Difficulty System[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Athena's Blades[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Square hits - 6,6,12,6,6,6,6 Valor - 24 damage
1. 270 degree field of coverage with knockback effect/stun.
Triangle hits - 9,9,12,12Plume/Spirit - 18,18*/6*,36,36*damage
Air Square - 6,6,12 Air Triangle - 6,6
1. Plume/Spirit causes "bounce" effect in a small radius around point of impact.
2. Can be followed quickly with an Ascension.
Orion's Harpoon - variable
Secondary v1/v2 - instant kill/instant kill or none
Rampage of the Furies/air - 15 hits 45 damage (15 ender)/ 15 hits 45 damage
1. Last hit causes strong knockback/stun but the attack is too dedicated.
2. Air version suspends Kratos in air long if an enemy is underneath and keeps enemies at his height or higher in air longer.
Cyclone of Chaos/air - 10 hits 30 damage(15 ender)/ 10 hits 30 damage
1. Keeps small enemies at bay with many hits. Last hit stuns.
2. Air version is good for damaging enemies near Kratos in air.
Tartarus Rage/air -6,6,6,6,18/multi hits 3 damage each(6 damage ender)
1. First two hits cause stuns while last mimics Spirit.
2. Air version can be done near groundto produce a fast Plume. It has a larger point of impact.
Olympic Ascension -6 damage
1. Launches *hold to pursue*
Hyperion Charge -6 damage
1. Stuns. 200 degree field of coverage.
Hyperion Rush/Rise - 12 damage/6 damage
1. Rush can effect multiple enemies and has a strong knockback effect (collisions)
2. Rise can launch more then one enemy. Attack auto-launches Kratos.
Athena's Wrath - 15 damage (4 bursts 1 hit per enemy)
1. Mostly for show.
CHECK POST 6 for Air Grapple/Orion's Harpoon/secondary Harpoon info!
Barbarian Hammer[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Square hits - 15,30 Ender - 54 damage
1.These are to be avoided. Simply no good.
Triangle - 54 damage Ender - 63,15*
1.This is your primary weapon in the Hammer's arsenal. It is the most effective damage giver and also often shatters enemies you didn't actually hit *close to medium proximity*
Air Square - 30 damage Air Triangle - 45 damage
Crushing Defeat - 9 hits 27 (54 ender)
1. This attack is no good. It is easily interupted,weak and is a "dedicated" animation to be feared.
Might of the King - 45 damage shockwave - 15 damage
Might of the King air -multi hits13 damage each
1.The combination of the physical hit and the shockwave is enough to break even Gorgon Queens in their statue form in most conditions.
2. The shockwave passes through barriers so it can be used from safe places while attacking enemies. (like Souls) It alsobounces smaller enemies. It is usually sufficient for breaking stoned enemies by itself.
Legion of Souls - 30 damage (plus 3 souls released doing 1/5 of a point of damage per hit)
1.These souls can lift/juggle/restrain enemies.
Soul Flick-1/3 of a point of damage per hit
1. Make good distractions, keep combos going and holds off blocking enemies and flyers.
Spear of Destiny[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Square hits - 6,12,12 (30)- 3 hits 18 damageEnder - 33 damage
Laucher - 6 damage Pokes - 4 hits 36 damage Ender - 42 damage
1.The launcher is quite fast. Great against Clotho's limbs and launching enemies fast.
2. The 'pokes' afterwards are good for getting air kills when not looking to waste magic.
3. The triangle ender is quite powerful actually. 40 damage makes it slightly stronger then lvl5 Blades' "Spirit" but still weaker then the basic triangle hits of the Hammer.
Air Square - 9 damage Air Triangle - 6,18 (24)
Piercing Shards - 20 damage
1.Piercing Shards doesn't count towards combos and is ideal for breaking stoned enemies
2. It stops Gorgon Stare if it connects and can put enemies (Ex: Barbarian King) into a stun animation repeatedly
3. Decentat achieving collision damage.
4. Unaffected by difficulty settings
Unfortunate Remains - 12 damage Bomb- 15damage
1."Remains" detonate in 2.5 seconds. It needs a surface to lay on. Bomb quirks haven't all been covered yet. They are effective means of keeping enemies off their feet.
Altering Slash - 18 damage Bomb - 15 damage
1. "Altering" cannot be triggered if initial hit triggers enemy "O". It often will not if the hit does killing damage. (not that it would matter) it takes about 5 seconds to detonate and a minimum of 2.25 seconds altering to be completed. (bomb always detonates in the same amount of time)
2. Bomb damage doesn't effect enemies in grapples even if altered. This can be used to your advantage in some cases.
Ex: an altered Cursed Legionnaire is about to blow between three Cursed Legionnaires and a Hades Minotaur. Instead of merely letting it go off, doing bomb damage to all nearby you can do that and toss the enemy for collision damage.
Blade of Olympus[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Square hits - 15,15,15,15Ender - 30 damage Laser - 5 damage
1.These blasts are different from Divine Retribution's in that they are about 1/3 the power and do not cause knockbacks.
Triangle hits - 30,15,15 Ender - 45,15* damage Laucher -6,12,12
1.The Ender is quite strong and does well against big targets. Sadly it doesn't create a laser like the square Ender.
Air Square - 15 damage Air Triangle - 15 damage
Divine Absolution -6, 8hits 24 damage (30 ender)
1.Another "dedicated" animation with no real use. Avoid this moveunless you can afford to show off.
