Some new points from Famitsu:
"If you don't use support magic I don't think you will be able to beat the harder monsters and bosses. Even if you manage to reach them [without using it], they will just kill you right away if you don't." - Toriyama
* Fights to aquire the summons are harder than most of the bosses in the game and require serious strategy to beat - one Famitsu writer commented "I got wiped out six times and restarted the battle twice before I beat Sazh's summon."
* There are other abilities that use TP - such as the spell Quake, which damages all enemies, and Full Cure, that fully heals and brings back to life everyone.
*TP takes a while to build up; although play s tyle will alter this, a rough guide is the ability to use a summon once every ten battles. Often find that will have just used TP to cast Libra and then get into a battle which you need a summon for!
* It would take a long time and a lot of CP to follow every path in each character's Crystalium.
* When asked how many missions there are - "More than half of the targets (sidequest bosses) are stronger than the last boss (laugh). Come back to the story after making decent progress through the missions and the last boss will seem easy."
* Although a three Attacker Optima is obviously possible, it isn't really all that good. The Optima people will likely use the most is one Attacker, two Blasters.
* You can set six Optima patterns, and also choose which one the characters will be in when battle starts.
* Due to the battles being real time, Haste is very useful. The ATB gauge turns red and fills up really quickly. Spells that lower enemy defense and slow down enemy ATB are also very useful.
* Both Kitase and Toriyama say they generally play the game entirely on Auto Command. Kitase "I do handle healing myself, and always cast Haste first with an Enchancer."
* Accessories can be upgraded like weapons, and extra accessory slots can be purchased from the Cyrstalium.
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