Anyone else feel cheated? Neither of fanboys will take the bet.
Lmao at this thread, so many clueless idiots copy and pasting from different articles and trying to disprove another persons copy and pasted material.... Lmao!
@Krelian-co: And a lot of cows dismiss that MS has customized many parts of the CPU and GPU, use move engines and other processors that unload CPU and GPU. Currently Xbox 1 uses a placeholder API. Once DX12 is released it will unleash many DX12 features that are baked into the hardware, that just can't be utilized with the current API being used.
Beta tested in the future; its a marathon, not a sprint. Built for 10 years cycle.
Bawahahahahaha..... what customizations? The CPU is bone ass stock, they only added ESRAM to the GPU and what are these features that are baked into the hardware that you speak of? It uses the EXACT same damn architecture of PS4's GPU so whatever Xbone can do, PS4 can do, but PS4 will ALWAYSdo it faster.
Lemmings are living in the clouds, I can't wait to see peoples reactions when DX12 takes off and it does **** all.
@Krelian-co: And a lot of cows dismiss that MS has customized many parts of the CPU and GPU, use move engines and other processors that unload CPU and GPU. Currently Xbox 1 uses a placeholder API. Once DX12 is released it will unleash many DX12 features that are baked into the hardware, that just can't be utilized with the current API being used.
Beta tested in the future; its a marathon, not a sprint. Built for 10 years cycle.
lems really are desperate to believe there is a secret sauce xD
So what now?
We don't know to what extend partially resident resources will be used on the X1, but if it's enough to pull off cone ray tracing using partially resident 3D textures, it's going to be a pretty big deal. It was a big blow when Epic had to yank it out of UE4, but the Unity plug in and 3d texture implementations still gives hope. Even Epic are considering re-introducing it at some point. Perhaps second and third generation games will attempt to use this. If possible, I'd expect to hear more about it soon.
Now what.? Now i m,ake fun of you first for quoting Mistexr X media type of moron on an IGN board talking about sh** that already has been shut down,there is nothing there that hasn't been shoot down...
Lets start by Ray tracing you know Killzone SF uses Ray tracing for reflections right.?
Can we have it?
Not yet. We're actually really close on the PC, but still nowhere near being able to run on next gen consoles. Real ray tracing is around the corner on the PC though.
What your link claim ^^..
The ray-traced reflection system
Shadow Fall's reflection system also contributes to the often spectacular lighting effects work. Michal Valient previously explained the basics in Guerrilla's post-mortem of the PlayStation Meeting demo, but was on-hand to go into more depth during our visit to the studio.
Reality ^^.
Scratch Ray Tracing advantage.
This ^^^ is from a PS4 presentation.
Scratch Voxel cone tracing from the list.
Because DirectX 11.2 and the X1 chip architecture is built for doing partial resident resources in hardware. Removes the limitations other software implementations had, which held some engines back, such as John Carmack's Rage.
What your link ^^ claim..
Now this is true the X1 chip was hardware support for PRT,problem is the PS4 also has the same hardware support,so does the 7750,7770,7790,7850,7870,7950,7970 + all the R refresh cards as well that are based on GCN.
This game use PRT and it has bigger drops on xbox one while been 900p while the PS4 version was 1080p,has also shimmering problems and screen tearing,but but but the xbox one has special hardware for
The X1's architecture and data move engines have tile and untile features natively, in hardware:
Data move engines = DMA with another name just like Tile resources = PRT,each GCN has 2 move engines which mean the PS4 has 2.
Doesn't the PS4 have this too?
Both AMD GPUs support partial resident textures, but we do know for a fact Microsoft added additional dedicated hardware in the X1 architecture to focus on this area beyond AMD's standard implementations.
This is a lie they didn't.
Xbox One does, however, boast superior performance to PS4 in other ways. “Let’s say you are using procedural generation or raytracing via parametric surfaces – that is, using a lot of memory writes and not much texturing or ALU – Xbox One will be likely be faster,” said one developer.
How has this ^^ turn out how many games are faster on xbox one vs the PS4.? Hell the biggest gaps are exhibit by the PS4 and up to 30 FPS faster basically doubling the xbox one performance,that is because this ^^^^ up there doesn't materialize much on games,and is based on an assumption.
When might we hear something about it?
DirectX11.2 was only recently unveiled earlier this year. No launch games would have been designed for this. Partial resident textures are still a fairly new technique,
This is a lie ^^^ Ryse use PRT and PRT is out since 2011 and is supported by OpneGL since 2011,relatively new my ass,hell before that it was megatextures which is the same sh** but software wise and which is use by Rage.
Everything on that crappy list is supported by PS4 everything.
So what now.? Now you look like a fool...
@tormentos: why not just call me out about the whole 6gb of textures being stored on ESRAM? Maybe because it's the truth? M$ can store 3gb of textures in 16mb of esram XBox one has 32 mb(48 actually what the other 16mb is for we don't know) so 32mb of esram equals 6gb of textures. Can you debunk that? NO. at about 18 minutes in he specifically says they are only using a 16mb tile pool to render a 3gb representation of mars surface. 16mb to render 3gb of data, again 16mb, one last time for it to really sink in 16mb tile pool to render 3gb, the one has 32mb. If 16mb equals 3gb then shouldn't 32 equal 6gb.
Here is someone who makes it even easier for you to understand
Let's put it like this xbox 360 was easier to program for than ps3 even though xbox 360 still had edram granted PS4 is easier to program for than both. Last gen developers chose xbox360 unified architecture despite having to do extra work by moving stuff to edram, it was easier than trying to program for the Cell's spu's. Sony had no tricks up their sleeve to make the PS3 easier to program for devs just had to learn the system to bring out the true power of the Cell.
