1. Crackdown 2
Crackdown was a fun game and all but it left a lot to be desired. It was a bit clunky, it looked barely above PS2 standards(if even) and since it's release alot of new game concepts had come around so there were alot of obvious way that a sequel could improve. Instead we got essentially the same exact game but with zombies in it. Really. Same map, same game engine, same exact gameplay. And we waited over three years for this. It might not be a terrible game but it might as well be a crime that they didn't try at all with this.
2. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire
They did the oposite of what a sequel should do here, they took out more features than they added, and coming right after Gold and Silver which were arguably the best games in the franchise and added more features than any other other installment in the series then it's really hard to get past how stupid Ruby and Sapphire were. And the designs for Pokemon at this point on were weak.
3. Final Fantasy XIII
The premiere jrpg series becomes a side show with a combat system that practically plays itself, a tutorial that doesn't end until the thirty hour mark and the worst cast in the series.This game was so lame that I learned to appreciate the freedom XII gave you, it's unique artistic vision from the rest of the series and the partially talented voice cast.
Runner up goes to every Lumines game after Lumines II(mnd you, I haven't played the new one on Vita) and Gears of War 2
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