I thought Sonygaf wasn't a credible source.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Yea I could've sworn that thuway guy was always on some negative BS about the X1 but lately he's been talking positive...weird.
Great, so it will still be 40% slower than the PS4 and 50 - 60% slower than $400 pc hardware. You XB720 owners got such a wonderful deal. What was it that PT Barnum said about suckers?
40% Slower than PS4? Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghost looks same good on both consoles. Right now Xbox One has best looking games like Ryse and Kinect Sports Rivals(both voted by critics reviewers sites and by people by poll).
If anything than PS4 is 20% stronger than Xbox One. If PS4 were 50% more powerful than Xbox One then PS4 should have run Call of Duty Ghost without any frame rate issue or Battlefield 4 with AA and at least medium or high settings not low settings.
Again, Cloud Gaming will make it more powerful. Thats not the only boost. Month ago Microsoft boosted Xbox One also 10%
PS4's frame rate issues on ghosts comes from running the game at above 60 FPS, which is different from Xbone's framerate issues that come from running the game below 60 FPS even at 720p.
PS4's BF4 port does have AA and it's running with a mixed high and ultra settings.
The Xbone BF4 port doesn't have AA and it's running with a mixed low and medium settings.
Xbone is far more than 50% weaker than the PS4.
You lost all your respect you had.
Lying is worst thing you can do. SHAME ON YOU!
I ignore all your next posts.
PS4 BF4 does not run with AA and does not run with ultri and high settings.
Second, BF4 looks better on Xbox One.
Third, Call of Duty Ghost runs better on Xbox One, all critics said that. You call critics liars?
Again, if Xbox One would have 50% weaker than why Xbox One has best looking games? Where is proof that Xbox One is 50% weaker?
What a bunch of nonsense and misinformation..Those screenshots are not right.xbone is the blurry one.
Those links you posted show some lighting missing on the PS4 version. Look at the top of their heads. wut up with da?
Great, so it will still be 40% slower than the PS4 and 50 - 60% slower than $400 pc hardware. You XB720 owners got such a wonderful deal. What was it that PT Barnum said about suckers?
40% Slower than PS4? Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghost looks same good on both consoles. Right now Xbox One has best looking games like Ryse and Kinect Sports Rivals(both voted by critics reviewers sites and by people by poll).
If anything than PS4 is 20% stronger than Xbox One. If PS4 were 50% more powerful than Xbox One then PS4 should have run Call of Duty Ghost without any frame rate issue or Battlefield 4 with AA and at least medium or high settings not low settings.
Again, Cloud Gaming will make it more powerful. Thats not the only boost. Month ago Microsoft boosted Xbox One also 10%
At 1080p, 7850 can't run Call of Duty Ghost without any frame rate issue.
Let's correct the mistakes with Xbox One's info...
The 8 Core CPU was designed by AMD NOT Microsoft i.e. AMD's copyright is on the chip itself. LOL
The GPU runs via "DirectX 11.X" APIs and it's superset of PC's DirectX 11.2 (ref 1).
DirectX 11.X's superset features supports most of AMD Radeon HD "Graphics Core Next" and it's 32MB eSRAM features and it still waiting for the driver update to support it's ACE units(ref 2).
1. http://blogs.windows.com/windows/b/appbuilder/archive/2013/10/14/raising-the-bar-with-direct3d.aspx
2. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-microsoft-to-unlock-more-gpu-power-for-xbox-one-developers
Once you get over the initial surprise that the background system takes up quite so much GPU time in the first place, the notion of being able to give developers access to this resource while not compromising functionality may sound rather like having your cake and eating it, but Microsoft points to particular aspects of the GPU hardware that make this scenario possible.
"In addition to asynchronous compute queues, the Xbox One hardware supports two concurrent render pipes," Goossen pointed out. "The two render pipes can allow the hardware to render title content at high priority while concurrently rendering system content at low priority. The GPU hardware scheduler is designed to maximise throughput and automatically fills 'holes' in the high-priority processing. This can allow the system rendering to make use of the ROPs for fill, for example, while the title is simultaneously doing synchronous compute operations on the compute units."
I could have sworn I remember reading about this months ago.
I thought Sonygaf wasn't a credible source.
Since when? GAF in general is more credible than most of these random pay-for-reviews websites with no name to them. That site actually has developers and real insiders posting there.
The information itself may not make fanboys happy, but the information is usually correct.
Guy we finally found xbone secret sauce... oh wait these update happen to every console. TLHBO
X1 has a gimped driver that doesn't work with the shipped ACE units and has to use the time slicing workaround.
"Secret sauce" doesn't exist, only Radeon driver issues (for it's new features). Note that PC's Radeon HD GCN still waiting for the public release of AMD HSA compute driver and that's after two years (from late Dec 2011 Radeon HD 7970 release).
NeoGAF member and industry insider thuway is back with more information, especially clarifying the Xbox One driver update mentioned earlier this week. According to thuway, it seems that a 10 percent performance boost should be available at the very least.
On being asked whether this update would allow for games like, say, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag to run at 1080p rather than 900p on the Xbox One, thuway tweeted, “@bravedwarf I can’t say anything about that, but I’ve heard 10% performance boost should be on tap.”
Also Microsoft promised that when Cloud Gaming is coming in 2015 then Xbox One will be 3-4 more powerful than it is right now.
Alright, NOW let the WAR BEGIN!
this is actually old news. really old news. but its good news for XB1 and Xboxers so cows and the so called unbiased on here buried the **** out of it. this was announced months ago...with multiple threads on it. but somehow in all recent threads no one knows about it, or mentions it. conveniently forgotten, lol.
NeoGAF member and industry insider thuway is back with more information, especially clarifying the Xbox One driver update mentioned earlier this week. According to thuway, it seems that a 10 percent performance boost should be available at the very least.
On being asked whether this update would allow for games like, say, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag to run at 1080p rather than 900p on the Xbox One, thuway tweeted, “@bravedwarf I can’t say anything about that, but I’ve heard 10% performance boost should be on tap.”
