Here is Matt Hardy's Myspace blog:
My brief comments on this week's tragedy
Hello my friends. I hope all of you and your families are doing well. I wanted to post something based on all of the events that have taken place over the last few days. Many of you have sent me messages worrying about me and asking if I'm ok. Just so you know--I'm good, thanks for asking. I have quite a bit that I actually wanna discuss concerning the Benoit tragedy, the media's coverage of it, and what this means for the future of the business. If I am given the blessing of the powers that be in the WWE, I will write a very detailed, in-depth blog stating my unedited opinions. For now, I just wanted to address all of my friends, fans, and supporters with a summary of my feelings and thoughts.
I haven't always agreed with every decision Vince McMahon has made, but I do agree with everything he's done dealing with this situation thus far. Out of respect for the sudden death of Benoit's family and his contributions to the business, I think Vince did the right thing by canceling the scheduled Raw. When the decision was made to make Raw a Chris Benoit tribute show, the WWE was only doing what seemed respectful and right at that time. When more information was discovered, the WWE took a different and appropriate stance towards their programming. The ECW and Smackdown shows this week were dedicated to our great fans. Wrestling fans who were grieving and confused over this tragedy needed us, including me, to entertain them. I feel it is my responsibility, as well as my pleasure, to put smiles on people's faces and give them an escape from reality. I know Vince feels that way as well.
Chris Benoit was always kind, considerate, and professional when I interacted with him. Like everyone else, I was shocked when everything came out. I can't believe Chris Benoit and his wife and child are dead as I type this. As of now, all of the strange pieces of this puzzle haven't been put together yet. My thoughts and prayers go out to Benoit's other two children as well as the immediate family and friends of the deceased. More than anything, I feel terrible for little Daniel--he was as innocent as any human being could possibly be. This is a terrible and sad tragedy.
I am very disappointed with how many media outlets are lapping the entire population of professional wrestlers into this situation. There are many outstanding, wonderful people that do so many great things for the world that I work and wrestle with. It's not fair or accurate.
Tell the people you love that you love them, and never lose sight of what's really important in life. We may not ever understand why this tragedy happened, but we have to learn from it. Stay strong--life is too precious and too short. I have much more I want to say about the activities of the last few days. If it's appropriate, I definitely will. Be well my friends, I'll talk to you soon...
Quote of the day - "I won't let this build up inside of me" - Slipknot, Vermillion
ive read about that, ive also heard things about chrisbenoit and nancygiving steroids to daniel.
this whole thing is getting really wierd.
Reported By Thomas Bierl on Jun 28, 2007 - 3:25:12 PM
Fox News is reporting that Chris Benoit's profile entry on the Wikipedia website was changed to note that he missed the WWE Vengeance pay-per-view, "due to personal issues, stemming from the death of his wife Nancy" 14 hours before the Benoit family was found dead.
The edit was made a minute past midnight Eastern Time. It was an anonymous edit from the IP address using the Internet service provider Optimum Online. The IP was traced to a (so far) anonymous user originating in Stamford, CT, which of course is the headquarters of World Wrestling Entertainment. Then just one hour later after the first edit reversion, another anonymous edit by using, a wireless Internet service provider, was made adding about the aforementioned personal issues: "which according to several pro wrestling websites is attributed to the passing of Benoit's wife, Nancy." That edit was reverted just under 20 minutes later, with the comment: "Saying 'several pro wrestling websites' is still not reliable information." Further investigation shows that the IP address used to make the first edit is located in Connecticut, but the IP address is not linked to any computers or servers used by the WWE. The second edit was made by a computer in Australia from a wireless network.
You can see the Wikipedia edit in question at If you have a Wikipedia account set to EST, it says "Revision as of 00:01, 25 June 2007". also has more on this story.
That is really wierd. The revision about nacy's death was made 14 hours before the police found the bodies and the I.P. address of this person/persons who posted this are located in Stamford, CT. OMG!!! Thats HUGE!!!!!Halo2_Norad
i've said this all along, and i stand by it fully. somebody else was involved.
