ell you see, over the line is bad, behind the line is good, on the line is dangerous, lol. People want to know what side your on, if your on the wrong side, you're always known as the wrong guy, if your on the right side, your always known as the good guy, but someone on the line is unpredictible and makes for good tv. I think a critic that is on the line is preferred because one that it behind the line isn't very good at being a critic, and someone who is over the line is just hated because they are either stupid or just hate everything (hence the other guy) so for you it's good, and for me, it gives higher ratings! :P
As for guest star? That could work, I do have some ideas for now so making it may at the earliest would be fine, maybe even too early. Of course, we'd have to script it because a video conference is beyone my capability, and we'd have to figure out some way to get your footage on to my computer.
Finally, you said you make movies? How long and what kind and what quality?
Ah well, thanks for the personal in fo lol. :lol: Still, we don;t have to, it's entirely up to you. As for me, I've been getting some really great ideas, so I'll have material for a long time.
As for filming, I sympathise with your problems.I can rarely get more than four guys, including myself, to film, ad even then the quality isn't good enough for me, cause I always push everyone as good as I can, but they get disgruntled easy so I lay off. :/ But anyhow, my best friend/actor and me did one scene that was acclaimed as even better than college peak performance and can be viewed here: http://www.gamespot.com/users/Sarge_Maximus2/video_player.php?id=cnNhkjGr5bgIvjbb
One of our best, but not THE best, I can do alot better. My recent stuff has just been fooling around, since it's needed to keep the creative juices flowing, my documntary trailer, however, was the best work I've ever done, imo. Just wait till the documentary, with props and everything, it'll be great. Maybe no oscar winning, but my stuff comes darn near close.
Well, to be fair, I didn't exactly have the kinds of effects your looking at. I think, you look primarily at effects and such, whenI look at acting ability and coreography. Effects are nice, but they're nothing without good acting, good acting however (like in that scene, which includes the sound effects for the punches I made myself) can carry itself.
As for the docu-drama, as you call it, I do hope to make it as good as possible, I've got big plans and an easy way to accomplish them, if only my actors will lisen, which is always my biggest problem.
Not talking about effects at all mate (save the blood pack bit, which you may find fun to use). Just decent lighting, good acting and good choreography, including making it actually look like someone's been hit, which this beat'm up scene failed to do.
Best of luck beating your actors into line... Or tricking them with honey, whatever your method of coercion may be.Rintaran
Failed to do? how so? there were no gaps etc. By the way, a new movie will be up and sunning shortly.
I'm currently a subscriber to Maximum PC... But I'm still waiting for that first issue to arrive... It's been almost two months now.
I've previously been a subscriber to Bywords and ARC, both of which are poetry magazines from Ottawa. I also used to pick up regular issues of In/Words, Carleton University's student-run poetry magazine. I've had subscriptions to Writers' Digest in the past as well, and it's a pretty decent process of writing, pump you up type of magazine.
On top of that, I've had subscriptions with Dragon and Dungeon. Both of which are D&D related magazines. I believe Dragon is being discontinued this year, and I'm not sure how much longer Dungeon may last. I had a subscription to Ninento Power back when there was only the original NES and the SNES.
I think there are a few others, but I can't remember them right now.
I'm not a paying subscriber to any magazines. But I do get the Nintendo, Sony, and Gamespot newsletters by email. I've bought a few magazines while on holiday, but they're all in spanish here in Spain. :cry:EndlessGame
I'm not a paying subscriber to any magazines. But I do get the Nintendo, Sony, and Gamespot newsletters by email. I've bought a few magazines while on holiday, but they're all in spanish here in Spain. :cry:EndlessGame
¿Estas vives en España, pero no entiendes Español? Tú eres un muy loco cabron. :P
[QUOTE="EndlessGame"]I'm not a paying subscriber to any magazines. But I do get the Nintendo, Sony, and Gamespot newsletters by email. I've bought a few magazines while on holiday, but they're all in spanish here in Spain. :cry:EtherTwilight
I'm not a paying subscriber to any magazines. But I do get the Nintendo, Sony, and Gamespot newsletters by email. I've bought a few magazines while on holiday, but they're all in spanish here in Spain. :cry:EndlessGame
¿Estas vives en España, pero no entiendes Español? Tú eres un muy loco cabron. :P
Si, hablo Espanol. (No tengo acentes en este ordenador) Pero no me gusta leer mucho en espanol porque es mas dificile que ingles para mi y no quiero necessitar una diccionario para leer mis libros. :P
Pero es tan fàcil. Apenas como la madre de Sparky! Jajaja!