Naturally we see the same trend this gen dev's will opt to dev for system that's easier to program. In order for M$ to really get dev's to use esram properly they are going to have to provide the tools themselves that will make esram easy to program for, ie DX12 and new sdk's. Dx12 for xbox will not be what a lot of people think but it will make it easier for developers to program for Xbox one and use esram efficiently, hell M$, Nvidia and Epic are working together to implement DX12 in UE4. The xbox will get easier to program for, I mean it was only made by some of THE BEST engineers in the world, by one of THE BEST software companies in the world, sorta like Apple products.
PS4 is more powerful but it still has it's flaws the most recent being Sony just letting the cat out of the bag that real world memory bandwith is only about 140gb/s and the more the cpu is used the lower that number goes.
It makes sense why they were pushing gpgpu so much though, if they keep most of the work on the gpu they get to maintain higher bandwidth.
You are an idiot once the textures are expanded they seat on the main pool of ram not ESRAM,PRT works with any memory it wasn't design for ESRAM all GCN on PC support it and non has ESRAM.
Implying that the xbox one has 6GB extra of ram is stupid and down right moronic MS would be screaming all over,we have 14GB of ram sony has just 8GB this company was hyping freaking 100mhz bump on the same CPU last year vs the PS4,6GB of extra memory is something the would make a big across the street add that would state it.
In Fact quote MS stating that the xbox one has 6GB extra of memory because of PRT and ESRAM i dare you.
And is not 48MB of ESRAM is 32 the 48MB was for the whole APU,that mean CPU cache,probably cache for the sound block,is just as useless as the 5 billion transistor count,which bring me to my other point about MS deceiving people on PC chips use to be measure on transistors,so the more transistors the more hardware inside to produce power,MS knows this and try to deceive people into thinking that the APU they had packed something strong by claiming it was 5 billion transistors,sony one isn't that heavy so that created a false sense of their chip carrying something strong,when in reality they added ESRAM which alone weights 1.6 billion transistors which basically inflate the
You are as clueless at it can be that apply to all GPU with PRT in,in fact that demo was done on PC not xbox one and PC don't have ESRAM you walking pancake,see the Nvidia logo there.?
In fact he start saying it is also supported on PC,PC doesn't have ESRAM so basically what they took is 16MB of the GPU memory and partially store 3GB of textures,which is the same the PS4 need to use 3GB of partially resident textures 16MB,PRT wasn't created for ESRAM it has work on GCN before the xbox one was even out on 2011.
With partial resident textures, or tiled resources, or as Microsoft likes to call it, the texture is split up into smaller tiles allowing you to load only the tiles necessary to be displayed at a particular detail level. So for our stretched road, it's not really necessary to display all the detail you need at 1 foot away, for the portion of the road that might be 50 feet away from the player's camera.
This ^^^ if from your own second link,see how he say PRT then Tile resources and stated that is how MS like to call it.? Yeah that basically say i am right and you are the fu** wrong,since you fight me claiming that PRT wasn't Tile Resources that PRT was software you argue that against me with great denial i may add so now what is or isn't PRT the same as Tile Resources.?
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa is your link...hahaha
EDRAM wasn't there to move anything,it didn't work like ESRAM,which can read and write,EDRAM could not do that,it was to warranty 720p with 4XAA free and failed because 10MB was to small and developers have to tile which they didn't like.
And the xbox 360 used DDR3 which was ok for the GPU of that time in fact stronger GPU than the xbox 360 and PS3 ones used DDR3 like the 8800 DDR3 wasn't as big bottleneck then as it is now,so EDRAM wasn't a big deal if it wasn't use like many developers did because DDR3 was fine for the 360.
No we will not see that that because the xbox one doesn't have a Cell like CPU that will make up for the GPU gap,something the PS3 did have.
ESRAM is easy to code for,stated already by both the developer of Metro and Rebellion,the problem with ESRAM is that it is to small and both developers agree on that..
I think eSRAM is easy to use. The only problem is…Part of the problem is that it’s just a little bit too small to output 1080p within that size. It’s such a small size within there that we can’t do everything in 1080p with that little buffer of super-fast RAM.
Rebellion ^^.
Digital Foundry: Is ESRAM really that much of a pain to work with?
Oles Shishkovstov: Actually, the real pain comes not from ESRAM but from the small amount of it. As for ESRAM performance - it is sufficient for the GPU we have in Xbox One. Yes it is true, that the maximum theoretical bandwidth - which is somewhat comparable to PS4 - can be rarely achieved (usually with simultaneous read and write, like FP16-blending) but in practice I've seen only a few cases where it becomes a limiting factor.
Metro Redux developer ^^ both say the same,is not hard to code for ESRAM it is just to small.
And lastly what you quoted there was a scenario where the PS4 CPU can eat bandwidth that way not all of them that was from GDC where sony always expose the do and don't on the platforms.
How would the unified system architecture and 8GB GDDR5 RAM help in making a better game? Gilray stated that, “It means we don’t have to worry so much about stuff, the fact that the memory operates at around 172GB/s is amazing, so we can swap stuff in and our as fast as we can without it really causing us much grief.
Oddworld developer was already operating at 172GB/
So yeah some scenarios,stop inventing crap.
Sony is behind the ball again from bumpmapping to unified ram, now coherrent cache,HBM, color compressions, CPU offloading why sony fanboys still looking at ROPs and CUs and its things moving way beyond that stop reading Neogaf, ign, and other sites work and read on some real material.
The demos that was so big on ps4 debut The Element Demo by Epic, The Division, and more to come are moving to the Xbox one. Why you think that is? Dx12
Is that you Ronvalencia.? Hahaha MMM..
@tormentos: It don't matter if it was delayed first or not IT ISNT COMING OUT FIRST so its not the first to use it in a game that's complete.
