There is an alternative interpretation that does not involve pederasty, which is sexual activity between young girls and boys, i.e. early teenage years when menstruation may not have begun *or become regular* among girls, who are married to boys similar in age. This type of marriage was not uncommon in Semitic cultures, for example some scholars suggest that Mary *the mother of Jesus* was somewhere between the ages of twelve and fourteen when she married Joseph *although it should be noted that non-canonical gospels suggest Joseph was a mature man, possibly as old as ninety*4**. Given that sexual activity among teenagers is common among many cultures, including Western ones, this appears to be the most reasonable interpretation.
Given the evidence from the Islamic texts themselves, this interpretation is not the 'most reasonable' as asserted. We have ample evidence that Muhammad *who is considered the uswa hasana - perfect example* married and had sex with a pre-pubescent Aisha, we have evidence that Muhammad's companions also did it and that Muslims to this very day are marrying pre-pubescent females and having intercourse with them. In none of these cases are the husbands comparable in age to the wife. So even though this is a possible interpretation, it is by no means the only reason that Muhammad revealed this verse - as evidenced also in the tafsir's provided above. Simply put, Muhammad did not specify an 'iddah for those whom menstruation was not present, so one had to be sent regarding these 3 groups of women. Nowhere in the Qur'an or the ahadith does it discuss teenagers marrying teenagers *ie. to 'explain' this verse* and all the evidence that we have points to *much* older men marrying and having sexual relations with pre-pubescent females.
65.4 talks only of the 'Iddah and not of sexual activity
Often pointed out is the fact that 65.4 does not explictly discuss consummation or other sexual activity in regards to any of the females discussed in the verse; it merely sets the prescribed 'Iddah required for each. The 'iddah *prescribed waiting period* for females is required after a divorce or widowing, so that a child's father can be correctly idenfitied. This is established in Qur'an 33:49. The verse is quoted above.
Here are some tafseer's on this ayah:
*يأَيُّ7;َا ا4;َّذِي6;َ ءَا5;َ6;ُ8;اْ إِذَا 6;َ3;َحْتُ5;ُ ا4;ْ5;ُؤْ5;ِ6;َ0;تِ ثُ5;َّ طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 5;ِ6; 2;َبْ4;ِ أَ6; تَ5;َسُّ8;7;ُ6;َّ 1;َ5;َا 4;َ3;ُ5;ْ عَ4;َيْ7;ِ6;َّ 5;ِ6;ْ عِدَّةٍ تَعْتَدُّ8;6;َ7;َا 1;َ5;َتِّعُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 8;َسَرِّحُ8;7;ُ6;َّ سَرَاحاً جَ5;ِي4;اً*
*49. O you who believe! When you marry believing women, and then divorce them before you have sexual intercourse with them, no `Iddah have you to count in respect of them. So, give them a present, and set them free in a handsome manner.*
This Ayah contains many rulings, including the use of the word Nikah for the marriage contract alone. There is no other Ayah in the Qur'an that is clearer than this on this point. It also indicates that it is permissible to divorce a woman before consummating the marriage with her.
*believing women* This refers to what is usually the case, although there is no difference between a believing *Muslim* woman and a woman of the People of the Book in this regard, according to scholarly consensus. Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, Sa`id bin Al-Musayyib, Al-Hasan Al-Basri, `Ali bin Al-Husayn Zayn-ul-`Abidin and a group of the Salaf took this Ayah as evidence that divorce cannot occur unless it has been preceded by marriage, because Allah says,
*إِذَا 6;َ3;َحْتُ5;ُ ا4;ْ5;ُؤْ5;ِ6;َ0;تِ ثُ5;َّ طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ8;7;ُ6;َّ*
*When you marry believing women, and then divorce them*
The marriage contract here is followed by divorce, which indicates that the divorce cannot be valid if it comes first. Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "If someone were to say, `every woman I marry will ipso facto be divorced,' this does not mean anything, because Allah says:
*يأَيُّ7;َا ا4;َّذِي6;َ ءَا5;َ6;ُ8;اْ إِذَا 6;َ3;َحْتُ5;ُ ا4;ْ5;ُؤْ5;ِ6;َ0;تِ ثُ5;َّ طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ8;7;ُ6;َّ*
*O you who believe! When you marry believing women, and then divorce them....*. It was also reported that Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "Allah said,
*إِذَا 6;َ3;َحْتُ5;ُ ا4;ْ5;ُؤْ5;ِ6;َ0;تِ ثُ5;َّ طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ8;7;ُ6;َّ*
*When you marry believing women, and then divorce them.* Do you not see that divorce comes after marriage A Hadith to the same effect was recorded from `Amr bin Shu`ayb from his father from his grandfather, who said: "The Messenger of Allah said:
«4;َا طَ4;َا2;َ 4;ِابْ6;ِ آدَ5;َ 1;ِي5;َا 4;َا يَ5;ْ4;ِ3;»
*There is no divorce for the son of Adam with regard to that which he does not possess.* This was recorded by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah. At-Tirmidhi said, "This is a Hasan Hadith, and it is the best thing that has been narrated on this matter. It was also recorded by Ibn Majah from `Ali and Al-Miswar bin Makhramah, may Allah be pleased with them, that the Messenger of Allah said:
«4;َا طَ4;َا2;َ 2;َبْ4;َ 6;ِ3;َاح»
*There is no divorce before marriage.*
*1;َ5;َا 4;َ3;ُ5;ْ عَ4;َيْ7;ِ6;َّ 5;ِ6;ْ عِدَّةٍ تَعْتَدُّ8;6;َ7;َا*
*no `Iddah have you to count in respect of them.* This is a command on which the scholars are agreed, that if a woman is divorced before the marriage is consummated, she does not have to observe the `Iddah *prescribed period for divorce* and she may go and get married immediately to whomever she wishes. The only exception in this regard is a woman whose husband died, in which case she has to observe an `Iddah of four months and ten days even if the marriage was not consummated. This is also according to the consensus of the scholars.