[QUOTE="Halo2_Norad"]That is really wierd. The revision about nacy's death was made 14 hours before the police found the bodies and the I.P. address of this person/persons who posted this are located in Stamford, CT. OMG!!! Thats HUGE!!!!!distrbdslipsoad
i've said this all along, and i stand by it fully. somebody else was involved.
I've seen people make up things about people dying all the time. The user probably heard the "throwing up blood" rumors the rest of us heard then edited to page to make people panic. The fact that it's Stamford is just a coincidence. Edit: Plus if you look at some of those IP addresses former edits it takes any credibility away from it.Man, I tell you... with the way new bits of information and thoughts about this situation continue to flood in, it leads one to believe that this could quite possibly be the most confusing set of events in wrestling history... not to mention the most tragic as well.
The police/investigators involved in this case are probably going to have to answer more questions than they want to with this one. Seeing as how they seemed to figure out exactly what happened in such a short time frame (from the time of locating the bodies), I'm betting it looked as if once they received the toxicology reports, it would be case closed.
To think of what'll happen when those reports come out and no traces of steroids are found in Benoit's body. Not only will it clear the WWE (for the most part) from the media scrutiny, but it'll raise more questions about why Benoit did what he did, and at the same time, possibly lead into investigation into several different reports of info regarding the whole situation. While I'm sure it'll calm down in the coming months, I get the feeling that more and more will continue to leak out until some type of full-fledged investigation takes place.
Being honest, that last picture does not do justice to the man i watched on TV. He looks really down and depressed.Total-KOHuh? It looks like normal to me. Benoit didn't have the prettiest face, you know. (hey, I can judge!)
Huh? It looks like normal to me. Benoit didn't have the prettiest face, you know. (hey, I can judge!)[QUOTE="Total-KO"]Being honest, that last picture does not do justice to the man i watched on TV. He looks really down and depressed.Chicago_Nut
He kind of looks...down though. It's obvious he's has a small smile on because it's a picture, but something is wrong.
That is really wierd. The revision about nacy's death was made 14 hours before the police found the bodies and the I.P. address of this person/persons who posted this are located in Stamford, CT. OMG!!! Thats HUGE!!!!!Halo2_NoradYes, it is indeed very strange. I think that a lot of people were too quick to judge, they are still investigating and that investigation is not over.
Confirmation over the WikipediaConnecticut edit.
This I just found on the Wikipedia "scandal"
The Wikinews website is today featuring an apparent "confession" from the person who posted the item regarding the death of Nancy Benoit. He said:
"I am here to talk about the wikipedia comment that was left by myself. I just want to say that it was an incredible coincidence. Last weekend, I had heard about Chris Benoit no showing Vengeance because of a family emergency, and I had heard rumors about why that was. I was reading rumors and speculation about this matter online, and one of them included that his wife may have passed away, and I did the wrong thing by posting it on wikipedia to spite there being no evidence. I posted my speculation on the situation at the time and I am deeply sorry about this, and I was just as shocked as everyone when I heard that this actually would happen in real life. It is one of those things that just turned into a huge coincidence. That night I found out that what I posted, ended up actually happening, a 1 in 10,000 chance of happening, or so I thought. I was beyond wrong for posting wrongful information, and I am sorry to everyone for this. I just want everyone to know it was stupid of me, and I will never do anything like this again. I just posted something that was at that time a piece of wrong unsourced information that is typical on wikipedia, as it is done all the time.
"Nonetheless, I feel incredibly bad for all the attention this got because of the fact that what I said turned out to be the truth. Like I said it was just a major coincidence, and I will never vandalize anything on wikipedia or post wrongful information. I've learned from this experience. I just can't believe what I wrote was actually the case, I've remained stunned and saddened over it.
"I wish not to reveal my identity so I can keep me and my family out of this since they have nothing to do with anything. I am not connected to WWE or Benoit at all in anyway. I am from Stamford as the IP address shows, and I am just an everyday individual who posted a wrongful remark at the time that received so much attention because it turned out to actually happen. I will say again I didn't know anything about the Benoit tragedy, it was a terrible coincidence that I never saw coming.