Also Microsoft promised that when Cloud Gaming is coming in 2015 then Xbox One will be 3-4 more powerful than it is right now.
Alright, NOW let the WAR BEGIN!
x1 is super weak so 10% of a 300 dollars PC is not much
but that only if the 10% is true, its not easy to get 10% increase on any hardware, 10% higher clock could result even on 30% more power consumption and heat and its totally inaceptable
there is no other way to unleash 10% more power from this system unless they disable kinect, but them you would not be able to control the system or record videos for example
Great, so it will still be 40% slower than the PS4 and 50 - 60% slower than $400 pc hardware. You XB720 owners got such a wonderful deal. What was it that PT Barnum said about suckers?
40% Slower than PS4? Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghost looks same good on both consoles. Right now Xbox One has best looking games like Ryse and Kinect Sports Rivals(both voted by critics reviewers sites and by people by poll).
If anything than PS4 is 20% stronger than Xbox One. If PS4 were 50% more powerful than Xbox One then PS4 should have run Call of Duty Ghost without any frame rate issue or Battlefield 4 with AA and at least medium or high settings not low settings.
Again, Cloud Gaming will make it more powerful. Thats not the only boost. Month ago Microsoft boosted Xbox One also 10%
At 1080p, 7850 can't run Call of Duty Ghost without any frame rate issue.
A 7850 with a decent cpu will run it on ultra from 40 - 80fps at 1080p on a 7850. The PS4 version is not running on ultra, which is why it can do a relatively stable 60 fps, although I have seen it dip below 50 a few times on some videos..
At ultra settings for 60 average, the minimum GPU is either original 7970 or GeForce GTX 680.
Note that NVIDIA's Gameworks enabled games is a close source/black box engine that removes programmer's and 3rd party's ability optimize the game.
5 or 6 threads on the front page from the same poster about a similar topic. Reaching Blackace's level of insecurity now.
Its a bit ironic that it turned out that the PS4 was the one hiding a bit of power. It turns out the CPU is stronger than previously thought. Better GPU and ram, faster CPU than the bone while costing $100. Must make bone fans furious.
You'll notice that I don't make very many threads, so you are completely WRONG. Why would I be insecure when I own ALL the consoles? I have the best of everything. I'm insecure about nothing. Now, let's talk about COWS. They go to EVERY XB1 thread and EVERY XB1 article (GOOD or BAD) and try to SLAM Microsoft, XB1 and XB1 games. If that's not being insecure, I don't know what is. In PS4 is so great and fantastic to Cows (don't get me wrong, I like my PS4 as well), why do they need to bash and trash the competition? I rarely see Cows making positive threads about the PS4. They make more negative threads about the XB1 then anything else on SW. Then they wonder why lems think they are scared.
Cows in a panic.
This post just proves my point.
Yeah, that you're an trolling idiotic cow and I'm right.
Some good advice for cows.
Guy we finally found xbone secret sauce... oh wait these update happen to every console. TLHBO
X1 has a gimped driver that doesn't work with the shipped ACE units and has to use the time slicing workaround.
"Secret sauce" doesn't exist, only Radeon driver issues (for it's new features). Note that PC's Radeon HD GCN still waiting for the public release of AMD HSA compute driver and that's after two years (from late Dec 2011 Radeon HD 7970 release).
18 CU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>12 CU you say it your self the rest is irrelevant.
NeoGAF member and industry insider thuway is back with more information, especially clarifying the Xbox One driver update mentioned earlier this week. According to thuway, it seems that a 10 percent performance boost should be available at the very least.
On being asked whether this update would allow for games like, say, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag to run at 1080p rather than 900p on the Xbox One, thuway tweeted, “@bravedwarf I can’t say anything about that, but I’ve heard 10% performance boost should be on tap.”
Also Microsoft promised that when Cloud Gaming is coming in 2015 then Xbox One will be 3-4 more powerful than it is right now.
Alright, NOW let the WAR BEGIN!
It also refers to the 10% of the already crap GPU they would holding for the Kinect gimmicks. Sorry OP. Xbone still sucks.
In this thread I learned that FreedomFromFacts is even more deluded than blackace, kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu2 and ShitbatAlpha.
Guy we finally found xbone secret sauce... oh wait these update happen to every console. TLHBO
X1 has a gimped driver that doesn't work with the shipped ACE units and has to use the time slicing workaround.
"Secret sauce" doesn't exist, only Radeon driver issues (for it's new features). Note that PC's Radeon HD GCN still waiting for the public release of AMD HSA compute driver and that's after two years (from late Dec 2011 Radeon HD 7970 release).
18 CU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>12 CU you say it your self the rest is irrelevant.
18 CU > 12 CU is a "no brainer".
I don't see any "secret sauce" with the X1.
PS; hopefully, somebody jail breaks PS4 and install Scrypt based digital coin mining (alt-coin, LiteCoin, Dogcoin 'etc') software on it, but I prefer Sony to support digital coin mining similar to Fold at Home on PS3.
So what is the take away here? What does 10% mean in real terms? Is this going to retro-actively improve games that are already released or just ones going forward. Without context I'm not sure what significance (and how much) this 10% has.
@BattlefieldFan3: Think again.
I don’t want to give good news to Microsoft fans but all these new gpu’s and cpu’s that come out every month is getting annoying to say the least. I gave up on upgrading my PC. But it still runs Metro: Last Light and that’s what i’m playing atm. The cloud called AZURE which is Microsoft’s of course is the most valuable and expensive cloud in the world.
You know Rockstar has a cloud worth 200million $ and it can stream textures into your GTA5 world whilst you are playing.
The AZURE cloud is worth 8 billion $ and it’s infrastructure is 9 billion $.
Most people say it’s impossible but if Rockstar can do that with their cloud then Microsoft will have no problem.
You think Xbox One is 50% weaker. You are crazy. If you want to go technical, okay then.
Xbox One’s CPU will still be faster than the PS4’s CPU whilst the PS4’s GPU will be stronger but still slower.
