Week 1 Limericks
Sandyqbg first limerick:
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
While still being quite humorous it actually manages to paint quite an evocative image for such a short piece! Enjoyably surreal!
Substance 1.5/3, Style 2/3, Rhythm and flow 2/3,
Overall value 2/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
What an odd cl.a.s.sroom you have there! Interesting take on the limerick form, and though there isn't much to it, it's interesting.
Substance 2/3, St.yle 1.5/3, Rhythm and Flow 1.5/3
Overall Value: 2/3
Total for this piece: 14.5/24
waZelda Nature's Smile:
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
Another one that manages to paint a very nice picture, and it has a little more depth to go with it as well. However the flow and rhythm is a bit intrusively stop-start and the ending seems to be a bit of a mouth full.
Substance 2.5/3, St.y.le 2.5/3, Rhythm and flow 1.5/3
Overall value 2.5/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
Consistent St.y.le and form, I like that. However, the ending was consistently jarring. Other than that, it flowed quite well. There is definitely substance to this, but I feel like there is something missing.
Substance: 2.5/3, St.y.le2/3, Flow 2/3
Overall value: 2/3
Total for this piece: 17.5/24
Gamegadge's Stuck spear/ Apollo ahead.
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
The stanzas do not quite compliment each other in terms of St.y.le but in terms of content it is somewhat of an enjoyable roller coaster ride with the poem being taken in a different direction with each new stanza while still making sense and staying satisfying
Substance 2.5/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 1.5/3
Overall value 2/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
It flows, it stylistically is fine, but the content of it is lacking to say the least. I'm not feeling it at all. It's like I was watching the intro to movie and you blew into something that was unexpected, but not in a 'good way'. Not saying this piece is bad, but the substance of it is either not there or has gone way over in my head. Now I suppose the thing that gave you a bit of a score was the final line, because I could draw something out of that, but anything else is well, a good story with nothing to it.
Substance: 1/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall Value: 2/3
Total for this piece: 15/24
Lerfish's limerick:
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
The first two stanzas here are absolutely perfect in terms of flow and rhythm! Moving perfectly not just from syllable to syllable but from stanza and stanza too. The third stanza does seem a little jarring, though, and while the last begins to flow a little better, it doesn't quite get there. It does however deliver the limerick's punchline with glee!
Substance 2/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall 2/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
What an amusing piece you have here! A limerick in its true form! It flows well, though I had some issues with stanza 2, and well your opening line should be "Thanks are" not "Thanks is." Other than that, solid piece, great writing!
Substance 2.5/3, St.y.le2.5/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3.
Overall 2/3.
Total for this write: 17/24
Kingkilla's My Friend:
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
Ah, Grand Theft Auto IV! You know if those social outings were indeed spent trolling they would've a lot more fun! As this poem is-err not less fun than trolling-a lot of fun!
Substance 2/3, St.y.le 2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall: 2/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
The rhythm is just off from being perfect, this poem has a good substance to it, and well I like the St.y.le
Substance 2/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2.5/3
Overall: 2/3
Total for this piece: 16.5/24
GaubEx's A Controllers Lament
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
Quite similar to the previous limerick (obviously in content) in that it has another very momentous ending! And of course is very funny! :D
Substance 2/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall 2/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
If I could give you 4/3 for Substance, I would. This piece is wonderful! The rhythm was slightly off as I kept reading through it, but it's nothing to worry about.
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2.5/3, Rhythm and Flow 2.5/3
Overall 2.5/3
Total for this piece: 18.5/24
Week 1 Freewrites:
waZelda's Aida:
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
I think this has a little more depth than the limerick and I think he absolutely kills the rhythm and flow. It moves effortlessly from stanza to stanza and the swapping of 'it's' and 'it is' is a rhythmical masterstroke!
Substance 2/3, St.y.le3/3, Rhythm and flow 3/3
Overall value 2.5/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
Sadly, this poem seemed to just drone on. I mean it flowed well, and had a decent amount of substance to it, but the St.y.lejust bugs me. I must say that the 'saving grace' of this was the repetition of 'Aida ain't a person.' And on that note, the other great thing about the repetition is the constant alliteration (err assonance in this case), which makes it easier, and more entertaining to read.
