@sealionact said:
Lol....why does anybody "have to buy" a rechargeable battery pack? Ps4s battery life is woeful....i now get less than 3 hours life out of a charge, and end up just playing with the cable plugged in, which is just so outdated.
I'd much rather have AA batteries giving me much, much longer gaming time without cables draping across the room - but with every option available if I want. You can keep the rechargeable battery pack.
Lets see a LEMMING claim he gets 3 hours out of the PS4 controller seems legit.
You know what is outdated? AA batteries they were introduce in 1907 and predates my great gran father let alone consoles.
This is a shitty excuse use by lemmings to justify MS milking them dry,the xbox controller can have AA batteries and be rechargeable.
This shit cost $13 dollars man to YOU imagine how much cheaper that shit will be for MS,they can use rechargeable batteries and still allow you to use AA batteries for the so call bullshit excuse of ""convenience"" there is nothing convenient about paying every few days for AA batteries that is the sole reason why rechargeable batteries exist.
Imagine a world were you have to freaking use AA or AAA in your damn cell phone because of so call convenience.
The only reason why your xbox controller doesn't come with rechargeable batteries is because MS sell you a $20 over priced charge and play kit.
@sealionact said:
Really? You have a source that ms has sold 40-50 million charge kits? You do know that having playstation style rechargeable controllers is way, WAY down on the list of requested features?
Strange that you are so passionate about having rechargeable controllers yet you haven't turned yours on in one and a half years....
That would be even worse,if you don't buy a rechargeable batteries that mean you are doom to buy normal AA ones which do run out every couple of days.
You either buy a charge and play kit,buy another brand of rechargeable of buy AA weekly no way around that you are paying one way or the other.
@kingtito said:
The only damage control is you clowns crying over nothing. I'd rather have the option and MS doesn't need to provide any rechargeable batteries. I'd never had an issue with a MS controller but I have with PS controllers. Non issue clown
Yet feels better in my hands with better stick placement. PS refuses to get with the times and instead only adds mostly useless features.
I agree this is pure damage control....by cows. Most cows crying about batteries are those that don't even have an Xbox or use MS controllers.
Yep, wi-fi6 is a non issue will be a non issue for 90% of gamers. Funny how you're crying about something that isn't even close to being in the majority of users homes. Like I said you couldn't even tell the difference
Oh noes you have to insert new batteries, oh the humanity. Oh the irony.
Xbox batteries run low or out it takes all of 5 seconds to swap. BTW I use eneloop rechargeable so a non issue. I don't have that same luxury with PS controllers now do I. Battery goes dead in one of those then it's either stop playing and put on charging station or connect to a charging cable. Then it's like the 90s all over. Yeah sounds like a winner to me
It's called swapping batteries out you clown. You can't seriously be this ignorant....wait yes you can
1-You can have the option and still have rechargeable batteries don't be a damn sucker,there had been rechargeable batteries for longer than the damn xbox brand has existed.
And YES MS NEED to provide those batteries WTF man is 2020 what freaking high quality product come today with AA? Other than TV's what?
I don't endorse every shit sony does just because its sony,i surely didn't like when they started charging for online play,nor liked when they try to push their damn proprietary sd cards on Vita.
2-WTF does analogue placement have to do here? The industry standard is the DS go cry else where with your whole superior shit most people don't care or give 2 flying fu** about analogue placement only lemmings with fragile ego do that,113 million PS4 owners mostly don't care.
3-That 90% number is pulled from deep deep down your buns PROVE IT.
I already stated is not a big deal but downplaying WIFI 6 just because the console you love doesn't have it is lol worthy.
4-Is not about inserting new batteries is because you should not be paying extra for batteries in 2020 loser,but you like been milk by MS be my guess,making you buy separate batteries on a controller that cost the same or even more than sony's one while having less functions is anti consumer.
5-Oh you use Eneloop i guess that erase the fact that you NEED to charge your batteries and that you payed extra for your batteries buffoon,so here you are crying about the PS4 when all you need to do is connect the cable and keep playing while charging but the option is there you can continue to play didn't you like options?
So while you bend over to pay for batteries done by other manufacturer that isn't MS you completely ignore the real point of my argument,you are paying extra for batteries were ever you like it or not period.
And the fun part is that all of you cry babies who defend MS and claim to love the AA option,non use normal regular AA all of you use rechargeable ones which make this perfectly clear to anyone with a single once of common sense.
You LOVE rechargeable batteries but have to defend MS shitty policies when it come to batteries and to justify their bullshit you claim to not use play and charge kits no you just buy from another vendor in what unavoidably is a self own moment,and you go through all this trouble just to avoid admitting that what MS does is bullshit.
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