Well hell let make every games with blackbars and name it 1080p lol you crazy is your tv naitve 2.40.1? You believe anything it was obvious they didn't have enough BW to use msaa and keep any kind of framerate so them blackbars are needed funny so DC is not constricted ? Have you seen that timer the shows you that you are not on the road its the most linear racer I have ever seen RAD RACER had more depth, bland all the games exclusively been bland the best game on the system right now is Garden Warfare, for a game made in 11 months I think RYSE did well and its still best looking game on consoles.
You are soooooo lame on these topics you keep going backwards same ol copy and paste thoughts from people that really didn't have a clue what these machines was just how things used to be but never thought how things are going to move forward, Intel, IBM, NVIDIA and AMD have said GPUs have been powerful from the start but the CPU and the SOFTWARE was never up to par well MS with dx12 is making it possible to get the best out of your gpu.
Where are sony at theses panels and discussions where are they with VXGI, and VTR? Nowhere to be found
It doesn't matter which of the 2 come first when The order was announce first,blast FH2 graphically and use the same technique which mean what on PS4 works better.? Oh yeah it has a stronger
1080p movies on the market have black bars hell almost all have them,on a 2.40.1 ratio which isn't the same ratio games have,The Order without black bars at 2.40.1 ratio in screen will be over 1080p,and with MSAA x4 i am sure that is not possible for the PS4,not on such a great looking game.
It's clear that that both versions of UFC still operate using 1600x900 framebuffers in combination with multi-sampling anti-aliasing. As we saw in the demo code, 4x MSAA is present on PS4, reduced to 2x MSAA on the Xbox One, giving Sony's system a tangible increase in overall image quality even if the difference is fairly subtle a lot of the time.
Reality ..hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Under the same parameters the PS4 does higher MSAA than the xbox one,FH2 is a damn racer which only impressive thing is MSAAx4 is look dated and sad,and compare to DC is look last gen.
Yeah is funny that you use the same argument they confirmed already that BW wasn't enough, yeah you are a real smart guy..hahahaa
Forza 5 is even more constricted,has not weather or day to night changes,and has bland environments with card board box pedestrians and is all baked and faked,unlike DC which is all dynamic heaven..hahaha
FH2 doesn't even look better than F5 which is the reason it has weather now and 30FPS because it was a huge trade
You mean that constrictive bland game with few enemies on screen like you describe PS4 games.? Hahah Ryse was owned the moment Infamous came out with better effects open world and 1080p over 30FPS with what was catalog as the best use of AA in a platform clean crisp,and the best particles effects and animation.
Oh please the xbox one is under performing vs a damn 7770 just fu**ing deal with it,Tomb Raider on a 7770 on Ultra runs at 29FPS on 1920x1200 higher resolution than the xbox one,higher quality as well and cut scenes were 1920x1200 not 900p..
And diablo 3 didn't need a patch either on the 7770 to run at
Dedicated hardware to focus on this area beyond AMD's standard implementations.
Store 3gb in 16mb of eSRAM.
Please explain how you proved me wrong.
There is no dedicated hardware you walking pancake please show it to me and i hope you don't say Data move engines because the PS4 has those to,they are call DMA.
Partially store 3GB of data in 16MB which work on all freaking GPU that have PRT and your own link stated that it is on console and PC,PC don't have ESRAM,and the demo you linked was on PC so your argument is stupid,but you already claim that PRT and tile resources wasn't the same..hahahaaaaa
When your own link prove you wrong..hahaha
You know sh** about hardware and don't have the slightest clue about how PRT work..hahaha
Your own link proved you wrong...hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
DX12 will lower the cpu overhead some in the X1 which will allow the X1 cpu to allocate more cpu cycles to other tasks or feed the gpu abit more data giving it a slight boost in average performance.
DX12 is basically MS console API on PC,have you forgot to the metal coding is something of consoles not PC.? Why is mantle here and DX12 will arrive late 2015.? Yeah that is because MS was porting its console API to PC in order to kill Mantle,but it wasn't until Mantle arrive that they feel pressure,in fact in early 2013 there was no DX12,and AMD even claimed that DX12 wasn't coming,it is after mantle brought some gains that you start hearing how DX12 will change anything,then you see demos with nothing going on,on PC showing some magical gains,the demo wasn't done on xbox one,because it would show no gains at all,because DX12 is basically MS consoles API move to PC.
Don't believe me..? Just ask for the links and info i even made a thread about it months ago with MS stating how they would bring console API to PC and then the whole DX12 crap started.
@Krelian-co: And a lot of cows dismiss that MS has customized many parts of the CPU and GPU, use move engines and other processors that unload CPU and GPU. Currently Xbox 1 uses a placeholder API. Once DX12 is released it will unleash many DX12 features that are baked into the hardware, that just can't be utilized with the current API being used.
Beta tested in the future; its a marathon, not a sprint. Built for 10 years cycle.
They don't have many custom parts the evidence is there,they added 2 extra DMA,and ESRAM,those processors to offload CPU are also on PS4.
Sound block is handle by AMD true Audio on PS4.
The PS4 has encoder and decoder just like the xbox one as well,there is nothing on xbox one that offload GPU time nothing.
The APi the XBO is is call DX11X and basically is DX12 with 2 features cut because they require new hardware which the xbox one isn't getting any time soon.
Basically you are a troll who make troll threads,without even knowing what the f** you are talking about...
@tormentos: well good luck with that corridor racer and corridor shooter this year them two games are last gen games with pretty graphics lol
was UFC 1080 p? No so get out of her with that shit and again thats corridor not rendering much in that game.
MSAA look outdated? lol you stupid go find me a jaggie lol or how about the SSAA was used in Ryse you a trip ISS is wack as hell I forgot it even came out this year .
Just get a xbox and shut the hell up
Whats the point of posting that shit? Half the people on here don't have a clue and the rest just scroll right on past.
Here is the thing i know you know some,and i know some other know some,the only one who really have no clue are lemming..hahahaaaaaa
@slimdogmilionar actually claim the xbox one has 6GB extra of ram because of Tile Resources and ESRAM..hahahahaa
When you read shit like that you just have to laughs...hahaha
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
I already prove his sorry as wrong,just like i did with you,keep the DX12 hopes alive in the meantime read this..