Divine Retribution -30 damage Laser -15 damage
1.These lasers, like the others, can pass through barriers IF you are close enough that they form in/past them.
2.This laser causes knockbacks and stuns while also blasting through smaller enemies only to hit others.
Divine Sacrifice - none (12 EXP orbs, 3 uses per foe)
1.An excellent way to gather orbs. Although combining Cronos Rage kills with having the BoO out can often be more effective seeing as it also kills enemies. *which helps*
Poseidon's Rage[spoiler] [/spoiler]
1.Without the Urn of Poseidon' this spell is far too weak for its cost.
2. The spell has lost its spammability in that it can no longer be multi-casted quickly in-air.
Wrath of Poseidon
1.This move hits all enemies in the field of damage (marked with ring) ABOVE and BELOW.
2.It pins down lesser enemies while forcing them back and suspending airborne foes.
Typhon's Bane[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Lethal Vortex
1.The move splits into three blasts but it can stack twice *2 of 3 can hit one enemy*
2. It launches enemies quickly and knocks large enemies like Cyclops back
3. Has a 1 second burnout time
4. Has invicibility frames during the firing to complement its other strengths. During this time not even Gorgon gaze can effect you!
Wind Blast
1.Makes 5 tracking versions of the normal arrows.
2. Attack takes 1 second to charge
3. The attack asks for 25 magic but it has one special benefit when you have less then that...it still works. With enough magic for one regular shot you can fire off a Wind Blast. (4 magic)
Titan Storm
1.Causes small knockback effects
2. Has a 3 second burnout time
3. Early part of attack acts as an invincibility frame but the attack can be interupted outside this
Cronos' Rage[spoiler] [/spoiler]
1.Extremely effective means of tying up enemies and suspending those that are airborne
2. lvl3 Is ultra effective at this, but also causing knockbacks and even collisions.
3.The move has invincibility frames that are easilyput to use.
4. Being able to attack while the move is going off make it incrediblygood. Combo it with weapon or even magic.
Head of Euryale[spoiler] [/spoiler]
1.Petrification magic is best used against high health enemies that would normally take a lot of time and physical damage.(magic or weapons) Creatures like the Juggernauts and Cyclops. If a Gorgon is around and you have the fleece you should save magic by using its reflected blast.
2.It is potent in combination with the sub-weapons. *especially the Hammer* Piercing Shards auto-breaks enemies (good against Hades Minotaurs and Gorgon Queens who have 50HP in statue form.
Gorgon Stare
1.Weak at lvl1 but can still be useful in even Titan NURs. The air version isn't worthwile.
2.Very effect with dealing with flying enemies *Ruined*
3.Cannot pass through objects but may pass barriers *thin*
Gorgon Flash
1.Extremely potent. It effects every enemy in line with the blast.
2.Best bet for petrifying an enemy in air.
Gorgon Blast
1.1/2 aspotent as a Flash and harder to make us of. It fires like a grenade and has a small explosion zone of effect.
NOTE2: Because it explodes upon contact with anything it cannot always effect everyone you wish it could. If its cost was 1/2 of Flash then it would be more worthwhile.
Gorgon Rage
1. Is extremely effective against groups of enemies. (especially large ones)
2. It sometimes misses enemies in range. Enemies like Satyrs sometimes are missed for no particular reason I can note.
Atlas Quake[spoiler] [/spoiler]
1: Causes knockbacks with initial and final blow.
Destructive Earth
1: The rocks sometimes miss enemies and can cause trouble. It is the strongest but most clumsy spell.
Rage of the Titans[spoiler] [/spoiler]
1. Breaks out of most enemy grapple mini-games with simple activation (AKA "flare"/"burst")
2. Repels light enemy attackers
3. Doesn't increase the power of sub-weapons nor the Blades (directly), but weakens collision damage.
Square Hits - 15, 8 hits 6 damage (45 ender)
Triangle Hits - 4 hits 36 damage, 5 hits 15 damage (20 ender)
Prometheus' Flare
1.Doesn't do damage and cannot harm statue forms *if it acted like Piercing Shards it would be awesome* It repels light-medium enemies but hardly effects large foes.
Prometheus' Torment - each hit does 3/4 point of damage
1.The attacks aren't that strong but rack up hits pretty fast.
Prometheus' Inferno - 3/4th point of damage done per hit
1. RotT can be turned off while performing this attack *conserving power* but the attack can be interupted if hit this way
2. The size/strength/length of the attack is dependant on how many hits you have:
25 hits = minimum 100%
100 hits=300%range
500 hits = 500% range
3. Traps enemies in constant damage/stun stat
4. Doesn't effect statue forms
Amulet of the Fates[spoiler] [/spoiler]
1. Excellent to abuse if an option.
2. Makes it much easier to use attacks like Divine Sacrifice (orb gathering) but works best with physical damage.
Golden Fleece[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Argo's Revenge/Return - 5 damage/5 damage
1. Revenge is good for causing collision damage through knockbacks
2. Return is similiar but has a smaller chance to cause multiple yet it is easier to aim for one.
Icarus Wings[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Icarus Ascension/Strike - 5 damage/15 damage
1.Ascension is a 360 degree lift. It cannot be activate with RotT on.
2. Strike cannot be used with a sub-weapon in hand. It can be used twice in air.
3. Strike excells at making strong knockbacks (good for collisions)
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