Eh, I'd still say that's more neat, than anything satisfying on a narrative level. As far as plot goes that's a pretty corny ass stretch. It's a nice audio touch, but it be like if Mass Effect 3's ending had a lot of the music you saw when you met the boy, and those dreams with the boy. The ending would still suck.
Otherwise anyother disagreement? overall thoughs?jg4xchamp
Aside from not giving FE13 a GOTY2013/10?
I thought it was soulless; objective; far too to-the-point. You state facts, most of which I don't disagree with, yet you don't throw in any examples; your experience; your own opinion into the mix. Did you notice that you haven't actually named a single character in your review, even in the plot summary? I'd 've figured you'd at least name Chrom considering he's the leader of the Shepherds. A single word about him and not everyone in general would've added more character to your review.
I would assume that. Because shitty profession dick riders(game critics) thought the game was beneath them. So that's how you know it's extra shitty. Blabadon
Please, the original iOS one and its sequel were excellent.Though reviews are saying it's a disappointment nonetheless, which is a bummer. Those guys make two excellent games, get two goddamn screens and a 3D gimmick to work with in a 2D puzzler and still can't hit at least a 7. SMH.
From what I read of the GS review, it had to do with the multi-room layout; how leaving one room and entering another might lead to an instant death because you can't see what's ahead let alone plan ahead. Y'know, hallmarks of the puzzle genre.
[QUOTE="Blabadon"]Whoever drew Solange in Code of Princess must have had the time of their life.
Kinu Nishimura, she also did the character designs for 999 and VLR. :p
Completely unrelated, but I can't stop hitting Danganronpa spoilers. >_<
The positioning of one of the characters in your sig, the one that dies in Ch. 2, looks sooooooo suspicious and makes waaaaaay too much sense considering the killer's MO.
Also, that tongue.
Equally unrelated but totally relevant.
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