"I hope this puts an end to this speculation that someone knew about the tragedy before it was discovered. It was just a rumor that I had heard about from other people online who were speculating what the family emergency Chris was attending to. I made a big mistake by posting this comment on his page, since all we had were what we thought was going on and nothing about what actually was going on yet, and sadly what happened turned out to be my speculation at the time. I assumed wiki would edit out my information, which they did, so thats why I didn't go back to edit it out myself.
"I know I keep repeating it but I feel terrible about the mainstream coverage this has received, since it was only a huge coincidence and a terrible event that should of never happened. I am not sure how to react, as hearing about my message becoming a huge part of the Benoit slayings made me feel terrible as everyone believes that it is connected to the tragedy, but it was just an awful coincidence. That is all I have to say, I will never post anything here again unless it is pure fact, no spam nothing like that. Thank you, and let this end this chapter of the Benoit story, and hopefully one day we will find out why this tragedy ever actually happened."
Sorry for the double Post, but you have to read this tripe.
Did Kevin Sullivan Murder Chris Benoit and His Family?
By Johnny Angel
(Former Pro Wrestling Champion)
Now known as Rev. Johnny Lee Clary
World-Wide Evangelist
Kevin Sullivan
(Is he the real killer of Benoit and his family?)
The late Chris Benoit and his wife Nancy
The tragic deaths of Chris Benoit and his wife Nancy and son Daniel have shocked the wrestling world. The police are calling it a double-murder-suicide, but is it really? Let's look at some facts. It has been 10 years exactly since Nancy divorced Kevin Sullivan to marry Chris Benoit. In the 1980's Sullivan, along with his then-wife Nancy, were running a gimmick in wrestling of how they were Satanists, and Nancy was known as "The Fallen Angel." She later became known as "Woman." The trouble with the Satanists gimmick was it was for real, and was not a work, or fake. In the 1990's Kevin Sullivan was the booker for WCW, and he scripted his wife Nancy into having an affair with Chris Benoit who was a member of the Four Horsemen. This made for a good angle, except, the acting became reality as Chris and Nancy actually fell in love and Nancy divorced Sullivan to marry Benoit.
Benoit left the WCW to go to work for the WWE which was then known as the WWF. It is a fact that Sullivan threatened Benoit and told him he would kill him. Yes, that was 10 years ago, but Kevin Sullivan is no dummy. He is known for being a calculating, cold-hearted individual. Today, according to a source close to me, Kevin Sullivan is a high ranking member of the Satanic Church. The police need to consider the possibility that Sullivan carried out these gruesome murders in order to have his revenge, which is what Satanists live for. He could have entered the home, with an accomplice or accomplices and held the Benoit's at gunpoint, Sullivan could have then bound up Nancy, and made Benoit and his son watch as he strangled the life out of her. Then the next day after making Benoit and his son spend the day in agony, murdered Benoit's little boy because of his hatred for the offspring of Benoit and Nancy. Then he could have made Benoit wait an entire day before killing him to by hanging him in the basement.
By doing this, not only would Kevin Sullivan have lived out his Satanic Church creed with his lust for revenge, but he would have destroyed Chris Benoit's reputation which is what has happened now as the wrestling world is attacking the memory of Chris Benoit remembering him as an insane baby killer and wife killer instead of the great World Champion wrestler and friend that he was.
Satanists hate the Bible and the police have stated that a Bible was found next to the bodies of Benoit's wife and son. This would serve as a bizarre calling card as if to either say "What good did your Bible do you?" or to throw off investigators to keep them from suspecting Sullivan and his Satanists would have been involved.
Another thing to note is the fact that Kevin Sullivan was also associated with Sherri Martel, who died just a few days before the bodies of Chris Benoit, and his family was found, and the full details of Martell's death have not been made known as of the time of this writing.
I wonder why the police have not even considered investigating the possibility the Kevin Sullivan killed Benoit, Nancy, and their child. It is certainly a possibility worth looking in to.