We implemented it on Xbox 360 and had a whole lot of ideas on how to make that more efficient [and with] a cleaner API, so we took that opportunity with Xbox One and with our customised command processor we've created extensions on top of D3D which fit very nicely into the D3D model and this is something that we'd like to integrate back into mainline 3D on the PC too - this small, very low-level, very efficient object-orientated submission of your draw [and state] commands.
We’re also working with our ISV and IHV partners on future efforts, including bringing the lightweight runtime and tooling capabilities of the Xbox One Direct3D implementation to Windows, and identifying the next generation of advanced 3D graphics technologies. Developers creating content for the Xbox One are able to use the same programing constructs across Windows and Xbox, and benefit from all the improvements that have been introduced on Windows.
This was before DX12 was announce just after the release of 11.2,DX12 = MS console tool on PC,which is the reason the XBO will see no gains,and is the reason why it wasn't demon on XBO because it would show nothing.
Think for 1 second if the gains also apply to the XBO why MS didn't do an XBO presentation showing how the new lower over head helped the XBO accelerate frames like they did on PC.?
Man a demo showing double the frames like with DX11.2 vs DX12 on xbox one will surely silence people,and show how magically they would stay close to the PS4.
Think about why it didn't happen and was demo on PC where DX12 arrives on late 2015,when the xbox one already was say to have some DX12
Xbox fanboy's here just don't understand anything Microsoft can write for the hardware, Sony or their studios can also write. People are talking about DX12 as if it's some sort of magical unique entity that only Microsoft has the ability to create when it's not true.
And it's already been stated so many times that most of the feature set of DX12 was already part of the Xbox when it comes to CPU optimisation.
Yeah. But I though the current API in the XB1 had no CPU overhead. But then if DX12 is improving anything on XB1, then it still has to compete with the power difference between PS4. Since the PS4 already has an efficient tool set that uses less recources.
It doesn't in fact the gains you will see on PC on DX12 are the gains already on the xbox one CPU and the gains that were also on the xbox 360.
We implemented it on Xbox 360 and had a whole lot of ideas on how to make that more efficient [and with] a cleaner API, so we took that opportunity with Xbox One and with our customised command processor we've created extensions on top of D3D which fit very nicely into the D3D model and this is something that we'd like to integrate back into mainline 3D on the PC too - this small, very low-level, very efficient object-orientated submission of your draw [and state] commands.
We’re also working with our ISV and IHV partners on future efforts, including bringing the lightweight runtime and tooling capabilities of the Xbox One Direct3D implementation to Windows, and identifying the next generation of advanced 3D graphics technologies. Developers creating content for the Xbox One are able to use the same programing constructs across Windows and Xbox, and benefit from all the improvements that have been introduced on Windows.
Just read that and you will understand why DX12 wasn't demo on XBO where already DX12 feature are on like Tile Resources and lower CPU over head,lower CPU over head is a feature of consoles which now will be on PC,that dude who quote you is totally wrong.
In fact multi core coding and CPU over head are 2 things where consoles have give PC a run for its money,when on 2005 no developer was even working basically with dual cores,already console developers were working with 3 cores and 6 threats,on PS3 on 2006 1 PPE and 6 SPE.
that's fine, you don't appreciate my opinion, do you. since Tormentos old ass links impressed you so much try looking at this one:
“DirectX 12 brings PC and Xbox development closer, which makes development easier and faster, allowing us to focus more on features,” Anders Holmquist, who is the Technical Director of The Division said to GamingBolt. He also revealed that it will improve the performance and visual quality even further. “It also lets us work closer to “the metal”, the actual hardware, which means we can push performance and visual quality even more.”
a big name developer in Ubisoft just 2 days ago spoke on how the coming implication of DX12 to the XBOX ONE and pc is giving their project a very good boost in performance and quality. so why the **** are you riding a link made months ago about a tweet Phil Spencer made on a whim lol smh. Ubisoft/devs saying it directly isnt enough for you either, huh?
seems like you cows are the ones ignoring the facts here not me and others. you can cherry pick all the links you want...but the storm is coming, lol.
Easier and faster porting? Yes we already know about that. Known that for months. "Very good boost" - nothing like that in the quote though.
That means Xbone's gonna get more of those PC indies you hate.
i said very good boost in my own words. what he actually says is the equivalent of saying that DX12 will give "very good boost" though. or just a boost...does that make u feel better?
“DirectX 12 brings PC and Xbox development closer, which makes development easier and faster, allowing us to focus more on features,”
He also revealed that it will improve the performance and visual quality even further. “It also lets us work closer to “the metal”, the actual hardware, which means we can push performance and visual quality even more.”
do i really need to explain this situation to you? get it together.
again, no one is saying that DX12 will completely change everything. but it will even things out a bit between the consoles at the least, that's all.
Whats the point of posting that shit? Half the people on here don't have a clue and the rest just scroll right on past.
Here is the thing i know you know some,and i know some other know some,the only one who really have no clue are lemming..hahahaaaaaa
@slimdogmilionar actually claim the xbox one has 6GB extra of ram because of Tile Resources and ESRAM..hahahahaa
When you read shit like that you just have to laughs...hahaha
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
I already prove his sorry as wrong,just like i did with you,keep the DX12 hopes alive in the meantime read this..
We implemented it on Xbox 360 and had a whole lot of ideas on how to make that more efficient [and with] a cleaner API, so we took that opportunity with Xbox One and with our customised command processor we've created extensions on top of D3D which fit very nicely into the D3D model and this is something that we'd like to integrate back into mainline 3D on the PC too - this small, very low-level, very efficient object-orientated submission of your draw [and state] commands.
