rininganboy: I don't advise you rely too heavily on RotT or magic.
I need to know where you stand.
How good are you with setting up collisions? Usage of Orion's Harpoon and its alt? What about air grabs (infinites)? Bow Canceling/Tricking? BH usage? I don't expect you to be good enough with the SoD (especially lvl1) to handle Titan with it.
Have you practiced handling (Arena of the Fates if you have it) these foes? How good are you against each individually? In groups? With others?
BH being lvl2 is high enough. Only using RotT when going for lvl3 power and the bonus of not being interupted/more durable. Recall collisions are lowered with this on. This is good for Fates Juggernauts, Hades Minotaurs *don't bother if you intend to crush them* and Cyclops Brutes. *you could use it on Satyrs but you'll likely not be good enough to get the job done efficiently like this* This is the weapon to use (in your case) for barrier abuse though the SoD is better for setting up collisions..you aren't using GK so they are HUGE enough (and BH isn't weak enough) to justify the effort.
lvl1 SoD won't be of great use to you. You aren't experienced enough with it.
lvl5 Blades really won't be helping alot to be honest. You should be abusing air grabs, grabs, OH/alt.OH, etc. for infinites, invincibility and collisions. Not physically attacking with the Blades.
lvl3 CR can be used, but isn't going to be especially effective in your case. I don't suggest it. (it could be used to tie up the Satyrs alongside BH swings but that's a bit silly)
lvl3 EH is the best thing you've got. I don't expect you to have mastered it though. You SHOULD try to practice efficient usage with it since it will help if you choose to do more serious/difficult run types in Titan. Gorgon Stare (lvl3) is quite good if you play your cards right (lining up foes). Just refer to any of the speedruns I have as a playlist (at YouTube). Gorgon Flash is good but I don't expect you to be able to apply it well so avoid it. Gorgon Rage is to be saved (if you intend to go that route) for only two particular areas. Wave 5 and 7 are the ones as addaminsain has no doubt noted. Surely you've seen fotage of how to use the spell properly in those cases.
lvl1 TB isn't going to be helping outside of BoW Tricking/Canceling.
Between lvl3 TB or lvl3 BH, you could only want the former if you intend to use Gorgon Rage into Titan Storm (Lethal Vortex if you are awesome and a bit lucky). It isn't really necessary/useful elsewhere. lvl3 BH will get more usage and sort of allow you to go without needing RotT as much (letting you save slighty more).
You surely need to practice safe tactics like barrier abuse and creating distance via the barriers.
Let's start with perfecting wave 1 handling.
1. Gorgon Rage should NOT be used against the Juggernauts. Let alone followed up with Titan Storm. 100MP to kill such insignificant threats isn't worth it...especially when you'll really be needing it later. (play it safe, get wave 1 down)
NOTE: You sound like you could need a little practice with controlling the direction of hits like MotK, PS, etc. You could also (just a feeling) need to practice the adjusting (right analog) of targets.
2. CR usage isn't efficient enough against these high HP targets. Don't bother. Even when used to set-up Prometheus' Inferno, it's no good really. Not here. You aren't using the basics (via GoW1) and it shows.
NOTE: It appears you spend too much of your various bars over wave 1. It's not good to proceed like that. We need to stop and perfect each major wave before you even try to finish it all or this will be a painful process with a bit more luck needed then should be the case.
3. Why fleece? It's not a good strat. Even for setting up collisions here it is a bit off to be honest. It isn't very easy to control and causes KNOCKBACK collisions which are only half as potent.
If you are defensive, you should be good at the parry, blocking and evasion tactics. Not just blocking as you make it seem.
Wave 2,4 and 6 are "no counts". Taking hits or wasting anything is unacceptable when trying to seriously take down the Endurance Run unless you are good enough that it isn't an issue. The basics and collisions will end these in a hurry.
We'll worry about Wave 3 soon eough.
What I'll start by suggesting you do, is either get REALLY good with EH *not exactly reasonable* or practice what I consider 'basics' of GoW's 'Very Hard' difficulty. Namely:
-air grab (infinites) *can be used for setting up collisions*
-OH (infinites) *can be used for setting up collisions*
-alt.OH *won't apply in Wave 1* (GoWII basic)
-Knockbacks (GoWII basic) *via parry, attack, etc.*
-Barrier Abuse (not just attacking through it safely, but using it to seperate foes for ease of handling)
-Damage avoidance - you shouldn't need to (in this wave) resort to a spell's usage or RotT in lowering potential damage
You likely need to stop trying to take out the Juggernauts first if you can't efficiently do so without the need to use MP.
Try getting good at launching Cursed Legionnaires as set-up for OH or air grabs..especially for collisions. You should be careful not to get greedy (interupted before the first OH by a hit) and retreat if need be.
You could just forgo the idea of setting up the Legionnaires as weapons and just one-by-one take each out through the process of launch to air grab until "O" appears...THEN (being prepared to block/parry) quickly going for the "O" (IF it is safe) into a 360 toss for collisions.
Getting extra collisions via the process of killing it is nice but not if it keeps getting you killed for the fancy work it requires.
~I STRONGLY SUGGEST you focus on wave 1 handling with us before even trying further. Trust me. I've done it all before and helped many through these battles
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