Also, Benoit was going to be crowned ECW World Champion on Sunday night. Why would he murder his family and kill himself when he was going to be on top again and make lots more money?
Why would he tie his wife up before killing her? He would have no reason to, but Kevin Sullivan sure would!
Sure he had some problems with Nancy, but that was 4 years ago and what married couple doesn't have problems? Remember also that they reconciled and as far as everyone knows there has been no other incidents reported.
One also needs to consider the fact that Benoit loved his kids and was so proud of his son that was killed. His kids wore suits and ties to his wrestling events and was proud of their dad. He was loved and respected by all those who knew him.
In my opinion, there is no way he would have murdered his family. This whole murder case has Satanists written all over it and Sullivan is a Satanist and has the motive to murder them.
I am encouraging anyone who reads this to send this to police authorities and circulate it on the internet, so these facts can be investigated, before the case is closed and Benoit is written off in history a murderer. If Sullivan is the real killer, justice should be served!
As a former Pro Wrestler myself, now a born again Christian and world wide evangelist, I am hoping and praying for justice no matter who is responsible.
Rev. Johnny Lee Clary
Imo i think the doctor may have been there when this happened & helped with the murders,but some stuff will never add up & we will never know what happened in there besides the murders & suicide.R.I.P benoit family.
Kevin Sullivan i dont think could take benoit in a real fight using his hands plus if he did murder chris & his family he would have had to drug them or some thing along that.
Man.... I don't understand why irrelevant former wrestlers have to chime in with their 2 cents about what they think happened and continually try to add more fuel to the fire with this whole ordeal.
Kevin Sullivan is a member of the Satanic Church.... Well, okay then. The whole story that this guy has drawn together has some very valid points, but there's also a bit of 'crazy church guy' (no offense to religious people) in there as well. I wonder if this guy didn't throw that story out there so he could get some air time on Fox News... I mean, it's not like he wouldn't be credible to them after Geraldo the other day.
I just think that with all that's being said about this, it could be that people are trying to make this more than what it really is. It's been said before, but some people just don't want to admit that Benoit is a killer.
This isvery bizarre, we shouldn't write off Benoit as a sicko killer just yet. Roid rage doesn't last an entire weekend, and the way Benoit cared about his family doesn't explain at all why he would methodically kill them over the series of two or three days. Although that freak satanist Kevin Sullivan would like to do that I'll bet. And then there's the wikipedia thing. Since thebeginning of this I didn't believe Benoit would do that, I can't believe how many of you guys just figured he was a psycho killer within a day of the death.Hulkster905
the sad thing is that this isn't a television show, this is real life where 99% of the time the correct answer is the most obvious one. believe me, i would love to hear circumstantial evidence that proves chris didn't do it but it's really unlikely. i hate to see people getting their hopes up just so that they (most likey) will be crushed.
Man.... I don't understand why irrelevant former wrestlers have to chime in with their 2 cents about what they think happened and continually try to add more fuel to the fire with this whole ordeal.
Kevin Sullivan is a member of the Satanic Church.... Well, okay then. The whole story that this guy has drawn together has some very valid points, but there's also a bit of 'crazy church guy' (no offense to religious people) in there as well. I wonder if this guy didn't throw that story out there so he could get some air time on Fox News... I mean, it's not like he wouldn't be credible to them after Geraldo the other day.
I just think that with all that's being said about this, it could be that people are trying to make this more than what it really is. It's been said before, but some people just don't want to admit that Benoit is a killer.
i'm not admitting it, simply because benoit isn't a likely murderer.
[QUOTE="DirtyDarren"]Man.... I don't understand why irrelevant former wrestlers have to chime in with their 2 cents about what they think happened and continually try to add more fuel to the fire with this whole ordeal.
Kevin Sullivan is a member of the Satanic Church.... Well, okay then. The whole story that this guy has drawn together has some very valid points, but there's also a bit of 'crazy church guy' (no offense to religious people) in there as well. I wonder if this guy didn't throw that story out there so he could get some air time on Fox News... I mean, it's not like he wouldn't be credible to them after Geraldo the other day.
