generation of games. In fact, this thread is discussing BC of the Xbone, in reference to the 360 games.
You are saying the rumored upgraded PS4K will be BC with PS4 games? Considering it's a PS4, yes, it will play PS4 games. It's not a PS5 after-all. The rumored PS4K can't play any other types of games, other than PS4 games since it's a PS4. Don't let Nya's desperate and confused fanboy thinking permeate common sense. Imagine calling any retailer and asking them if the PS4K is BC with the PS4, you will just confuse the retailer. BC makes no sense in that context.
Much like 2014's New 3DS is still a 3DS with upgraded processors and increased RAM. This strange point was never an issue as BC in context back then in 2014 as BC was referencing the DS games, and the DS could play the GBA games, etc. It's interesting that select individuals didn't try to say the New 3DS was BC with 3DS games back then since there wasn't a fanboy desperation angle in trying to get rid of "exclusives" from the 3DS.
Their was an enhanced PS2 plus model that could play PS2 games but also included extra features, but I wouldn't say it was BC with PS2, it was a PS2 with enhancements, much like the New 3DS. There is other examples as well, like the Xbox 360 core with no HDD and the HDD models. The HDD 360s weren't BC with the 360, they were 360s themselves. The Saturn and N64 had RAM upgrades, but again, were still Saturns and N64s. Yes, N64s were sold with the extra RAM inserted, I have one such model.
While the New 3DS is the best example, the PC is also another example depending on the GPU.
Different skus for these consoles, but in the end, they didn't fragment the market. Typically the extra features of these machines are underutilized, but they aren't considered BC since the software is still designed for the LCD.
There is also a new Xbone coming with a new controller set to be revealed at E3, but again, the new Xbone won't be considered BC with the Xbone games, since it's just an Xbone.
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