[QUOTE="Suppaman100"] Always funny that hermits want to enter a console debate. Yes PC is the strongest....but it lacks something essential compared to consoles. Console exclusives, if you go PC only you'll miss out.tagyhag
I wouldn't consider your posts to be debate material, more like the ramblings of a cheeky kent.
Anyways, do PC gamers really miss that much? I mean not all exclusives are must haves (i.e. halo, GOW, KZ, TLOU, gears, etc.). In my experience, every game that I wanted play has eventually came to the PC (outside of Nintendo's IP's).
Not to mention that technically you can play those Nintendo IP's in glorious 1440p. :P
It's true that having just a PC means you miss out on console exclusives, but consolites fail to remember that PC also has exclusives. Of course they tend to not know that because there's no commercials on TV for them.
Honestly, I just feel like consoles give you the better deal though, if you wanna be cheap. For $250 I can get top of line games, many of which PC gamers get as well, unique exclusives, you never have to worry about spec or whatever else, you just buy the game and it works. A $250 PC just can't do that.
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