I just think that with all that's being said about this, it could be that people are trying to make this more than what it really is. It's been said before, but some people just don't want to admit that Benoit is a killer.
i'm not admitting it, simply because benoit isn't a likely murderer.
I understand where you're coming from, but in all honesty, you're letting your vision of him in the ring as a performer cloud your judgement about his personal life. It's called 'Sports Entertainment' for a reason... no matter how bad a day, month, or year you're having, the wrestlers go out and perform for the fans like they're on top of the world. Benoit has said many times that wrestling is his life, which would indicate that whenever he's at the arena, around the locker room, and in the ring, he's never happier, which alot of wrestlers can attest to. But you can't assume that just because he's so happy wrestling that it's going to carry over in his life outside the ring.
It's no secret they had marital issues in the past, and sometimes you can get over the problem, but that doesn't mean it's gone forever. Some things will always linger in the back of a person's mind and can come back at a moment's notice.
Benoit killed his family and until there is a convicted murderer and enough hard, proven evidence to show that Benoit didn't do it, I can't believe otherwise. This is my opinion and I'm not trying to change yours in any way... I'm just stating some basic truths that could possibly be applied to him.
[QUOTE="Kotenks"]Benoit killed his family. That is fact. There is no opinion.Mu5uk0
Unless you were there you cannot definitely say he killed his family.
I'm not saying he didn't and I'm not saying it's unlikely that he did, but it has not been 100% proved yet.
Yeah cause his kid or wife totally could have gotten him to or forced him to hang himself on a weight machine, Benoit wasn't a weakling so let's be real. I guess it isn't really set in stone, but Kotenks has pretty much got the idea.
[QUOTE="Mu5uk0"][QUOTE="Kotenks"]Benoit killed his family. That is fact. There is no opinion.oshane_leagull
Unless you were there you cannot definitely say he killed his family.
I'm not saying he didn't and I'm not saying it's unlikely that he did, but it has not been 100% proved yet.
Yeah cause his kid or wife totally could have gotten him to or forced him to hang himself on a weight machine, Benoit wasn't a weakling so let's be real. I guess it isn't really set in stone, but Kotenks has pretty much got the idea.
I'm not trying to make some sweeping statement but until unless you can travel back in time and see what happened we don't know 100%. Super-intelligent bears may have done it. I'm talking a 0.01% chance that Benoit didn't kill his family.
-The Ultimate Warrior will be on the Fox News show "Hannity & Colmes" this evening at 9 PM EST, discussing the Benoit situation.
-Wikipedia has posted an apology from the person that posted saying that Nancy Benoit was dead, many hours before the bodies were discovered. It has turned out that it was just someone posted speculation on why Benoit would miss the show. The statement is posted here, but here is a portion of the statement:
"Hey everyone. I am here to talk about the wikipedia comment that was left by myself. I just want to say that it was an incredible coincidence. Last weekend, I had heard about Chris Benoit no showing Vengeance because of a family emergency, and I had heard rumors about why that was. I was reading rumors and speculation about this matter online, and one of them included that his wife may have passed away, and I did the wrong thing by posting it on wikipedia to spite there being no evidence. I posted my speculation on the situation at the time and I am deeply sorry about this, and I was just as shocked as everyone when I heard that this actually would happen in real life. It is one of those things that just turned into a huge coincidence. That night I found out that what I posted, ended up actually happening, a 1 in 10,000 chance of happening, or so I thought. I was beyond wrong for posting wrongful information, and I am sorry to everyone for this. I just want everyone to know it was stupid of me, and I will never do anything like this again. I just posted something that was at that time a piece of wrong unsourced information that is typical on wikipedia, as it is done all the time.
Nonetheless, I feel incredibly bad for all the attention this got because of the fact that what I said turned out to be the truth. Like I said it was just a major coincidence, and I will never vandalize anything on wikipedia or post wrongful information. I've learned from this experience. I just can't believe what I wrote was actually the case, I've remained stunned and saddened over it.