I don’t know if you remember The Xbox 360 vs PS3 spec debates but PS3 had better RAM and better Hardware overall.
Microsoft sadly is greedy and rich. They had some smart people designing their Chips on the XBOX 360.
Even though the PS3 had better specs, the chips GPU didn’t have unified pipelines like the XBOX 360. Meaning The Xbox 360 good compute things easier and faster even though it had slower specs compared to PS3.
I can show you : GDDR5 vs DDR3
You will go “ GDDR5 is faster than DDR3 “ “PS4 wins”
There is more to a console than just the RAM it uses.
CPU likes low latency so that will not be a problem since Microsoft has a custom chip.
Microsoft will yet again do extremely well with less specs just like last gen.
I want to see what a 9billion $ cloud can do.
any way.
I love my PS4.
@BattlefieldFan3: Think again.
I don’t want to give good news to Microsoft fans but all these new gpu’s and cpu’s that come out every month is getting annoying to say the least. I gave up on upgrading my PC. But it still runs Metro: Last Light and that’s what i’m playing atm. The cloud called AZURE which is Microsoft’s of course is the most valuable and expensive cloud in the world.
You know Rockstar has a cloud worth 200million $ and it can stream textures into your GTA5 world whilst you are playing.
The AZURE cloud is worth 8 billion $ and it’s infrastructure is 9 billion $.
Most people say it’s impossible but if Rockstar can do that with their cloud then Microsoft will have no problem.
You think Xbox One is 50% weaker. You are crazy. If you want to go technical, okay then.
Xbox One’s CPU will still be faster than the PS4’s CPU whilst the PS4’s GPU will be stronger but still slower.
I don’t know if you remember The Xbox 360 vs PS3 spec debates but PS3 had better RAM and better Hardware overall.
Microsoft sadly is greedy and rich. They had some smart people designing their Chips on the XBOX 360.
Even though the PS3 had better specs, the chips GPU didn’t have unified pipelines like the XBOX 360. Meaning The Xbox 360 good compute things easier and faster even though it had slower specs compared to PS3.
I can show you : GDDR5 vs DDR3
You will go “ GDDR5 is faster than DDR3 “ “PS4 wins”
There is more to a console than just the RAM it uses.
CPU likes low latency so that will not be a problem since Microsoft has a custom chip.
Microsoft will yet again do extremely well with less specs just like last gen.
I want to see what a 9billion $ cloud can do.
any way.
I love my PS4.
Streaming textures doesn't requires GB of data,in fact GTA streamed textures from the PS2 DVD,at a few MB per second,the PS3 also has streaming textures as well in some games to compensate for slow drive,what is does is that the units is always streaming text.
Is not useful for all games,and will not MAKE games look better,that is just an alternative to load games,have you see that now xbox one games need to be install.? Yeah that is because optical media now is to slow for most games to load textures and other accepts as well.
The cloud is bullsh** is dedicated servers for games period,and the fact that Titanfall use it and look like utter sh** says it all.
Funny enough test done already to the PS4 and xbox one show the PS4 CPU been faster in test how is that possible.?
@tormentos: LOL do you want me to go technical in terms of that CPU statement you just posted ??
Cloud has Virtual Machines and tons of other cool things. IT’s NOT JUST SERVERS.
TitanFall looks bad, really ?
OK, that’s your opinion.
Tons of other people say it looks great but you don’t. That’s taste my friend.
@tormentos: LOL do you want me to go technical in terms of that CPU statement you just posted ??
Cloud has Virtual Machines and tons of other cool things. IT’s NOT JUST SERVERS.
TitanFall looks bad, really ?
OK, that’s your opinion.
Tons of other people say it looks great but you don’t. That’s taste my friend.
Oh please do...lol
Is just dedicated servers for games,the rest is pure crap by MS to try to sell their cloud as the greatest thing ever,cloud processing is not useful for graphics period it doesn't have the speed period.
Yes Titanfall look bad,and if Mark Rubin is right it will also be 720p.
The only people who find Titanfall to be great looking is blind fanboys,the game has good comments for its gameplay not for its graphics.
Great, so it will still be 40% slower than the PS4 and 50 - 60% slower than $400 pc hardware. You XB720 owners got such a wonderful deal. What was it that PT Barnum said about suckers?
40% Slower than PS4? Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghost looks same good on both consoles. Right now Xbox One has best looking games like Ryse and Kinect Sports Rivals(both voted by critics reviewers sites and by people by poll).
If anything than PS4 is 20% stronger than Xbox One. If PS4 were 50% more powerful than Xbox One then PS4 should have run Call of Duty Ghost without any frame rate issue or Battlefield 4 with AA and at least medium or high settings not low settings.
Again, Cloud Gaming will make it more powerful. Thats not the only boost. Month ago Microsoft boosted Xbox One also 10%
At 1080p, 7850 can't run Call of Duty Ghost without any frame rate issue.
A 7850 with a decent cpu will run it on ultra from 40 - 80fps at 1080p on a 7850. The PS4 version is not running on ultra, which is why it can do a relatively stable 60 fps, although I have seen it dip below 50 a few times on some videos..
At ultra settings for 60 average, the minimum GPU is either original 7970 or GeForce GTX 680.
Note that NVIDIA's Gameworks enabled games is a close source/black box engine that removes programmer's and 3rd party's ability optimize the game.
That benchmark makes a GTX770 look like the bare minimum for a stable 60 fps.
Wtf did they do? The game certainly does'nt justify that kind of system stress.
Great, so it will still be 40% slower than the PS4 and 50 - 60% slower than $400 pc hardware. You XB720 owners got such a wonderful deal. What was it that PT Barnum said about suckers?
From my point of view, cows are the suckers. The PS4 is just a hardware upgrade - the Xbox One is a next-gen system.
Firstly, I can buy Virtual Machines and use it. It’s not fricken marketing are you kidding me.
SO Microsoft used 9 billion $ for cloud and now it’s just a gimmick. OKAY ? Look I’m not bias.
I have a PS4. I’m on no ones side.