*1;َ5;َتِّعُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 8;َسَرِّحُ8;7;ُ6;َّ سَرَاحاً جَ5;ِي4;اً*
*So, give them a present, and set them free in a handsome manner.* The present here refers to something more general than half of the named dowery or a special gift that has not been named. Allah says:
*8;َإِ6; طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 5;ِ6; 2;َبْ4;ِ أَ6; تَ5;َسُّ8;7;ُ6;َّ 8;َ2;َدْ 1;َرَضْتُ5;ْ 4;َ7;ُ6;َّ 1;َرِيضَةً 1;َ6;ِصْ1;ُ 5;َا 1;َرَضْتُ5;ْ*
*And if you divorce them before you have touched *had a sexual relation with* them, and you have fixed unto them their due *dowery* then pay half of that* *2:237*. And Allah says:
*4;اَّ جُ6;َاحَ عَ4;َيْ3;ُ5;ْ إِ6; طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ ا4;6;ِّسَآءَ 5;َا 4;َ5;ْ تَ5;َسُّ8;7;ُ6;َّ أَ8;ْ تَ1;ْرِضُ8;اْ 4;َ7;ُ6;َّ 1;َرِيضَةً 8;َ5;َتِّعُ8;7;ُ6;َّ عَ4;َ9; ا4;ْ5;ُ8;سِعِ 2;َدَرُ7;ُ 8;َعَ4;َ9; ا4;ْ5;ُ2;ْتِرِ 2;َدْرُ7;ُ 5;َتَ0;عاً بِا4;ْ5;َعْرُ8;1;ِ حَ2;ًّا عَ4;َ9; ا4;ْ5;ُحْسِ6;ِي6;َ*
*There is no sin on you, if you divorce women while yet you have not touched them, nor fixed unto them their due *dowery*. But bestow on them gift, the rich according to his means, and the poor according to his means, a gift of reasonable amount is a duty on the doers of good.* *2:236* pIn Sahih Al-Bukhari, it was recorded that Sahl bin Sa`d and Abu Usayd, may Allah be pleased with them both, said, "The Messenger of Allah married Umaymah bint Sharahil, and when she entered upon him he reached out his hand towards her, and it was as if she did not like that, so he told Abu Usayd to give her two garments. `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said "If the dowery had been named, she would not be entitled to more than half, but if the dowery is not been named, he should give her a gift according to his means, and this is the "handsome manner.
