Sorry........the treasure hunter system is perfect copy from the Resident Evil 4.......what a big shame.
Did the game have something original...?:?
The treasure system in Uncharted has a set limit of unique treasures (I think it was originally 60 and then 100 in U2)for both iterations of the series. In what way is that similar to RE4 which has a treasure system that has about 10 variants which are allways sold to a merchant for money, and have no other purpose, no way of collecting them for any reward unless you sell them? That's really clutching at straws. Regardless it dosn't really matter, both games in the seriesare excellent, and if you haveplayedUncharted then that's your problem for not enjoying an excellent game. Idoubt you have played it though.
I have play and finish U1&U2 but the game look more a Indiana Jones movie copy.They have just copy parts from other games and.........
Gears of War+Prince of Persia+Tomb Raider+Metal Gear+Resident Evil 4+Indiana Jones movies=U2........one big mess.:?
If you want to look at it that way then mostly everything is rubbish, because games like GeoW take their gameplay elements and story elements from other sources. There's nothing wrong with that, it's making use of what's already available and creating an excellent product from it. Developers are always inspired by other developers, and they always want to build on the achivements of their predesecors in an attempts to make as good a game as possible.
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