I’m just going to state facts here okay ?
Pleas read everything.
It might reveal some cool things to you.
You know, knowledge is power.
The Xbox One’s APU is reverse engineered.
I see tons of PONIES going around spitting out the xbox one’s specs and PS4’s specs when they hardly understand what they are saying.
The Xbox One die is 363 square millimeters.
PS4’s die is 348sq mm.
XBOX ONE has bigger die due to having more on-die RAM. 47mb in total.
This is why MS chose a smaller custom made GPU. There wasn’t enough space.
There are differences between the PS4 and Xbox One’s approach.
The Xbox One’s Jaguar CPU blocks has circuitry on the side, something that the PS4 lacks.
Not sure what it helps with, though.
We know that the Xbox One's CPU clock was raised to 1.75GHz from the 1.6GHz of the original devkits, a respectable 9.37 percent boost. Sony hasn't stated an official figure for the PS4's CPU speed, though rumors point to it being the same 1.6GHz as the pre-boost Xbox One. Depending on the CPU speed, this means that for CPU-heavy games the Xbox One may have a slight edge over the PlayStation 4. This different won't be very noticeable, though, unless the game is coded to be absolutely desperate for every drop of performance it can squeeze out of the CPU.
The PS4 uses fast 5500MHz GDDR5 RAM of the type you might find on a modern graphics card, while the Xbox One uses slower 2133MHz DDR3 RAM like what you might find in a standard-issue PC. Both consoles use a 256-bit memory bus, giving the PS4 a theoretical memory bandwidth of roughly 176GB per second, while the Xbox One gets by with bandwidth of around 68.26GB per second because of its slower clock speed. Microsoft has also included 47MB of high-speed ESRAM integrated directly into to processor die. 47MB doesn't sound like much compared to the 8GB pool of system RAM, but it makes up for its small size by being much, much faster. DO YOU KNOW WHY ?
Things sent to the ESRAM don't have to travel out to main memory and back, which both increases bandwidth and reduces latency.
The maximum theoretical bandwidth for the ESRAM is 218 GB per second. A maximum 109GB per second traveling in either direction simultaneously.
The DDR3 system RAM and the ESRAM can together give developers about 200GB per second of memory bandwidth to work with.
Even though the Xbox One has a slightly faster CPU, the PS4 has a larger GPU.
The Xbox One doesn’t really have a 32MB contiguous cache, but four 8MB cache blocks.
There are two blocks of cache to the right of the GPU and a smaller block to the left.
This smaller block is used for cross-CPU communication.
Both manufacturers chose architecture they felt would allow them to work most effectively. Microsoft invested more silicon in large, low latency caches, while Sony sank more money into raw bandwidth. As far as performance is concerned, this might end up a tie. As the Xbox One being able to access data more quickly, while the PS4 can stream sustained data far more effectively.
Also on the resolution topic:
There are differences between the way the Xbox One renders something and the way the PS4 renders it.
The PS4 and XBOX one both have different approaches.
It will ultimately be up to the Developers to decide what resolutions their games look best at.
Did you know the PS4 version of the abomination called COD:GOATS was shipped in 720p@60fps
Yes, they patched it with an update.
Devs are saying the PS4’s resolution is too high on COD:GOATS therefore it suffers from Frame Rate loss.
While the Xbox One runs a steady 60fps on it’s 720p.
The truth is the Xbox One has a better API called Direct X 11.2 which <ill make it easier for developers to make games since MS introduced TILED RECOURCES.
But the PS4 is easier to render a game at a certain resolution.
I don’t really see a win on any side yet.
I can show you another video where the Xbox One is faster ?
Truth is.
PS4 and Xbox One aren’t that much apart as you would think.
If you bought a PS4, then I am not going to go around saying that your PS4 sucks.
I can go crazy saying your PS4 cloud sucks because it isn’t as strong as the AZURE. That is fact but it’s irrelevant because Sony didn’t spend as much money on their cloud.
I’m happy to have a PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
I don’t have to worry about not seeing any cool exclusives in my library.
One of the best things in that article are the comments. Cows are so goddamned butthurt over Xbox One it is ridiculous. Right away, fanboys jumped in and attacked the guy who said he liked his Xbox One! Such epic butthurt is going to be the norm this gen.
Cows get their panties in a bunch every time someone mentions that they like another console. So sad, yet so funny. Cows gonna cow.
One of the best things in that article are the comments. Cows are so goddamned butthurt over Xbox One it is ridiculous. Right away, fanboys jumped in and attacked the guy who said he liked his Xbox One! Such epic butthurt is going to be the norm this gen.
Cows get their panties in a bunch every time someone mentions that they like another console. So sad, yet so funny. Cows gonna cow.
You 100% right. It´s sad that when someone likes those games more that are on Xbox One then those people are freaks and should be killed(SONY FANBOYS)
Well have a better comparison after the next wave of games comes out built from the ground up for both consoles. Until then it's just tweaked versions of last gen games with slightly updated graphics
Firstly, I can buy Virtual Machines and use it. It’s not fricken marketing are you kidding me.
SO Microsoft used 9 billion $ for cloud and now it’s just a gimmick. OKAY ? Look I’m not bias.
I have a PS4. I’m on no ones side.
I’m just going to state facts here okay ?
Pleas read everything.
It might reveal some cool things to you.
You know, knowledge is power.
The Xbox One’s APU is reverse engineered.
I see tons of PONIES going around spitting out the xbox one’s specs and PS4’s specs when they hardly understand what they are saying.
The Xbox One die is 363 square millimeters.
PS4’s die is 348sq mm.
XBOX ONE has bigger die due to having more on-die RAM. 47mb in total.
This is why MS chose a smaller custom made GPU. There wasn’t enough space.
There are differences between the PS4 and Xbox One’s approach.
The Xbox One’s Jaguar CPU blocks has circuitry on the side, something that the PS4 lacks.
Not sure what it helps with, though.