We’re also working with our ISV and IHV partners on future efforts, including bringing the lightweight runtime and tooling capabilities of the Xbox One Direct3D implementation to Windows, and identifying the next generation of advanced 3D graphics technologies. Developers creating content for the Xbox One are able to use the same programing constructs across Windows and Xbox, and benefit from all the improvements that have been introduced on Windows.
This was before DX12 was announce just after the release of 11.2,DX12 = MS console tool on PC,which is the reason the XBO will see no gains,and is the reason why it wasn't demon on XBO because it would show nothing.
Think for 1 second if the gains also apply to the XBO why MS didn't do an XBO presentation showing how the new lower over head helped the XBO accelerate frames like they did on PC.?
Man a demo showing double the frames like with DX11.2 vs DX12 on xbox one will surely silence people,and show how magically they would stay close to the PS4.
Think about why it didn't happen and was demo on PC where DX12 arrives on late 2015,when the xbox one already was say to have some DX12
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me too much if you are right or wrong. You just make me laugh with how much you freak out about DX12.
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
i said very good boost in my own words. what he actually says is the equivalent of saying that DX12 will give "very good boost" though. or just a boost...does that make u feel better?
“DirectX 12 brings PC and Xbox development closer, which makes development easier and faster, allowing us to focus more on features,”
He also revealed that it will improve the performance and visual quality even further. “It also lets us work closer to “the metal”, the actual hardware, which means we can push performance and visual quality even more.”
do i really need to explain this situation to you? get it together.
again, no one is saying that DX12 will completely change everything. but it will even things out a bit between the consoles at the least, that's all.
So you slapped on your own interpretation to push your own narrative ahead. OK then.
Yeah, it'll let them work closer to the metal. The new SDKs are too. The ICE team are doing the same for the PS4. The point being it won't make the difference you or the marketers want it to. Software will not be able to make up the gap hardware has left behind.
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me too much if you are right or wrong. You just make me laugh with how much you freak out about DX12.
Who is freak about DX12.? Even if it triple the xbox one frame rate by 2015 this gen will be on sony's pocket,hell it already is MS is giving 2 free games this months and still rumors are coming in about the PS4 outselling it..
I was just annoyed that so many people are so clueless about what DX12 is,and what it brings mostly to PC,MS was basically telling it to your face their consoles tools were been ported to PC.
i said very good boost in my own words. what he actually says is the equivalent of saying that DX12 will give "very good boost" though. or just a boost...does that make u feel better?
“DirectX 12 brings PC and Xbox development closer, which makes development easier and faster, allowing us to focus more on features,”
He also revealed that it will improve the performance and visual quality even further. “It also lets us work closer to “the metal”, the actual hardware, which means we can push performance and visual quality even more.”
do i really need to explain this situation to you? get it together.
again, no one is saying that DX12 will completely change everything. but it will even things out a bit between the consoles at the least, that's all.
So you slapped on your own interpretation to push your own narrative ahead. OK then.
Yeah, it'll let them work closer to the metal. The new SDKs are too. The ICE team are doing the same for the PS4. The point being it won't make the difference you or the marketers want it to. Software will not be able to make up the gap hardware has left behind.
how did i do that? O_o
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
gawtdamn, ur going on them huh? namedropping like a mothafucker LOL.
i really didnt know it was that sensitive of a subject, honestly. i just think DX12 will bare some fruit and thats good for Xbox gamers in the long run. because i was like everyone else wondering why MS put out a weaker console until i started reading some of the procedures/techniques they plan on doing with the console to level the graphics playing field. it all remains to be seen though...the thing is you can see it coming already. while cows r trying to squash dreams needlessly instead of questioning Sony and the ps4's lack of advancement and game production.
DX12 is basically MS console API on PC,have you forgot to the metal coding is something of consoles not PC.? Why is mantle here and DX12 will arrive late 2015.? Yeah that is because MS was porting its console API to PC in order to kill Mantle,but it wasn't until Mantle arrive that they feel pressure,in fact in early 2013 there was no DX12,and AMD even claimed that DX12 wasn't coming,it is after mantle brought some gains that you start hearing how DX12 will change anything,then you see demos with nothing going on,on PC showing some magical gains,the demo wasn't done on xbox one,because it would show no gains at all,because DX12 is basically MS consoles API move to PC.
Don't believe me..? Just ask for the links and info i even made a thread about it months ago with MS stating how they would bring console API to PC and then the whole DX12 crap started.
Your so blinded by fanboy hate for MS aren't you ? dx 12 will lower cpu overhead abit further them MS's customized dx 11 API on the X1. With these weak cpu's from AMD, DX12 and or mantle does improve general performance by lowering the cpu's cycles needed to do the same task as before. There will not be any major gains with dx12 as some people think on the X1, the gains will be slight, and with games it at most will give a few fps higher averages. Still no where near the PS4's ability...
The problem with this DX12 thing is that the XB1 already has a low level API that squeezes performance from the console. Just like PS4 has. DX12 is also more abstract than Sony's API. DX12 will possibly make ports easier for XB1, but since the tool set of PS4's API is catered to AMD hardware just the same, it will be getting the ports just the same as XB1 since PS4's API is directly compatable with DirectX HLSL and PSSL. So I can't really think of an advantage that DX12 will give XB1 over the competition. This is real talk, no fanboy shit.
DX12 will lower the cpu overhead some in the X1 which will allow the X1 cpu to allocate more cpu cycles to other tasks or feed the gpu abit more data giving it a slight boost in average performance.
Yeah. But I though the current API in the XB1 had no CPU overhead. But then if DX12 is improving anything on XB1, then it still has to compete with the power difference between PS4. Since the PS4 already has an efficient tool set that uses less recources.