Tafsir 'ibn Kathir - Quran 33:49
*يٰأَيُّ7;َا ٱ4;َّذِي6;َ آ5;َ6;ُ8;ۤاْ إِذَا 6;َ3;َحْتُ5;ُ ٱ4;ْ5;ُؤْ5;ِ6;َاتِ ثُ5;َّ طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 5;ِ6; 2;َبْ4;ِ أَ6; تَ5;َسُّ8;7;ُ6;َّ 1;َ5;َا 4;َ3;ُ5;ْ عَ4;َيْ7;ِ6;َّ 5;ِ6;ْ عِدَّةٍ تَعْتَدُّ8;6;َ7;َا 1;َ5;َتِّعُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 8;َسَرِّحُ8;7;ُ6;َّ سَرَاحاً جَ5;ِي4;اً* O you who believe if you marry believing women and then divorce them before you have touched them *read tamassūhunna or tumāsūhunna* that is, before you have copulated with them, there shall be no *waiting* period for you to reckon against them, *no* waiting period *needed to preclude pregnancy* or otherwise. But provide for them, give them what they can use for *securing* comforts, in cases where no dowry has been fixed for them; otherwise theirs is to retain half of what was fixed, but no more - this is what Ibn 'Abbās said and it is *the opinion* followed by al-Shāfi'ī'; and release them in a gracious manner, leave them be without *the intention to cause them any* harm.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn - Quran 33:49
*يٰأَيُّ7;َا ٱ4;َّذِي6;َ آ5;َ6;ُ8;ۤاْ إِذَا 6;َ3;َحْتُ5;ُ ٱ4;ْ5;ُؤْ5;ِ6;َاتِ ثُ5;َّ طَ4;َّ2;ْتُ5;ُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 5;ِ6; 2;َبْ4;ِ أَ6; تَ5;َسُّ8;7;ُ6;َّ 1;َ5;َا 4;َ3;ُ5;ْ عَ4;َيْ7;ِ6;َّ 5;ِ6;ْ عِدَّةٍ تَعْتَدُّ8;6;َ7;َا 1;َ5;َتِّعُ8;7;ُ6;َّ 8;َسَرِّحُ8;7;ُ6;َّ سَرَاحاً جَ5;ِي4;اً* *O ye who believe! If ye wed believing women* without naming the amount of their dowry *and divorce them before ye have touched them* before you had sexual intercourse with them, *then there is no period that ye should reckon* by counting the months or the periods of menstruation. *But content them* as is due by divorce by giving them at least a scarf or shawl *and release them handsomely* divorce them without any harm done to them.
Tafsir 'Ibn Abbas - Quran 33:49
This verse effectively removes the apologist's objection to Qur'an 65.4 as we see clearly that if a man has not consummated his marriage with his wife then she does not need to observe an 'iddah. If Qur'an 65.4 specifies that pre-pubescent females must observe a 3 month 'iddah then clearly sexual intercourse is halal to Allah.
This verse can be applied to unconsummated widows
Another claim is that Qur'an 65.4 doesn't necessarily mean that Muslim men can have sex with pre-pubescent females because there may be cases where a man has married a pre-pubescent female, but while waiting for her to attain menstruation before consummating the marriage, he died. The 'iddah could be referring to a situation such as this. This claim is invalid because the Qur'an specifies the 'iddah for *all* widows to be 4 months and 10 days; in Qur'an 2:234:
And *as for* those of you who die and leave wives behind, they should keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten days; then when they have fully attained their term, there is no blame on you for what they do for themselves in a lawful manner; and Allah is aware of what you do.
Qur'an 2:234
This verse clearly contradicts this particular apologist claim, since the 'Iddah specified in Qur'an 65.4 is for a different amount of time, therefore the verses are referring to different situations.
This verse is only talking about adult women who don't know if they are pregnant
The very reason 65:4 was revealed in the first place, was as a clarification to an existing revelation by Allah. Allah had already revealed that women must wait 3 menstrual periods before they can end the 'iddat and be free to marry again. This is in Quran 2:228:
And the divorced women should keep themselves in waiting for three courses; and it is not lawful for them that they should conceal what Allah has created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the last day; and their husbands have a better right to take them back in the meanwhile if they wish for reconciliation; and they have rights similar to those against them in a just manner, and the men are a degree above them, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.
Qur'an 2:228
However, after this, Muslim men went to Muhammad to ask about those who did not presently have their menses - how do they measure the 'iddat in those cases? It is in this circumstance that Allah sent down the clarification *65:4* for the three groups of women that did not have menstruation, therefore they could not wait the '3 menstrual cycles' as mandated by Quran 2:228.
Those Muslims who make this claim are ignoring what all of their own scholars have said about 65:4; that it is referring to the peri-menopausal and post menopausal women, the pre-pubescent girls and the pregnant women. The women who are currently menstruating are told in Quran 2:228 that they must wait 3 menstrual cycles, therefore this apologetic is also debunked.
The Qur'an stipulates that the Iddah for pre-pubescent girls, meaning: the holy text of Islam supports marrying and having sex with prepubescent girls. Since no Iddah is prescribed for a woman who has not had intimate contact with her husband, we see Iddah is prescribed for pre-pubescent girls in Qur'an 65:4. This is definitive proof that the Qur'an endorses paedophilia, the most abominable of all sexual crimes.
See Also
Aisha's Age of Consummation
Islam and Pedophilia
Contemporary Pedophilic Islamic Marriages
↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Elabbas Benmamoun, Arabic morphology: The central role of the imperfective, Lingua 108 *1999* 175-201
↑ Arabic grammar - Wikipedia
↑ Jussive - Wikipedia
External Links
These links show that girls as young as 3 have been able to menstruate. This does not mean it is acceptable to have sex with them:
Puberty Hitting Girls as Young as 4 Years Old
The youngest mother on record was a 5-year-old girl who lived in Peru. She began menstruating at age 3
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Categories: Qur'an | Pedophilia | Islamic Law
This page was last modified on 9 November 2009, at 06:51.
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