[QUOTE="Link2025"][QUOTE="imnotwhite"][QUOTE="Link2025"][QUOTE="imnotwhite"]I would tell you but I'm afraid that this thread will be locked or deleted soon!
but Hey since you care about the union I'll give my ideas!
Well for one we need contests!
Not hurt/heal real contests like a Zelda Test! not a quiz i mean one long test/survey of all knowledge that we know of Zelda!
well um good luck with this thread!
Not really. The only way I will accept any form of contest/game etc. is if it's well-thought out, executed well, and you explain your ideas to an officer beforehand and he allows it to happen.
Ok I didn't say we NEED CONTESTS i said we need contests!Dang Link2025 why do you gotta represent all of us in such a serious way man loosen up and just chill!
*imagines link2025 wearing a nametag sitting at his computer that says "officer of zelda union"*
Anyway! what if we had a contest to make our own zelda union advertiser movie?
Cuz my teacher is gonna let me borrow the cam .........next week and I tink i could work something! out but i need someone whos good with animated graphics too help. So I'm gonna be around the newgrounds forum...getting flamed again and asking for help! So um...what ya think?
Sorry if it seems like I hate forum based games or something. I just don't want to see the board full of ill-conceived games that are forgotten about days later. Technically you can create any type of game that you wanted but just make sure you put forth the effort required to make it a successful game or experience.
which is why a think a Mod run Quiz would be a good idea, it could be posted on the homepage too. It includes games into the union's scenario without people just randomly posting a game on the board (say something about the person above you, rate the whatever above you, etc)Even though I'm a mod, I would still run by certain ideas to some of you and asking  for your input or for help if I needed it. Some of you are here more than certain mods so it just makes sense. You'll be the ones primarily participating in such games.
Oh and I have been thinking about redoing and running certain threads like the Zelda Quiz Thread. It's just a time issue I have and I still need to think about how I can make it better and fine tune it. Any suggestions would help but try to be logical here.
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