It does some, its a modified dx11 to fit the hardware, but dx12 is a more optimized for x86 based cpu's needing less resources then before to do the same jobs. Which does free cpu cycles for other workloads giving slight boosts. I have no idea why people think dx12 is going to be the saving grace on the X1 which in fact its gpu hardware is a whole tier slower then PS4's gpu where you cant gain enough through coding and or API to make up the difference. Best thing you can expect is slightly higher average framerates.
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
i am sorry but unlike you i don't get called stupid on a daily basis, now (insert here) excuses for that.
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
Yeah, so we can laugh at you, tymeservesfate, blackace and all the ever losers having the world's longest meltdown. :)
Your so blinded by fanboy hate for MS aren't you ? dx 12 will lower cpu overhead abit further them MS's customized dx 11 API on the X1. With these weak cpu's from AMD, DX12 and or mantle does improve general performance by lowering the cpu's cycles needed to do the same task as before. There will not be any major gains with dx12 as some people think on the X1, the gains will be slight, and with games it at most will give a few fps higher averages. Still no where near the PS4's ability...
Look whos talking.
Just read and stop lower CPU over head is on consoles way before it was on PC way before mantle was even think off.
DX12 will not nothing for the xbox one,which is my point for PC yeah it can help.
Earlier this week, Flying Wild Hog confirmed to GamingBolt that the Xbox One version of Shadow Warrior will run at 900p compared to the PS4 version which will support 1080p resolution. Following up on our conversation with the game’s Lead Engine Programmer Krzysztof Narkowicz and Michal Szustak,CEO and Game Director, we asked the duo whether DirectX 12 will bring any benefits to games development on Xbox One.
Krzysztof Narkowicz stated that, “It’s targeted at lowering draw call overhead on PC, which isn’t such a big issue on Xbox One, as some low level access is already available there. On the other hand having one API across multiple platforms decreases development time”.
What mostly DX12 will bring to the table is an API that make porting easier between PC and XBO which isn't a problem on PS4 to begin with.
how did i do that? O_o
gawtdamn, ur going on them huh? namedropping like a mothafucker LOL.
i really didnt know it was that sensitive of a subject, honestly. i just think DX12 will bare some fruit and thats good for Xbox gamers in the long run. because i was like everyone else wondering why MS put out a weaker console until i started reading some of the procedures/techniques they plan on doing with the console to level the graphics playing field. it all remains to be seen though...the thing is you can see it coming already. while cows r trying to squash dreams needlessly instead of questioning Sony and the ps4's lack of advancement and game production.
MS put a weaker console because they wanted Kinect in period,and to run Kinect you didn't need dual R290.
They bet on the wrong horse and were blinded by Nintendo wii success,in fact MS admit to use ESRAM because it was cost effective,in the world i live in that mean cutting corners and been cheap.
hahah the PS4 has more games out and more on the making than the xbox one..hahahaaaaaa
I just wish DX would hurry up and die (wishful thinking). It holds back PC gaming due to the simple fact that every DX upgrade so far requires an OS upgrade so it ends up segmenting the consumer base so hardly any games end up using new features for years.
I hate Microsoft and their business strategy, I wish people would use more open source stuff to get rid of this bullshit.
Why would PS4 have DMA engines when it only has one memory pool? Why? Stop and listen to yourself for a minute dude, if PS4 did have move engines in would be redundant for the system to move something from main memory just to move it back to main memory, it would be a wasted cycle. Second storing 3gb of data in 16mb won't work on all gpu's the same way, if it could then it wouldn't be such a big deal for xbox. PC don't have embedded ram yet but from the looks of things it's coming Intel's e-DRAM shows up in the wild or how about this one from Nvidia, Nvidia's Pascal to use stacked memory, proprietary NVLink interconnect.
Of course PRT was made to work with all memory you idiot, but M$ has their own set of tools and the Xbox was built around them. If it was built with Dx12 in mind and using esram to store textures then that's how they differentiate their tools from everybody else's, why else would they state that you could texture out of main ram and esram at the same time.
"You can think of the ESRAM and the DDR3 as making up eight total memory controllers, so there are four external memory controllers (which are 64-bit) which go to the DDR3 and then there are four internal memory controllers that are 256-bit that go to the ESRAM. These are all connected via a crossbar and so in fact it will be true that you can go directly, simultaneously to DRAM and ESRAM,
M$ doesn't have to scream we have 14gb of ram because people are already talking about the potential of esram in the xbox one, did they make a big deal out of edram on xbox 360, no becasue it's stuff the general public won't understand even when developers talked about edram last gen people didn't understand it they just knew that the xbox was producing better looking games. I don't have to quote M$ saying anything you saw the build conference they were using a 16mb tile pool to render 3gb of data, regardless if it was on an Nvidia computer they were still using M$ tools. If they knew already that using Directx they could fit 3gb using 16mb, why not build your machine to cater to your tools. If you understood hardware and got your head out of your ass, and stopped trying to be right all of the time you would see how 32mb of esram could give you an extra 6gb of texture storage.
Lastly there is 47mb of esram this has already been confirmed when they broke down both systems
"It’s hard to tell exactly how the Xbox One’s 47MB of claimed SRAM fit into the floor plan, however. We know that the CPUs in question contain a total of 512K of L1 and 4MB of L2. If the two blocks to the right are ESRAM, each block should be 16MB, for a total of 32MB of cache there. The GPU should contain 512K to 1.5MB of L2 (512K being standard for a GCN chip of this size, with more L2 if Microsoft choose to boost that capability), and about 224K of L1 in total. That leaves about 10MB of cache missing. If the SRAM block between the two CPUs is that large, it’s far more dense than the SRAM to the right of the GPU."
Bro developers still used edram to store render targets on xbox 360 it was just to small to fit all of the bigger targets in there that's why the system required you to be able to pull from edram and main ram(which was GDDR3) at the same time.
You suffer really bad from cognitive dissonance, it's what makes you look so silly when you post.
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me too much if you are right or wrong. You just make me laugh with how much you freak out about DX12.
