Zelos Wilder: No offense, but I'm not interesting in talking to guys.
Zelos Wilder: [acquires a new spell] Damn! I must be a genius!
Zelos Wilder: [if Zelos delivers the final blow to the enemy and wins the battle] Man, I rule! I'm so cool!
[after Zelos finished off a battle that is won convincingly]
Zelos Wilder: Don't worry, there's hotties up in heaven too.
If God is willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
If he is able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
If he is both able, and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? -Epicurus
Dr. Taub: [asking if Dobson isn't a doctor] You said one of us wasn't a doctor, and you called him a fraud.
Dr. House: He's not a doctor. Continue, Bos.
Dobson: Could be an STD...
Dr Taub: Why isn't he fired?
Dr. House: [starts randomly pressing buttons on the phone] Oh, you're breaking up! I'm going into a tunnel.
Jack Moriarty: Which one of you is Dr. House?
Dr. House: Skinny brunette.
Jack Moriarty: That's Dr. Cameron.
Dr. House: I'm skinny. How'd you know who she was?
Jack Moriarty: I'm an old patient of yours.
Dr. House: Oh, well, leave the chocolates downstairs.
[Moriarty pulls out a gun and shoots House]
Konohamaru: Sexy Jutsu! Boy-on-boy version! *takes the form of Sai and Sasuke in an intimate embrace*
Sakura: That's Genius!
Sai::| ... Oh I see, it's me and Sasuke... :|
Bender: Happy birthday Nibbler! *flushes Nibbler down the toilet*
*Leela walks in*
Bender: Can't you see I'm using the toilet?
Neo-What is he?
Oracle-He is your opposite, your negative. The result of the equation trying to balance itself out.
"Thundercats, HOOOOO"-Thundercats(Man I loved that show:lol: )Curtis1560
:lol: *claps*
"Snickers! Get some nuts!" Mr.T, Snickers commercial
"I am the clown with the tear away face, here in the flesh and gone without a trace" Denizen of Halloween Town, Nightmare Before Christmas
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