While "gaming" is its own hobby, PC gaming is actually a mixture of two hobbies.
One is the actual tech aspect of knowing how systems work.
The other is the gaming aspect independent of platform.
Being good at both results in the creme-de-la-creme of gaming
What consoles provide is the gaming independent of the technical skills.
Alot is said of PC gaming graphics but that is not the upside of PC gaming.
The upside of PC gaming is access to deep, rich games that you will never find on consoles. EvE, WoW, Take on Helicopters, Starcraft, Defcon, indy games, etc.
Also note that the "PC Gamer" crowd we have here are the PC equivalent of Xbox Live retards, immature, trash talking dummies who think consoles "compete" with PC, if you hate consoles then you are not a tech enthusiast by any stretch, tech enthusiasts own everything from ipads to consoles to smartphones.
PC-only people are typically mouth-breathers who suddenly "discovered" PC gaming. When you have been gaming on PC for 20 years, gaming on a phone or console is cute and fun, and you don't feel threatened by it.
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