@platinumking320 said:
Problem is others dont understand history. You don't compete with nintendo by being the 'bad boy' console. Look at Sega. Sony understood its a 'numbers' game, not a demographic game. If the gameplay is good varied and plenty, people will come. MS came into the picture trying to take the dudebro market crown, and threw the industry off balance.
They're supposed sell hardcore M rated titles, like the old 'STAPLES' tagline.
"Yeah, we got that too."
Thats it. That's all the advertisement we need. Then focus more on the general and casual audience for the premiere promotions and mascots. and its all gravy. But don't blare from a loudspeaker, the shit that all the hardcore folks are playing. If tbey know it prints money, they should do just some ads and shut up about it.
They advertise M titles like Transformers movies, and its really missing the mark.
Eh, I agree with most of your sentiment, but the Genesis outsold the SNES up until about the last year of that generation (Of course, Nintendo had a later start). Sega DID wreck on Nintendo's market by being the "bad boy" console and actually did it really well. Segas problem wasn't Nintendo, Segas problem was Sega. They grossly mismanaged their console releases and even their hardware cycles after the Genesis gen and lost the momentum they had.
Nintendo's triumph is also what is perceived as their weakness. They have strong branding with familiar characters and they back that up with incredibly well-designed games that support those franchises. Nintendo created their ecosystem and it has flourished in spite of Playstation and XBox. Their branding is their fallout shelter. There's also one thing that Nintendo does that is a nut that Sega, Sony and MS simply cannot crack and that is their handheld market dominance. This is a mostly blue water market that they took the same formula to impress the Wii into the console space and it was a winning strategy.
Sonys faltering with the PS3 was a perfect storm of forces acting on them that simply couldn't allow for the PS3 to have the market dominance the others had. However, you are 100% correct in that Sonys approach with the Playstation has always been to have every type of game under one roof. MS was like a heat-seeking missile on the hardcore gamer with the 360 and those are the people who generate the most software sales and are willing to pay for online gaming. MS broke their own ecosystem with the XBone by trying to spin off their new console from the Kinect-centric casual audience that Nintendo resonated so well with the Wii.
What is really obvious now is that the casual/non- gamer of gen7 has, in large but no means by all, not integrated with the core gamer like people expected would happen and instead are moving on to mobile/pad gaming instead. Sony gambled on going big with core gamers and are now leaving the other two to play catch up. To Nintendos credit, they went huge at E3 and showed they know how to speak that language. I know I ended up buying a WiiU yesterday and as a hardcore gamer am seeing for myself that the system actually doesn't deserve half the crap that's been thrown at it. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the social features are a bit more fresh than the tacking on Facebook integration the other two are doing.
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