Substance 2/3, St.y.le1.5/3, Rhythm and flow 2/3
Overall value 2/3
Total for this piece: 18/24
Lerfish's When Cyclops Run the Town
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
The cycle of power! Wonderfully told with excellent use of punctuation to further control the flow and rhythm of the poem and it definitely has depth too. While psychics and Cyclops might not be to everyone's taste they should still absolutely be appreciated as a metaphor. And besides what kind of a cold hearted person could dislike psychics and Cyclops?!
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2.5/3, Rhythm and Flow 3/3
Overall 2.5/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
I don't know why, but this line "A cold look. There. A lost one there" bothered me so much. Other than that, great piece! It flows almost perfectly, the St.y.leis good, and there is definite substance to the piece (recurrent cycles anyone?).
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2.5/3
Overall 2.5/3.
Total for this piece: 21/24
Kingkilla3's Through my Window
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
For me it creates a very strong atmosphere of seagulls and seaside windows on a dull rainy day with lonely people out in the cold feeding the birds while I watch on unwilling to join them. That's really damn high praise! I'm also hesitant to fault the flow in the middle where it doesn't seem to be quite as sharp as other times because that uneasiness adds to the atmosphere. And the ending here was momentous too!
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2.5/3, Rhythm and flow 2.5/3
Overall 2.5/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
Stylistically, if you are going to punctuate part of the piece, punctuate all of it. This piece flowed quite well in some spots, but fell off that rhythm occasionally. As for what this poem holds in its substance, well this is deep.
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall 2/3
Total for this piece: 19.5/24
GaubEx's The Foreigner:
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
The second stanza and these two lines really stood out for me: "smile at you when I see you, sure,
But discomfort is what I feel inside." Both wonderfully telling the reader of fear of foreigners, yet in that fear also showing that you already having something in common with them. ;) Brilliant!
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2.5/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall 2.5/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
Wow, what write, although the ending didn't have the intended effect on me. It was actually quite trying to read the final stanza (even though it isn't that long). Other than that, great writing!
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall 2/3.
Total for this piece: 19/24
gamegade's The Boy, The Freefalling Fairy and The Burnt Beautician.
Thoughts by Foolz3h:
3 poems in one! Well sort of. >_> Anyway it's a damn good one with flowing language and rhymes to half-rhymes to stanza to stanza! Still nothing can beat this stanza for me: "His murder weapon is his sarcastic outburst, his conscience is his confusion, his full bag strained and bursting. They never understood him." Almost telling the whole poem (not that the rest seemed unnecessary) in one wonderfully crafted stanza. Some of the similes were also a highlight, while not always flowing, they hit the mark perfectly in terms of content and imagery.
Substance 3/3, St.y.le2.5/3, Rhythm and Flow 2.5/3
Overall 2.5/3
Thoughts by BlinDShoT95:
This poem carries substance, but I feel like it is lacking. It holds the imagery, it holds a good rhythm, and it tells a story, so perhaps the fault is in the story itself. But I digress; this piece is good, not fantastic, but good and deep enough to warrant it being re-read.
Substance 2.5/3, St.y.le1.5/3, Rhythm and Flow 2/3
Overall 2/3
Total for this piece: 18.5/24
Week 1 Totals:
Required: 14.5/24
Freewrite: 0/24 (Not submitted)
Total: 14.5/24
Required: 17.5/24
Freewrite: 18/24
Total: 35.5/48
Required: 15/24
Freewrite: 18.5/24
Total: 33.5/48
Required: 17/24
Freewrite: 21/24
Total: 38/48
Required: 16.5/24
Freewrite: 19.5/24
Total: 36/24
Required: 18.5/24
Freewrite: 19/24
Total: 37.5
Lerfish: 38 Points
GaubEx: 37.5 Points
Kingkilla3: 36 Points
waZelda: 35.5 Points
Gamegade: 33.5 Points
Sandyqbg: 14.5 Points
Week 2 marks will be posted soon.
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