You can handle it.
The 'trick' is in the "unsheathing" (sword summon) animation for Artemis (which lasts a bit longer than TB/EH or possibly even CR's window).
v1 - Switch to Artemis. You cannout switch back to the Blades whilst airborne just by pressing L1+R1 so if you're working with the Blade and want to use v1, too bad.
Ex1: (starting with Blades) Attack/effect is about to connect, L1+R1 to let it slide through you as the Blade is pulled out. If you're satisfied you can switch back (sheathing does NOT trick) or just press the attack as you please.
Ex2: (starting with Artemis) L1+R1, L1+R1...not terribly hard to get
v2 - Use a spell, grab, etc. with Artemis out for a forced 'sheath' that auto-unsheathes afterwards. Since you won't want to worry about spending MP you can just draw Zf (fastest) or MG...beware the delay of waiting out the 'draw' before the 'unsheathing''ll have to get used to this. Obviously this way allows air tricking but at the cost of MP.
If you didn't know, rapid tricking (Ex: L1+R1 repeatedly) fools AI of early all foes into forgetting where you are/ceasing attacks. (GoW1)
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