We know that the Xbox One's CPU clock was raised to 1.75GHz from the 1.6GHz of the original devkits, a respectable 9.37 percent boost. Sony hasn't stated an official figure for the PS4's CPU speed, though rumors point to it being the same 1.6GHz as the pre-boost Xbox One. Depending on the CPU speed, this means that for CPU-heavy games the Xbox One may have a slight edge over the PlayStation 4. This different won't be very noticeable, though, unless the game is coded to be absolutely desperate for every drop of performance it can squeeze out of the CPU.
The PS4 uses fast 5500MHz GDDR5 RAM of the type you might find on a modern graphics card, while the Xbox One uses slower 2133MHz DDR3 RAM like what you might find in a standard-issue PC. Both consoles use a 256-bit memory bus, giving the PS4 a theoretical memory bandwidth of roughly 176GB per second, while the Xbox One gets by with bandwidth of around 68.26GB per second because of its slower clock speed. Microsoft has also included 47MB of high-speed ESRAM integrated directly into to processor die. 47MB doesn't sound like much compared to the 8GB pool of system RAM, but it makes up for its small size by being much, much faster. DO YOU KNOW WHY ?
Things sent to the ESRAM don't have to travel out to main memory and back, which both increases bandwidth and reduces latency.
The maximum theoretical bandwidth for the ESRAM is 218 GB per second. A maximum 109GB per second traveling in either direction simultaneously.
The DDR3 system RAM and the ESRAM can together give developers about 200GB per second of memory bandwidth to work with.
Even though the Xbox One has a slightly faster CPU, the PS4 has a larger GPU.
The Xbox One doesn’t really have a 32MB contiguous cache, but four 8MB cache blocks.
There are two blocks of cache to the right of the GPU and a smaller block to the left.
This smaller block is used for cross-CPU communication.
Both manufacturers chose architecture they felt would allow them to work most effectively. Microsoft invested more silicon in large, low latency caches, while Sony sank more money into raw bandwidth. As far as performance is concerned, this might end up a tie. As the Xbox One being able to access data more quickly, while the PS4 can stream sustained data far more effectively.
Also on the resolution topic:
There are differences between the way the Xbox One renders something and the way the PS4 renders it.
The PS4 and XBOX one both have different approaches.
It will ultimately be up to the Developers to decide what resolutions their games look best at.
Did you know the PS4 version of the abomination called COD:GOATS was shipped in 720p@60fps
Yes, they patched it with an update.
Devs are saying the PS4’s resolution is too high on COD:GOATS therefore it suffers from Frame Rate loss.
While the Xbox One runs a steady 60fps on it’s 720p.
The truth is the Xbox One has a better API called Direct X 11.2 which <ill make it easier for developers to make games since MS introduced TILED RECOURCES.
But the PS4 is easier to render a game at a certain resolution.
I don’t really see a win on any side yet.
I can show you another video where the Xbox One is faster ?
Truth is.
PS4 and Xbox One aren’t that much apart as you would think.
If you bought a PS4, then I am not going to go around saying that your PS4 sucks.
I can go crazy saying your PS4 cloud sucks because it isn’t as strong as the AZURE. That is fact but it’s irrelevant because Sony didn’t spend as much money on their cloud.
I’m happy to have a PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
I don’t have to worry about not seeing any cool exclusives in my library.
M$ got a 12 CU gpu because they are cheap
the 18 CU gpu on the PS4 can cost the same or even less to produce, but you have to pay AMD for the licence to produce that and AMD is charging sony more than double its charging M$ for the gpu weaker
amd dont give a f*** about production cost, they will charge more for the more powerful product because of development costs
95% of the cost of a cpu or gpu is paid to AMD for the money they invested developing it in the last 20 years
Let's correct the mistakes with Xbox One's info...
The 8 Core CPU was designed by AMD NOT Microsoft i.e. AMD's copyright is on the chip itself. LOL
The GPU runs via "DirectX 11.X" APIs and it's superset of PC's DirectX 11.2 (ref 1).
DirectX 11.X's superset features supports most of AMD Radeon HD "Graphics Core Next" and it's 32MB eSRAM features and it still waiting for the driver update to support it's ACE units(ref 2).
1. http://blogs.windows.com/windows/b/appbuilder/archive/2013/10/14/raising-the-bar-with-direct3d.aspx
2. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-microsoft-to-unlock-more-gpu-power-for-xbox-one-developers
Once you get over the initial surprise that the background system takes up quite so much GPU time in the first place, the notion of being able to give developers access to this resource while not compromising functionality may sound rather like having your cake and eating it, but Microsoft points to particular aspects of the GPU hardware that make this scenario possible.
"In addition to asynchronous compute queues, the Xbox One hardware supports two concurrent render pipes," Goossen pointed out. "The two render pipes can allow the hardware to render title content at high priority while concurrently rendering system content at low priority. The GPU hardware scheduler is designed to maximise throughput and automatically fills 'holes' in the high-priority processing. This can allow the system rendering to make use of the ROPs for fill, for example, while the title is simultaneously doing synchronous compute operations on the compute units."
After all that wall of text...PS4 is still stronger.
Great, so it will still be 40% slower than the PS4 and 50 - 60% slower than $400 pc hardware. You XB720 owners got such a wonderful deal. What was it that PT Barnum said about suckers?
From my point of view, cows are the suckers. The PS4 is just a hardware upgrade - the Xbox One is a next-gen system.
Yet the PS4 is the one doing 1080p in almost all games,and the xbox one can't even run a fighting game with 2 characters on screen at higher than 720p...hahaha
The xbox one is also a hardware upgrade is just a poor one..lol
Firstly, I can buy Virtual Machines and use it. It’s not fricken marketing are you kidding me.
SO Microsoft used 9 billion $ for cloud and now it’s just a gimmick. OKAY ? Look I’m not bias.
I have a PS4. I’m on no ones side.
I’m just going to state facts here okay ?
Pleas read everything.
It might reveal some cool things to you.
You know, knowledge is power.
The Xbox One’s APU is reverse engineered.
