I am probably one of those haters who disliked COD since MW, but even from a haters point of view it still seems to have deterioarated in the sense that each game doesn't compare well to the last in terms of improvement, so it looks and feels too much like a clone.
And can people stop making comments about "it sells well because it's fun" statements, as if that were true then every MW clone in existence would have sold well (unless you believe that CoD isn't fun). If CoD had come out without the appeal of things such as price that made retailers want to sell it (as they believed it would sell well if they advertised it to an extent) to consumers then no one other than those who played and enjoyed the previous CoD games (or most games in general) would've bought it.
Just look at almost every Rising Star game in existence, they're mostly great but are held back by this belief of "if I've not heard of it then it sucks", which is obscure and hindering to the companies and brands that have only just started out. Of course, there are also fanboys (not just CoD; Halo, Half Life, Zelda and even Portal have these crouds as well) that are defined by either their "If it's not [Insert Brand Name Here] then it sucks" or their "If it's not an [Insert Game's Genre Here] then it sucks" attitude towards other games. Those are the worst kinds of people to talk to about games as their views are narrow, take a conversation between something like a Playstation fanboy and a more open gamer, it would be something like.
"PS3's good, especially the free online (and Disgaea games). But I prefer more of the XBox games like Halo and Gears as well as some of their arcade games and ports."
"But PS3 doesn't just have free online, it also has plenty of games like Uncharted, Resistance and MGS4."
"That's why I said I prefer the Xbox... not because it's 'better', but because I personally think the games are better... for me, perhaps not for everyone else."
And the same thing could happen between an XBox fanboy and an open gamer who happens to like PS3, just switch the game names around. And the same thing applies to COD, substituting the game argument for the online play, and the preference argument for something like the genre, simplicity or lack of 10+ hour single-player.
And one last thing:
For example pop music is very popular? You know why? It's easy to listen to, your friends listen to it, you don't need to go out and find it, and it has a formula that most people enjoy. That does not make pop music the best kind of music, it just means it appeals to the most people and it's the largest.
Pop music is called pop because it's popular, that's why pop music is popular. Another reason that the music is popular is that it is repeatedly played on the radio and on TV music channels so more people hear it, eventually it becomes intergrated into their lives and it becomes less about listening to it and more about experiencing it, this is very different from CoD.
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