I can't find an upside down exclamation mark as I have no character map. Also, finding accented characters with no character map is really annoying. ; ;
At any rate, fine Rin, ruin my fun. I rarely get to use spanish, and I've forgotten almost all that I knew back in my highschool days. Because of people like you. :P
Pero es tan fàcil. Apenas como la madre de Sparky! Jajaja!
I can't find an upside down exclamation mark as I have no character map. Also, finding accented characters with no character map is really annoying. ; ;
At any rate, fine Rin, ruin my fun. I rarely get to use spanish, and I've forgotten almost all that I knew back in my highschool days. Because of people like you. :P
:cry: ... my mom isn't easy ...
Lol. Well, je peux parler en francais, si il est plus facile. :D Other languages are cool. Me gusta hablar en espanol. But it isn't as fun if everyone can't understand. Or is it? :twisted:EndlessGameJ'assui peux parler francias. C'est plus d'amusement :P Mais, nous devrions parler en anglais ou peut-etre ... :twisted: Note : mon Francais n'est pas tres bon
Lol. Well, je peux parler en francais, si il est plus facile. :D Other languages are cool. Me gusta hablar en espanol. But it isn't as fun if everyone can't understand. Or is it? :twisted:EndlessGame
Ja es ist ganz gut wenn keiner dich verstehen kann. Let's see you try to comprehend this :P
PS, unless you speak russian or something I'm going to understand what you guys are saying.
I could do that if you really want, but then I'd be talking to myself since no one else in the union speaks Russian...Rintaran
I can only say "Dobri Dien" :P and Da.
Si, hablo espanol. Pero skelebull puede hablar mas bien que yo.
So, the people who speak spanish here, have you learned spain spanish? or latin american spanish?
Si, hablo espanol. Pero skelebull puede hablar mas bien que yo.
So, the people who speak spanish here, have you learned spain spanish? or latin american spanish?
The latin american spanish and the spanish in spain is almost the same. There are about as many differences as between the american and english english. There are some words that you only can use in some countries such as the word "chevere" can't be used here.
So where do you guys live? Madrid and Mexico?just4yoshi
South of Spain. In Andalucia.
I was born in Colombia though :P
Where is that? Is it still in Spain or in northern Africa?just4yoshi
:P Colombia is a country in south america next to Venezuela
what is your favorite animezinedinezidane1
Then come all the others. I am working on Noir and Samurai Deeper Kyo atm.
Yeah, we jumped from spanish back to anime. :P Anime is awesome anyway, and makes good internet conversation.
So, anyone bought any new games recently?
I've finally gotten around to starting Grim Grimoire, and it's pretty fun. It's kind of like a real-time strategy game for people who are only casual fans of real-time strategy games, or who don't really play them at all.
But in 2D!
The game certainly has its weak points, but overall it's a very ambitious title that brings a lot of its own flavor and style to the table, which is greatly appreciated in a genre that's overly ruled by "EVIL MILITARY FORCE VERSUS GOOD MILITARY FORCE."
So if the idea of an anime-centric 2D Real-Time Strategy Junior game sounds appealling to you, I suggest picking up a copy before the game becomes nigh impossible to find sans eBay.
I've gotten a few video games as of late even though I haven't really been able to game. In New York I picked up a few games like Final Fantasy 12 (Collectors Edition) as well as some PSP and DS games. I have also purchased Final Fantasy Tactics (Finally Found it!) and a few other of my favorite playstation games. Lastly, I came across some great deals the other day and bought a few games for really cheap including Dark Cloud 2 for under $10 (which is great cause everyone around here still charges $20 - $25)
In terms of Anime, I've had plenty of time to read due my excessive amount of travel between my house and Toronto (about an hour and a bit each way). I have read the first manga for Samurai Champloo and have watched Episodes 1 - 4 on DVD. Long story short, I love it :)
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