Okay, so, pretty basic question, but one I felt would be interesting considering the year is coming to an end. There's been a fair amount of good games this year, and with the GOTY season now approaching, which game would you say has been your personal favourite in 2015?
Mine would have to be The Witcher 3.
P.S: I'm sorry if I forgot to mention your personal favourites in the poll. If I did, vote for the "Other" option and tell me which game you have in mind in your reply :D
@SecretPolice: ahh dude get on Lara lol, this is a really fun game to explore.
My GOTY is the Witcher3, although I haven't played fallout 4 yet.
I hear ya but I've got to leave TR & FM6 as games my son can give as gifts, if I buy them he'll have a hard time thinking of any other games I really want this year lol. I'll have a bunch of time off for Christmas so I'll be in gaming heaven with those two. :D
Rodea the Sky Soldier. Throughout most of my first playthrough, I thought it was good but kind of flawed, but then... BOOM! I finally clicked with the controls, and after going through a second playthrough, Rodea has become one of my favorite games of all time. It's on the same level as the other games that Yuji Naka was the lead programmer and designer for, Sonic 1-3 & Knuckles and NiGHTS into Dreams, and coming from me, that's the highest praise I can give a platformer. Witcher III is good and all for one or two rides, but Rodea is on that timeless masterpiece level, meaning it'll be a game that I'll always be coming back to. That last boss can still suck a dick though, lol.
I very much enjoyed Witcher 3, but by and large I'm liking Fallout 4 more, it just fits with my tastes better in terms of the sci-FI story and I love using Vats.
I voted Halo 5 simply because it is the most compelling game to be released this year for me. By that, I mean that of all the games I have, including Fallout 4, I usually feel like just playing H5 online I just love it, the new abilities completely re-invigorated the game imo.
I really liked Dying Light, wasn't as good as Dead Island games but not as glitch at least and visually great looking, sold mechanics. Batman Arkham Knight was really cool, despite PC issues not sure why the hate, I can see people having ignores it to play TW3 but this surely isn't bad . Mad Max was surprisingly good, rather ignored releasing next to MGS5:TPP but surprisingly good nonetheless. And if course get to enjoy Halo 5 and Rise of the Tomb Raider, still need to get to Fallout 4 and have Just Cause 3 coming. Good year overall. Hard to pick a favorite just yet.
I think this is the first time every my opinion lines up with general consensus: Witcher 3, and by a fairly wide margin. Bloodborne, Rocket League, Total War Attila, Fallout 4 are in the next tier of awesomeness.
I think ROTR could be runner up from what I have seen, but I wont be playing it until the PC version releases. I'm happy to wait, lots else to play and I want to give it all my focus when it does comes out.
Fallout 4... I dont see any of those games beating it on this website or Ign.
The Witcher 3 got a 10/10 here, AND it is clearly the better made game. I'd say it has a pretty good chance of winning GotY, on GameSpot at the very least.
I will say Fallout 4 since it is the only game on that list I am likely to play in the future.
@dino7c said:
Videogames are about having fun right? so many seem to have forgot that
People here take ratings and sales so seriously. I had fun with Destiny pretty much all year up unto BO3 came out. People will keep bashing it but I find it fun..that's all that matters.
Rocket League: Got the game on PS+, liked it enough that I bought it on PC (because I need my 60 faps locked), and I've spent a lot of time in that game with a buddy of mine on most nights. I've hit a wall recently as if you don't learn how to do proper aerials that game becomes a lot harder to compete, and the ass whipping start come in bunches. But it's so fucking well made as a game: it's mechanically tight and sound as simply driving around and hitting the ball feels great, it feels fast, it feels fluid. The layers are there for you to have a reasonable skill ceiling without compromising the simplicity as the game is about proper angles, physics, adjusting to ball placement and timing when that ball is about to hit the ground, to properly using that ball cam (Most of my time with this game I don't use ball cam at all, it's only recently I've used it more). And when you add in the aerials it's a whole different dimension on some levels because of the sheer advantage you can have when the person doesn't know how to do aerials on the otherside. You can attack the goal from different parts of the field better, you basically create more potential set ups, and actively spend more time on their side of the field which flat out, they can't score on you if they don't get a chance to play on your side of the field.
It's beautiful as a 2 v 2 game, 3 v 3 is nice and tense. 4 v 4 I wish they handled better, but they didn't. And I really like Metal Gear Solid V, Bloodborne, and what I've played of Ori, and if you had told me before this year started that my favorite game this year was going to be a soccer car game I'd say you were on acid, but it's my favorite game this year. The soul crushing anger inducing losses, the clutch goals, the comebacks, the moment when you feel like a complete badass just wrecking the other team. It captures the spirit of a proper sport, than most sports games ever do. Love it.
im going to be completely original and say the witcher 3. CDPR did an absolutley wonderful job. i haven't finished it because i dont want it to end :(.
the only game that can knock it off the top spot is xenoblade and, although i think i will enjoy it, i get a sense that its not going to live up to its predecessor and it wont beat witcher 3.
I voted Halo 5 simply because it is the most compelling game to be released this year for me. By that, I mean that of all the games I have, including Fallout 4, I usually feel like just playing H5 online I just love it, the new abilities completely re-invigorated the game imo.
It's been my go to podcast game, since I'm on a string of games on my backlog where I mildly give a shit about the narrative. Just lower the audio of the game, listen to my podcasts in the back ground and run through a string of matches.
I have some gaming to do before my list is final,but here is my top 3 right now.
1 - Super Mario Maker
2 - Rocket League
3 - Splatoon
I have also played Bloodborne, TW 3, MGS V, Halo 5, Until Dawn. I own but haven't played Undertale or Rise of the Tomb Raider and haven't played enough Fallout 4 to make a decision on it.
My list isn't final, but I feel pretty good about the top 2.
Fallout 4... I dont see any of those games beating it on this website or Ign.
The Witcher 3 got a 10/10 here, AND it is clearly the better made game. I'd say it has a pretty good chance of winning GotY, on GameSpot at the very least.
Hey Im not taking anything away from the Witcher 3... I didnt even play it but from what people say it looks like a good game, and hopefully it was more fun than part 2.
But I dont recall a Witcher 3 weekly channel on Gamespot, like there is for Fallout. The FO hype from this site is off the charts.... and it just seems like GS is in bed with this game and I dont see them picking a GOTY from a May release to beat it.
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