I see tons of PONIES going around spitting out the xbox one’s specs and PS4’s specs when they hardly understand what they are saying.
The Xbox One die is 363 square millimeters.
PS4’s die is 348sq mm.
XBOX ONE has bigger die due to having more on-die RAM. 47mb in total.
This is why MS chose a smaller custom made GPU. There wasn’t enough space.
There are differences between the PS4 and Xbox One’s approach.
The Xbox One’s Jaguar CPU blocks has circuitry on the side, something that the PS4 lacks.
Not sure what it helps with, though.
We know that the Xbox One's CPU clock was raised to 1.75GHz from the 1.6GHz of the original devkits, a respectable 9.37 percent boost. Sony hasn't stated an official figure for the PS4's CPU speed, though rumors point to it being the same 1.6GHz as the pre-boost Xbox One. Depending on the CPU speed, this means that for CPU-heavy games the Xbox One may have a slight edge over the PlayStation 4. This different won't be very noticeable, though, unless the game is coded to be absolutely desperate for every drop of performance it can squeeze out of the CPU.
The PS4 uses fast 5500MHz GDDR5 RAM of the type you might find on a modern graphics card, while the Xbox One uses slower 2133MHz DDR3 RAM like what you might find in a standard-issue PC. Both consoles use a 256-bit memory bus, giving the PS4 a theoretical memory bandwidth of roughly 176GB per second, while the Xbox One gets by with bandwidth of around 68.26GB per second because of its slower clock speed. Microsoft has also included 47MB of high-speed ESRAM integrated directly into to processor die. 47MB doesn't sound like much compared to the 8GB pool of system RAM, but it makes up for its small size by being much, much faster. DO YOU KNOW WHY ?
Things sent to the ESRAM don't have to travel out to main memory and back, which both increases bandwidth and reduces latency.
The maximum theoretical bandwidth for the ESRAM is 218 GB per second. A maximum 109GB per second traveling in either direction simultaneously.
The DDR3 system RAM and the ESRAM can together give developers about 200GB per second of memory bandwidth to work with.
Even though the Xbox One has a slightly faster CPU, the PS4 has a larger GPU.
The Xbox One doesn’t really have a 32MB contiguous cache, but four 8MB cache blocks.
There are two blocks of cache to the right of the GPU and a smaller block to the left.
This smaller block is used for cross-CPU communication.
Both manufacturers chose architecture they felt would allow them to work most effectively. Microsoft invested more silicon in large, low latency caches, while Sony sank more money into raw bandwidth. As far as performance is concerned, this might end up a tie. As the Xbox One being able to access data more quickly, while the PS4 can stream sustained data far more effectively.
Also on the resolution topic:
There are differences between the way the Xbox One renders something and the way the PS4 renders it.
The PS4 and XBOX one both have different approaches.
It will ultimately be up to the Developers to decide what resolutions their games look best at.
Did you know the PS4 version of the abomination called COD:GOATS was shipped in 720p@60fps
Yes, they patched it with an update.
Devs are saying the PS4’s resolution is too high on COD:GOATS therefore it suffers from Frame Rate loss.
While the Xbox One runs a steady 60fps on it’s 720p.
The truth is the Xbox One has a better API called Direct X 11.2 which <ill make it easier for developers to make games since MS introduced TILED RECOURCES.
But the PS4 is easier to render a game at a certain resolution.
I don’t really see a win on any side yet.
I can show you another video where the Xbox One is faster ?
Truth is.
PS4 and Xbox One aren’t that much apart as you would think.
If you bought a PS4, then I am not going to go around saying that your PS4 sucks.
I can go crazy saying your PS4 cloud sucks because it isn’t as strong as the AZURE. That is fact but it’s irrelevant because Sony didn’t spend as much money on their cloud.
I’m happy to have a PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
I don’t have to worry about not seeing any cool exclusives in my library.
Yes you are bias and silly to.
1-Do you even know what reverse Engineer means.?
2-Die side mean sh** when the ESRAM take more Die space than the actual GPU.
3-from the 47MB only 32 MB is available to use,the other few MB are not part of that equation,by the way the PS4 doesn't have on die ram,it has a bigger GPU,so while MS wasted die space on ESRAM,sony took advantage putting a bigger GPU.
4-Totally irrelevant when the PS4 CPU is performing better on test already.
5-Totally irrelevant again the PS4 CPU is proving to have an edge on the xbox one CPU,even with the speed bump.
6- Again is 32MB not 47MB that the total memory on the APU,only 32MB can be use to help with bandwidth issues.
The theory numbers mean sh** what actually matter is what you can achieve in reality which is 140 to 150GB/s STATED BY MS OWN TEAM IT SELF,which is slower than the PS4 oh and not every part of the data are suited to pass by ESRAM,what doesn't feet on those 32MB cause a problem period,ESRAM is a problem for developers no a solution.
One out of every eight cycles is a bubble, so that's how you get the combined 204GB/s as the raw peak that we can really achieve over the ESRAM. And then if you say what can you achieve out of an application - we've measured about 140-150GB/s for ESRAM. That's real code running.
Digital Foundry: So 140-150GB/s is a realistic target and you can integrate DDR3 bandwidth simultaneously?
Nick Baker: Yes. That's been measured.
You can drop now the whole 200GB and 218GB,is only about 140 to 150 GB/s what it can sustain realisticly.
7-Latency mean sh** in the PS4,it doesn't use the same memory controllers as PC,and on PC CPU don't use GDDR5 there is no evidence than GDDR5 will affect CPU adversely,in fact the PS4 is a true HSA design with hUMA unlike what MS has,and from the test like the one i posted up there is easy to see the PS4 CPU is actually beating the xbox one CPU latency is not been an issue,hell the xbox one CPU is 100mhz faster yet is performing slower.
8-WTF.. lol The PS4 version of ghost and AC4 had all the 1080p textures,a quick patch was issue to fix the bug and there you have it the PS4 version is true 1080p,the xbox one version is 720p,and the PS4 version also is 60 FPS.