First of all I'm still not 100% convinced Benoit did it. Just a few things that don't make sense. Though someone else was who posted before me was right (too lazy to see who it was). In real life the obvious suspect is usually the one that did it.
Also just when you thought it couldn't get any worse in the media:
The Ultimate Warrior will be on the Fox News show "Hannity & Colmes" this evening at 9 PM EST, discussing the Benoit situation.
-The Ultimate Warrior will be on the Fox News show "Hannity & Colmes" this evening at 9 PM EST, discussing the Benoit situation.
Good lord... I have a feeling that this is going to make things even worse. Who's willing to make a bet that he's going to accuse Vince McMahon in some form or the other of making him take steroids during his career?? And have they seen any interviews/speeches he's done over the years?? It's a wonder if he'll be able to stay on the subject of Benoit for over 5 minutes before going into some rant about the WWE blackballing him or talking about how he hates gay people.
this forum should go the wwe way and never speak of htat killer again. oh and distrbdslipsoad i am 100% sure you know nothing about chris benoit personnaly so how do you know? we all have the capability of doing bad things.
Benoit killed his family. That is fact. There is no opinion.Kotenks
[QUOTE="DirtyDarren"]Man.... I don't understand why irrelevant former wrestlers have to chime in with their 2 cents about what they think happened and continually try to add more fuel to the fire with this whole ordeal.
Kevin Sullivan is a member of the Satanic Church.... Well, okay then. The whole story that this guy has drawn together has some very valid points, but there's also a bit of 'crazy church guy' (no offense to religious people) in there as well. I wonder if this guy didn't throw that story out there so he could get some air time on Fox News... I mean, it's not like he wouldn't be credible to them after Geraldo the other day.
I just think that with all that's being said about this, it could be that people are trying to make this more than what it really is. It's been said before, but some people just don't want to admit that Benoit is a killer.
i'm not admitting it, simply because benoit isn't a likely murderer.
this forum should go the wwe way and never speak of htat killer again. oh and distrbdslipsoad i am 100% sure you know nothing about chris benoit personnaly so how do you know? we all have the capability of doing bad things.
look, dude. this man was within a day of winning a world title, something which should have come a lot sooner than 2007. but in all regards, his career was looking to be as high as it was back when he won gold at wrestlemania XX. from what i've come to hear about chris over my 9+ years of wrestling entertainment, is that he is absolutely in love with that family of his, never shunning to help them out. why would somebody who is so close to gold, and somebody so dedicated to a group of people, throw it all away without reason? until i find out an exact motive of his, i am not going to set on one favored opinion.
[QUOTE="ocdog45"]this forum should go the wwe way and never speak of htat killer again. oh and distrbdslipsoad i am 100% sure you know nothing about chris benoit personnaly so how do you know? we all have the capability of doing bad things.
look, dude. this man was within a day of winning a world title, something which should have come a lot sooner than 2007. but in all regards, his career was looking to be as high as it was back when he won gold at wrestlemania XX. from what i've come to hear about chris over my 9+ years of wrestling entertainment, is that he is absolutely in love with that family of his, never shunning to help them out. why would somebody who is so close to gold, and somebody so dedicated to a group of people, throw it all away without reason? until i find out an exact motive of his, i am not going to set on one favored opinion.
I am in doubt of wether he did it or not as well,but the evidence is against Benoit at this point and it has been a week since the first murder occured and I'm sure they have been through that house over and over and over again to see if there could be any evidence of someone else being in that house who could committ the murders,but there could be one of those miraculous breaks in the case to where they may ctually find something and not to mention the obvious point of the whole toxicology results that everyone hopes will be done within or at least by the end of the upcoming week.
As of right now the story is of a friendly man,dedicated father and wonderfully talented wrestler who was said to not have any signs of any kind of anger issues or anything of that nature and who adored his family more than anything just turned into a killer,now I know of the whole issues he did have with his wife to where he did show anger and how difficult life was dealing with a son with a harsh illness and the pressures of being in the wrestling business,WWE especially,but no one knows or understands and may never will onwhat exactlyhappened to Chris Benoit in his home a week ago to make him take the lives of his wife and ill son.