Who is freak about DX12.? Even if it triple the xbox one frame rate by 2015 this gen will be on sony's pocket,hell it already is MS is giving 2 free games this months and still rumors are coming in about the PS4 outselling it..
I was just annoyed that so many people are so clueless about what DX12 is,and what it brings mostly to PC,MS was basically telling it to your face their consoles tools were been ported to PC.
IDK - you post Moby Dick length responses to any "Xbox One DX12" threads. It's like stirring up a hornets nest.
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
i am sorry but unlike you i don't get called stupid on a daily basis, now (insert here) excuses for that.
Neither do I - but less people respond to your posts because you get ignored so often!
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
i am sorry but unlike you i don't get called stupid on a daily basis, now (insert here) excuses for that.
Neither do I -
selective memory sure is a nice thing to have, but then again lems seems to ignore reality.
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
i am sorry but unlike you i don't get called stupid on a daily basis, now (insert here) excuses for that.
Neither do I -
selective memory sure is a nice thing to have, but then again lems seems to ignore reality.
Oh, sorry. I meant to say "I get called stupid by half the forum but i deny it because my mom says i'm smart!"
i do agree, just look at the train wreck of thread you did last time, everyone calling you stupid, that's sad.
I hate to be that guy.....
But is the bet on or off?
I'm down to do it but none of the usual Sony guys want to. I wonder why.
Anyone else feel cheated? Neither of fanboys will take the bet.
Yes .. I think they're more interested in arguing than putting their account on the line. I've seen enough to feel confident.
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
i am sorry but unlike you i don't get called stupid on a daily basis, now (insert here) excuses for that.
Neither do I -
selective memory sure is a nice thing to have, but then again lems seems to ignore reality.
Oh, sorry. I meant to say "I get called stupid by half the forum but i deny it because my mom says i'm smart!"
i do agree, just look at the train wreck of thread you did last time, everyone calling you stupid, that's sad.
You know, I was just going to let you get the last word. However... CHANGING THE QUOTED TEXT? Jesus, you are such a pathetic piece of crap
@tymeservesfate: Bu... bu... bu... @tormentos said it won't matter.
his DC will be the stuff of legends once some viable enhancements do take place after DX12's release. my guess is he'll resort to the enhancements not being significant enough for him, or some other nonsense. i don't even take the time to read his posts anymore...too many bull turds in them.
Probably, It's like if anyone uses the words/phrases "DX12", "closing the gap", " or XBox One 1080p/60fps", the ussual cow dolts come a-runnin'( like Tormentos, @grenadelaunchr@GrenadeLauncher, and @I_can_haz). Hell, I even got a response from @Krelian-co; who, like the Stork, may actually be brain damaged.
i am sorry but unlike you i don't get called stupid on a daily basis, now (insert here) excuses for that.
Neither do I -
selective memory sure is a nice thing to have, but then again lems seems to ignore reality.
Oh, sorry. I meant to say "I get called stupid by half the forum but i deny it because my mom says i'm smart!"
i do agree, just look at the train wreck of thread you did last time, everyone calling you stupid, that's sad.
You know, I was just going to let you get the last word. However... CHANGING THE QUOTED TEXT? Jesus, you are such a pathetic piece of crap
there there clowny, no need for tears. I don't enjoy making you cry when we have these arguments, you just say some very stupid things, nothing personal clowny, i will be the big person here and say that i am sorry for making you cry constantly. Better now?
Why would PS4 have DMA engines when it only has one memory pool? Why? Stop and listen to yourself for a minute dude, if PS4 did have move engines in would be redundant for the system to move something from main memory just to move it back to main memory, it would be a wasted cycle.
Second storing 3gb of data in 16mb won't work on all gpu's the same way, if it could then it wouldn't be such a big deal for xbox. PC don't have embedded ram yet but from the looks of things it's coming Intel's e-DRAM shows up in the wild or how about this one from Nvidia, Nvidia's Pascal to use stacked memory, proprietary NVLink interconnect.
Of course PRT was made to work with all memory you idiot, but M$ has their own set of tools and the Xbox was built around them. If it was built with Dx12 in mind and using esram to store textures then that's how they differentiate their tools from everybody else's, why else would they state that you could texture out of main ram and esram at the same time.
"You can think of the ESRAM and the DDR3 as making up eight total memory controllers, so there are four external memory controllers (which are 64-bit) which go to the DDR3 and then there are four internal memory controllers that are 256-bit that go to the ESRAM. These are all connected via a crossbar and so in fact it will be true that you can go directly, simultaneously to DRAM and ESRAM,
M$ doesn't have to scream we have 14gb of ram because people are already talking about the potential of esram in the xbox one, did they make a big deal out of edram on xbox 360, no becasue it's stuff the general public won't understand even when developers talked about edram last gen people didn't understand it they just knew that the xbox was producing better looking games.
I don't have to quote M$ saying anything you saw the build conference they were using a 16mb tile pool to render 3gb of data, regardless if it was on an Nvidia computer they were still using M$ tools. If they knew already that using Directx they could fit 3gb using 16mb, why not build your machine to cater to your tools. If you understood hardware and got your head out of your ass, and stopped trying to be right all of the time you would see how 32mb of esram could give you an extra 6gb of texture storage.
Lastly there is 47mb of esram this has already been confirmed when they broke down both systems
"It’s hard to tell exactly how the Xbox One’s 47MB of claimed SRAM fit into the floor plan, however. We know that the CPUs in question contain a total of 512K of L1 and 4MB of L2. If the two blocks to the right are ESRAM, each block should be 16MB, for a total of 32MB of cache there. The GPU should contain 512K to 1.5MB of L2 (512K being standard for a GCN chip of this size, with more L2 if Microsoft choose to boost that capability), and about 224K of L1 in total. That leaves about 10MB of cache missing. If the SRAM block between the two CPUs is that large, it’s far more dense than the SRAM to the right of the GPU."