9-The xbox one runs at steady 60FPS my ass,hell on BF4 it runs 10 FPS slower than the PS4 version,while been 720p.
10-DirextX mean sh** all the features it has the PS4 has them as well but without the crappy restriction that DirectX has.
And Directx introduced Tile Resources in hell,that is a total bullsh** lie MS try to pull,Tile Resources = Partially Resident Textures,it has been part of GCN (also on PS4 since is GCN based) since 2011 when then 7000 series was release and supported by OpenGL since 2011,if anything MS was late by 2 years to the Tile Resources party.
Wrapping things up, for the time being while Southern Islands will bring hardware support for PRT software support will remain limited. As D3D is not normally extensible it’s really only possible to easily access the feature from other APIs (e.g. OpenGL), which when it comes to games is going to greatly limit the adoption of the technology. AMD of course is working on the issue, but there are few ways around D3D’s tight restrictions on non-standard features.
Tile Resources has been supported since 2011 by OpenGL.
The cloud mean sh** because any useful thing done by graphics card requires great bandwidth,you know that crap you claim the xbox one has 200GB'/s yeah thing is what make cloud power impossible for other than some really silly crap.
Internet connection has tons of latency,and and operate in MB,so even a 100MB connection,mean little because even low end cards work with GB of data a second now MB.
Imagine how much it takes your internet connection to download 100GB of Data,yeah most GPU do that and way more than that in 1 second.
Great, so it will still be 40% slower than the PS4 and 50 - 60% slower than $400 pc hardware. You XB720 owners got such a wonderful deal. What was it that PT Barnum said about suckers?
From my point of view, cows are the suckers. The PS4 is just a hardware upgrade - the Xbox One is a next-gen system.
lol. That makes no sense :)
It makes total sense. What does the PS4 bring to the table other than faster components? The Xb1 is trying (almost there) to be a true "single media device" that is operated via voice and gesture. The seemless switching between games, TV, movies, and apps on XB1 is nothing short of awesome.
Those are things to PS4 cannot do - at best, it can do a shotty, limited "me too!". For over a year, journalists and pundits have been saying the same thing - Sony went will a balls-out "gaming machine", where as MS went balls-out with a "gaming and media machine".
Cows got a hardware upgrade. If that's all they wanted, that's fine with me - but don't get mad when I point that out.
Cloud processing is a myth (for now), Why can't people accept that? Kudos for the performance boost though.
Yet it´s not myth on PC.
Why would Microsoft put billions in Cloud when it´s myth? Cloud already works. For Example, Forza 5 A.I.
Cloud can make A.I better, textures, streaming, everything.
Yes. Devs can do simple things with the cloud like create some kind of algorithm based on metrics of your play style to make dynamic ai in forza, but making a console 3-4 times more powerful like you said in the op is not possible. If we get to that level there would be no point in hardware.
There are just some things that has to be delegated to actual hardware for the best experience. Latency and bandwith will always be strong limiting factors with the cloud.
It would be completely possible to run games directly from the Cloud right now with the only hardware needed being something that could display a video stream (so basically the power of a tablet, smartphone or simple PC). The Bandwidth isn't really an issue on most people's internet connections--a blu-ray movie is roughly 4-8 mbps which is well within many people's internet connection (mine is 30 mbps). The latency issue is pretty much eliminated if someone has a fast internet connection and there are powerful servers dedicated to running the game ( the majority of lag in online gaming isn't a result of the time it takes for the information to travel on the internet, it is from the time that that information takes to get processed)
The biggest issue, the reason you don't see Microsoft, Sony or Valve running streaming game servers, is the cost and scalability. You basically need to have the same hardware capacity per user as they have in their own machine to see the same performance which costs a ton for both the hardware and the power. Lets say, if in 2 years, 10 million people were trying to play "cloud PS4s" simultaneously on christmas with their new games, sony would have to have have 3 billion dollars worth of PS4s in their server farms which would be using 110 mW which is like 1/10 of the total power produced at the average power plant.
It makes total sense. What does the PS4 bring to the table other than faster components? The Xb1 is trying (almost there) to be a true "single media device" that is operated via voice and gesture. The seemless switching between games, TV, movies, and apps on XB1 is nothing short of awesome.
Those are things to PS4 cannot do - at best, it can do a shotty, limited "me too!". For over a year, journalists and pundits have been saying the same thing - Sony went will a balls-out "gaming machine", where as MS went balls-out with a "gaming and media machine".
Cows got a hardware upgrade. If that's all they wanted, that's fine with me - but don't get mad when I point that out.
I guess that make the Wii the best last gen console,the xbox 360 and PS3 were just upgrades,the wii was the true next gen system,because it used motion to controls thing
The only thing the xbox one has over the PS4 is HDMI it to do a redundant fu**ing things,use 2 devices to do what you can do with 1.
Ignorance must be bliss, eh Tormentos? The XB1 is a lot more than a hardware upgrade. If you took your thumb out of your arse and tried using one for awhile, you wouldn't make so many stupid posts.
The xbox one is a cheap excuse of a console with HDMI,and the only thing that does over the PS4,i don't fu**ing need the PS4 to do so,i can use my own remote and my own cable box,and save my self some electricity on the process you know,since i don't have to have my cable box on and my PS4 to do something i can just do with my cable box.
The PS4 even has voice command you don't need a pathetic camera for that just a mic,which the PS4 has.
Fact is your an idiot blind fanboy who refuse to admit that MS screw you over with more expensive hardware that is less powerful,and that charge you to do anything,the xbox one barely qualify as a next gen console,even less as a hardware upgrade.
@tormentos: http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-call-of-duty-offers-better-framerate-than-ps4-1463163114
COD:Ghosts was running at a steady 60fps. Read what I have written.
Don’t bring BF4 in here. That is the worst optimized multi-platform game I’ve seen. Even the PC version has problems. This is because of EA’s greediness. Everyone knows that. I can’t even play that game anymore.
I claimed it theoretically. I didn’t say it was 218GB/s. But theoretically.
