a different world
Story so far ! :shock:
[spoiler] The FFF Union was going to have FAT chocobo babies But breeding was not going so well because everyone was eaten by A HUGE cactuar. Everyone screamed in joy for spiky. Then a tonberry ate a boulder and had constipation For the rest of three seconds. But he didnt succeed, instead he ate KC's cocobo and got sick from chocobo poisoning and died. So a Moogle came and ate everyone who says "Kupo!", eats KC's chocobo then pukes it in a bucket full of feces KC is fuming toxic fumes of poison and everyone is feeling very Awesome now that they have pizza spoiling KC's fun. KC eats chocobo topped with spiders that tastes disgusting so he barfs straight up and eats chocobo with bacchu's wine with bacchu's wine with chocobo nuggets. and ranch dressing Which was delicious!! KC ate chocobos again and drank then stopped eating then had to go to the toilet and regurgitate but it came out too fast. Then Cloud came and held the barfbag to KC's currently chocobo eating chicken alfredo with paprika. The roof suddenly collapsed on Shiggums. Everyone laughed so hard their roofs collapsed on KC eating Chocobos and here comes Cloud protecting the chocobos from the crazy union leader's atomic mutant stomach and blows up the chocobo farm and kills all of KC's chocobos. KC turned into a rabid moogle who then ate all chocobos in the area. A rebellion movement against all moogles resulted in the "Bloody Crisis 2003" in 2006. So KC ate chocobos again. She was so hungry that She could eat No more chocobos and stopped. In the fridge was a giant flan KC eating chocobos made out of chocolate. A mage was using Black Magic to kill chocobos eating KC at gold saucer . Congratulations 50 GP! Then a mummy rolled the dice getting snake eyes Vivi rolled and eaten before he ate Shiggums arm who then died but was resurrected And became a powerful god in Mount Olympus, where he tripped over the far side of the cliff. While falling, a pilot of a airship controlled by some random hobo began battling Shiggums but the hobo had a gun and a katana and spontaneously combusted the tree and killed shiggums forever. The funeral was not so good. .I resurrected Shiggums Just to shoot craps with him. Over the phone King Mickey said: "Hi, you are a guy who wields the perfect key like sora from a different world [/spoiler]
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