Bro developers still used edram to store render targets on xbox 360 it was just to small to fit all of the bigger targets in there that's why the system required you to be able to pull from edram and main ram(which was GDDR3) at the same time.
You suffer really bad from cognitive dissonance, it's what makes you look so silly when you post.
DMA are part of the GPU you walking pancake..hahhaaaa
For use in compute applications, the Southern Islands GCN Tahiti design includes dual Asynchronous Compute Engines (ACE) for the independent scheduling and dispatch of work items, necessary for efficient multi-tasking. This allows compute workloads to operate in parallel with graphics workloads, and facilitates fast context switching so that demands by workloads that exceed concurrency abilities can be given needed resources. Despite featuring PCI-Express 3.0 which doubles interface bandwidth from 8GB/s to 16GB/s, plus support for numerous data and protocol commands, the internal dual DMA engines can push data through the bus to saturate that bandwidth.
It will and the fact that non GCN or GPU has ESRAM says it all,MS say compatible with PC and console if you don't want to understand what that means is your problem,PRT doesn't need ESRAM to work,it wasn't made with ESRAM in
That fine the problem is PRT work with some GPU out NOW mot 3 years from now,all AMD GCN support it and some from Nvidia to and non have ESRAM you have not point.
Yeah sony has its own set of tools as well that mean total shit,once again Trials Fusion use PRT and runs better on PS4.
No the xbox wasn't build around it man stop your sh** the xbox one was build around Kinect,which is why MS went cheap with memory and used DDR3,and ESRAM which was cost effective to them in other words they didn't want to pay for GDDR5..haahhaha
You don't know sh** man hahahaa MS did make a big deal of EDRAM on xbox 360 and make a fake chart comparing the xbox 360 vs the PS3 bandwidth wise,in fact like on XBO they joined the bandwidth and claimed the 360 had 278GB/s bandwidth even higher than the xbox one..hahahahaa
Yo know shit,you know shit,you know shit,you know shit...hahahaa
Major nelson it self hyped EDRAM on xbox 360 as having 5 times the bandwidth of the PS3.
Hahahaa How did that worker for the 360.? Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
Memory controllers mean sh** they are there to say what moves and what don't stop
You don't get it do you,there is no MS tool the same tool sony has it,it is the hardware process not the software one what make PRT work and fit 3Gb of data in 16MB not MS tools,man all secret sauce about PRT has been shut down.
The fact that you still trying when you claimed PRT and Tile resources weren't the same thing says it all you have a PHD in stupidity..hahaha
Please dude it was basically use to get 2XAA free because the promise 4XAA could barely be achieve without tiling.
By the way you are owned
Well, since this thread demo DX12 nicely. I wonder is it actually used those Conservative Resterizer and Blend mode. If not, it is still looking damn impressive.
Now, looks like the topic of esRAM again? Well, edRAM is require to be used in Xbox360. esRAM is not required to be used in XboxOne. Turn10 already said they only used esRAM for something that updates a lot. Fitting everything into esRAM is never the desired usage.
As for Tiled Resources? It is a technique that loads very tiny textures from main memory into graphics memory. Yes, they are physically the same RAM, but, they are virtually partitioned. What tiled resources is basically allow 90% main memory and 10% GPU memory partition while achieving high level of texture details.
Is DDR3 more suitable for transferring tiny textures at low latency with lower bandwidth? I don't know. I don't see any game using tiled resources yet. (texture streaming from HDD to RAM is not tiled resources, texture popup is relates to this).
And even the Forward+ algorithm used by Horizon 2 is an interesting take on DDR3. Forward+ computes light data in GPU instead of CPU, meaning those computation is running on low latency DDR3. Is this better on DDR3, I don't know. But, Horizon 2 is using Forward+ with MSAAx4 at 1080p on a dynamic open world with lots of collisions. Does DDR3 help, don't know. But, the game sure is nice to look at, and deliver on time with lots of content.
That because it was demo on a high end PC with an Nvidia GPU,non of the 2 represent the xbox one..
All the contrary EDRAM wasn't need to be use and many developer didn't use it,which is why many games on 360 don't have AA.
On XBO if you don't use ESRAM you destroy your game,DDDR3 is not even close to enough to get your game to 15 FPS even at 900 with next gen graphics,it would totally cripple the performance,ESRAM is just to small for certain games and that is the problem.
Tile Resource is already in use Ryse use it,and Trials Fusion use it as well.
Forward Rendering is also use on PS4 games,it has its pros and cons.
DDR3 is the main memory pool of the xbox one,ESRAM is basically a middle man in charge of the xbox one not running dry on bandwidth because DDR3 doesn't have the speed so what ever need to be move fast it most pass by ESRAM,static skies and things like that which don't change can be place on DDR3.
Dx11. high level API
Dx12 low level API
its not hard to understand that xbox one has not used a low level API its just been using dx11 a bunch of jealous fanboys with nothing else to do. Torm is a cry baby bring them cross gen ports and pasting things from the beginning of the gen trying to claim ownage and no ones listening to him hes system wars MrXmedia. Whats ps4 take on now on SVGI because it ran terrible on the last demo,
Ps4 GPU can use PRT but its tiers to that and the ps4 is on tier one
Nvidia already said VTR volume tiled resources is next big thing now they lying?
the DDR3 in the xbox is not the same as you buy from the store alot denser.
the two move engines compared to the 4 in the xbox one dont have lz color compression.
the 32mb is not for storing stupid its for moving fast
there is not one ps4 game right not thats 4xmsaa 1080p locked at 30fps open world
all them things that made ps4 more powerful is null and void.
ps4 fan is not running loud because of the gpu but the cpu is getting killed thats why you never and never will see a ps4 game with alot of stuff going on on the screen at once. not to mention BW bound with 130gb real BW for the whole system while xbox one has 150+ for the gpu alone
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