Awkward in the sense of its delivery and just little things about how the characters describe things.
As for units being a s ranked, a bunch of them. Sully and Arrow dude, A bunch of the kids, chrome and the princess chick, my guy and the librarian wizard, the wyvern rider and i think vaike? the dragons, the beast thing and one of the sword masters. A fair a mount at least. As far as actually reading a lot of the dialogue it varied for some of the match ups. Some I enjoyed reading others I didn't.
What is it about the last chapter you find works as a product of the support system?
As I said earlier, the finale does rely on relationships built for emotional impact. However, it relies just as much on audio symbolism which is easily missable if you don't do MyUnit's/Avatar's S-Ranks. The theme for the final chapter is actually a remix of the theme used in and only in MyUnit's marriage scenes plus the beginning, tying the idea of love and friendship to the ending and making it a driving force in what happened.
While that may be the kind of tripe that you'd see in a Saturday morning cartoon, it's so prevalent in many aspects of the game - support bonuses applying when units are next to each other or when paired instead of applying up to three tiles away, dual attacks and dual guards, hearts popping up as opposed to support progress being invisible, supports with damn near everyone, removal of the 5-convo limit, marriage, the ever-awesome children - that it was only fitting and doesn't come across as poorly set up.
Then there's the credit roll, the ending CG (for sacrifice), and the end card which is just perfect. Shame the background plot wasn't.
As for the awkward dialogue, only had problems with terms like "Exalt" (What the f*** is an Exalt?) and Say'ri's antiquated speech.
The new trailer for Shadow of the Eternals looks really good. Their Kickstarter relaunched as well with more reasonable goals. 8-10 hour standalone game and no chapters/episodes like before, PS4 in the stretch goals, and David Hayter doing VA work.
Doesn't look half bad. Waiting for that gameplay footage they were supposed to show before I consider making a pledge though.
-watched the first 6 episodes of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and to my disappointment, it ticks all the boxes that made me drop animes in the first place, including but not limited to: coming up with way too many names and rules and terms for everything; having a different name for every single attack, and calling that name out every time it's used; overexplanation of just about everything, and over-narration of combat by the characters themselves (made me feel like i was watching a shoutcasting stream); etc. it had its moments though, but when people stop watching your action series because they're falling asleep... well...
Try Hajime no Ippo. It's much more well-grounded than most fighting-centric anime.
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