Nobody has effectively made the case for the One, not even Microsoft, so I will give it a shot. I must preface this with the following: I own a Wii U, am buying a PS4, a One, and a new video card all within the next few months, and look forward to the future of all the platforms for different reasons, but allow me to attempt to articulate why I am looking forward to the new Xbox in particular.
I am a big fan of alternative interface devices, which is probably one of the reasons I'm not on the, "I hate Kinect" bandwagon. The new One controller has haptic feedback which will create a tactile environment absent on other platforms, and could actually be a reason to buy multiplats on the One. Imagine 'feeling' the direction of incoming enemy fire, giving you one more piece of sensory information that can help you play better and feel more connected to the game. It's also really cool that they are going to get rid of the battery pack protrusion and allow native PC suppport without a dongle. I love playing PC games with my 360 controller, and I'm excited about playing upcoming games with the new super-rumble at no additional cost.
I think it will be really cool to see what remedy does with their new game... playing a game that alters the course of an episodic television program sounds really intrigueing to me. I am also excited about the next gen Halo and think a Spielberg produced Halo companion TV show sounds great if it's going to be like Forward Unto Dawn. Fantasia is one of my favorite movies of all time, so that title excites me quite a bit, and of course there's Titanfall
I know Microsoft took a lot of heat for talking about the TV integration, but as a regular television viewer, I for one really look forward to the new integration. Being able to use voice and gesture commands while browsing, searching and managing my television experience honestly sounds amazing. I currently really enjoy the ability to find shows I want to watch in Netflix with the current Kinect integration, and using gestures and voice to control the FF, Pause and other standard features is one of the most undervalued features of this generation, and it's about to get a whole lot better. They've made the voice commands more naturalistic too, which is a big improvement... you will no longer have to remember a command list and can simply say, "What movies are starting now?".
The Multitasking 'Snap' features are also really exciting to me. Having integrated Skype will be a real plus for my friends that want to play with me on Steam while I'm not near the computer, and the ability to pause a movie or television show and look up a concept, actor or other piece of information is as handy as it is futuristic. For instance, you can watch Game of Thrones on TV while video chatting... imagine the Red Wedding with friends and loved ones in real time - not something I'd always want to do, but certainly nice to have that option.
I don't think a lot of people realize just how much better LIVE is going to be going forward. For one thing, dedicated servers are going to be a big step up. For another, the matchmaking based on personality is a tremendously great feature unlike any other platform available. Also, you are going to be able to 'follow' people that you aren't your friends. Wanna make sure that reviewer played that game all the way through? Follow them. Also, people are going to be able to pick favorite friends for a more managable experience considering the limit has been increased to 1000. I also recently learned that your friends will have a twitter style feed you can check up on complte with any recordnings they happen to make. It sounds similar to what the Miiverse concept, but more feature rich and useful.
The new Kinect - while much hated - seems misunderstood. For one thing, it's the world's most powerful consumer IR blaster, meaning if you have an AV reciever, you can run that through the One and use voice to control every entertainment device in your living room. While I will still use my Harmony remote, it will primarily be used as a volume controller since everything else will be a vocalization away. I'm not expeciting it to entirely do away with my need for a remote, but options are always good. When I'm making dinner and I need to pause a movie and to look up a recipe or whatever, voice and gestures are most welcome. Another neat aspect of the Kinect 2 is it's ability to see you at a greater range and with greater clarity. Currently, if I slouch on my couch, the Kinect loses the ability to read my gestures... not so with the new one. Furthermore, the ability to read biometrics like pulse could result in games resoponding to your physiological state in an unprecedented way. A horror game could know that you were scared and react accordingly. A sniper scope could be steadied by actually holding your breath. That's really kickass, in my opinion, but hey... I minored in biofeedback. And just one more thing about the Kinect 2 that's cool is that they created a new sound filter so that if your game or whatever is deafening, it will be able to filter all of that out regardless of the volume. You actally will be able to use Kinect 2.0 for headset free chat. (I wouldn't do that if there were other people around where I was playing, but it would be neat if you were alone.) And in case you are wondering, people who want to be a jerk and stop your game, movie or whatever, will not be allowed to unless they pick up your controller. They made it douche-proof.
So that's the basic list of reasons I'm excited to see the new Xbox. I know a lot of people are saying that the PS4 is going to be more powerful, and frankly, I fully expect it to be. However, I see a lot of benefits to the One as a platform that outweigh any marginal graphical differences. I have always played games on a variety of devices, and while many of the benefits of the One aren't game oriented, it's still an exciting device that I look forward to putting through it's paces this holiday. And before you start the name-calling... I could make a list like this for the PS4, I just don't have to since the community at large continues to add to the heap of praise the PS4 recieves on a daily basis.
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