"DirectX 11.X's superset features supports most of AMD Radeon HD "Graphics Core Next" and it's 32MB eSRAM features and it still waiting for the driver update to support it's ACE units(ref 2).”
Let's correct the mistakes with Xbox One's info...
The 8 Core CPU was designed by AMD NOT Microsoft i.e. AMD's copyright is on the chip itself. LOL
The GPU runs via "DirectX 11.X" APIs and it's superset of PC's DirectX 11.2 (ref 1).
DirectX 11.X's superset features supports most of AMD Radeon HD "Graphics Core Next" and it's 32MB eSRAM features and it still waiting for the driver update to support it's ACE units(ref 2).
1. http://blogs.windows.com/windows/b/appbuilder/archive/2013/10/14/raising-the-bar-with-direct3d.aspx
2. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-microsoft-to-unlock-more-gpu-power-for-xbox-one-developers
Once you get over the initial surprise that the background system takes up quite so much GPU time in the first place, the notion of being able to give developers access to this resource while not compromising functionality may sound rather like having your cake and eating it, but Microsoft points to particular aspects of the GPU hardware that make this scenario possible.
"In addition to asynchronous compute queues, the Xbox One hardware supports two concurrent render pipes," Goossen pointed out. "The two render pipes can allow the hardware to render title content at high priority while concurrently rendering system content at low priority. The GPU hardware scheduler is designed to maximise throughput and automatically fills 'holes' in the high-priority processing. This can allow the system rendering to make use of the ROPs for fill, for example, while the title is simultaneously doing synchronous compute operations on the compute units."
Move engines: Only the the Xbox One has one and it has a total of 4 move engine processors. Move engines greatly reduce the overhead of transporting data between the CPU and the GPU, freeing up clock cycles for more important things (improving CPU and GPU performance). It also helps transfer data to the SRAM.
You are right, there is only 32mb that can be used. Thank you for clearing that up.
The RAM and cache situation is a bit more complicated than you would like to lead people to believe. First off, CPUs love low latency and GPUs love high bandwidth. Because of this Sony has crippled the PS4's CPU with DDR5 and Microsoft has crippled the Xbox One's GPU with DDR3. What does this mean? This means better CPU performance in the Xbox One and better GPU performance in the PS4. But...
The Xbox One has a higher CPU and GPU clock speed than the PS4 and it's higher GPU speed actually makes it perform better than if they had just unlocked it's two additional compute units due to additional CUs not adding performance linearly (decreasing reward for additional CUs). As everyone should know GPU's, ESPECIALLY AMD's, are highly CPU dependent (this is why high end i7s are used for GPU benchmarks, to eliminate CPU bottlenecks) which means that the PS4's GPU may turn out to be bottlenecked by it's CPU. As for Microsoft's bandwidth problem, they added the high speed SRAM as a cache to help solve this and the GPU can actually access data from both the SRAM and the DDR3 at the same time making it's total accessible bandwidth larger than either of them separately. The Xbox One's total bandwidth is estimated to be near (still below possibly )that of the PS4.
MS did not have the same luxury. They did not have the access to mass quantities of DDR5, and that forced them into ESRAM, which took up most of the GPU space. The largest GPU to fit, was the smaller 7790 comparable. MS was forced to have to add other methods and means to, essentially, fake-widen their highway (think, a bypass on the highway that allows cars to, well, bypass the highway) and assist the GPU. These are in the form of 4, smaller command processors (compute processors and 2 graphics processors) of Microsoft custom design, which allows faster, light/ medium work to be offloaded too, allowing the GPU to do the heavy hitting. "Tricks..." that's all this game is. Now, it may not mean they can hit harder than the much more direct PS4 approach, but it certainly means much, much more than just a mere 7790. It's all about how you distribute the data.
Ignorant kids automatically consider the PS4's 50% faster performance ( just as with PS3) to be endgame in the contest. Not even close. That 50% performance boost (actually, slightly less, since, Microsoft's speed boost), could work out to serve as a mere portion of headroom.
Sony or Microsoft might one day choose to enable the CUs in future console versions. This is unknown, typically console manufacturers don’t update core specs post-launch, but consoles have been trending towards greater upgradeability over the past two generations. It’s not impossible that this could change.
Resolution: PS4 doesn't even run BF4 at 1080p60, it runs at 900p60. I guess that means that the PS4 sucks too huh? Or maybe, just maybe it's like the last generation and it will take time for the devs to figure things out. LOGIC EXPLAINS.
Things like tiled resources were a Microsoft thing first, stolen and implemented by OpenGL coders for fame, standardized later, and then (and this is the important part) never incorporated into hardware-compatible solutions. In DirectX 11.1/11.2 all of these features are either directly processed on dedicated graphics hardware or have the ability to be easily loaded into hardware compute systems with little loss in efficiency.
It is claimed DX11.2, will come very close to writing to metal, that would be a huge advantage, unless, Sony opted to use Mantel.
I don’t know why you are going crazy with your swearing.
If there is something wrong with what I have said then I would like to know why and then I will change it in the future.
I’m not biased. I am open-minded. Open to both sides.
Please, you don’t know me.
Don’t state something that is completely irrelevant.
So if I would say something like “ the Xbox One has a custom gaming audio block capable of 512 audio channels whereas The PS4 on the other hand has an audio block capable of only 200 channels, Games hardly ever use more than 100 channels at the same time, and they're usually mixed within the game engine into a single channel for the soundcard. It's a nice feat but I doubt it makes much meaningful difference.” So this would make me a Sony fanboy ? Cause’ this is true in terms of audio the Xbox One blows the PS4 out of the ground but it’s irrelevant because games barely use 100 audio channels. I have a PS4 and an Xbox One. I do not choose sides but choose the facts.
I’m just stating facts. If your facts shows differently then I would take them warm-heartedly.
On the PS4 is faster comparison...... Calculating speedup when comparing two machines is incredibly complex and takes into factor alot of things which is why the actual speedup is currently unknown but tech sites are calling it close to a wash (based on how current x86 PC machines work).
Peace bro.
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