Every one is still in mourning of this devastating tragedy and will be for awhile,but when the results come back for the toxicology tests,we will see what new information comes out and see if alot of the world is right or if there was something else to it.
[QUOTE="Link256"]-The Ultimate Warrior will be on the Fox News show "Hannity & Colmes" this evening at 9 PM EST, discussing the Benoit situation.
Good lord... I have a feeling that this is going to make things even worse. Who's willing to make a bet that he's going to accuse Vince McMahon in some form or the other of making him take steroids during his career?? And have they seen any interviews/speeches he's done over the years?? It's a wonder if he'll be able to stay on the subject of Benoit for over 5 minutes before going into some rant about the WWE blackballing him or talking about how he hates gay people.
i can only imagine how it'll end up being about Benoit being a queer and how "queerin doesn't make the world go round"
In regards towards the posts above, ocdog45
Chris Benoit to me seemed like one of the few wrestlers today whose Ring personality was very identical to his real one. Chris Benoit had passion for wrestling almost as much as his passion for his family( based off of previous wrestler statements) so, it is very difficult for alot of people to beleive Chris Benoit would commitsuch monsterous crimes.
I have a question. What if Chris' toxology reports come back negative for the use of steroids? There is no motive, no excuse for blaming him if it does. Will you still blame him? I know i wont.
The Ultimate Warrior did not appear on Hannity and Colmes tonight due to the show devoting more time to the London car bombing. He is scheduled to appear on the show on Monday now, assuming the national media is still covering the story at this rate then.
i might record the warrior comments, just to see how loony they'll be.
im still curious over fingerprints. i read about the bruises on his wifes back, and his son looked like a hold was applied, but i havnt read anything on fingerprints. im sure they've done this, but you never know. in my rinky dink town, the murderer could be standing over the victom, still holding the knife with fresh blood and they'd ask if he's seen anything.
[QUOTE="DirtyDarren"][QUOTE="Link256"]-The Ultimate Warrior will be on the Fox News show "Hannity & Colmes" this evening at 9 PM EST, discussing the Benoit situation.
Good lord... I have a feeling that this is going to make things even worse. Who's willing to make a bet that he's going to accuse Vince McMahon in some form or the other of making him take steroids during his career?? And have they seen any interviews/speeches he's done over the years?? It's a wonder if he'll be able to stay on the subject of Benoit for over 5 minutes before going into some rant about the WWE blackballing him or talking about how he hates gay people.
i can only imagine how it'll end up being about Benoit being a queer and how "queerin doesn't make the world go round"
A basket of muffins and delectible treats are on your way for the post of the week sir!
The New York Daily News has an article up that states that 10 empty beer cans and an empty wine bottle were found in Chris Benoit's house. Check out the article here.
- A transcript of Chris Jericho's appearance on CNN's Nancy Grace is available here.
- At this point, WWE plans to not make any mention of Chris Benoit again and go on with their storylines as normal. []
- The Baltimore Sun has an article up that takes a shot at the media coverage of the Benoit story, saying they are trying to blame it all on roid rage when other factors probably had an impact. Check out that article here.
"10 empty beer cans and an empty wine bottle"
Come on, they're just reaching for straws with the beer cans. I have 10 beer bottles in my recycling bin, and I don't even drink. The bottle found next to him though, that could be something. But like roid rage, being drunk doesn't last 3 days unless he kept going with the drinks.
Check They have the nitty-gritty details about what transpired last Monday. It's a darned shame this had to happen. A darned shame.
- A clip of Bret Hart's appearance on On The Record on FOX News last week is now available here.
- The funerals of Nancy and Daniel Benoit have been postponed due to the ongoing investigations into their deaths. The funerals were to take place Monday or Tuesday in Daytona Beach, FL. For more on this, please click here.
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